Chapter 37 Kiss

Chapter 34 Kiss

On the morning of New Year's Eve, Pei Yunkuang and Mrs. Xu were called into the palace.The emperor gave a banquet in the palace. This time, not only the relatives of the emperor, but also some generals from the Northern Expedition were invited.

Si Tian had half a day free, and when she was free, she missed her mother a little, so she walked to the garden to relax.

The plum blossoms were in full bloom, the plum branches were thin, and the fragrance of the flowers was intoxicating. She stopped and raised her head to take a few deep breaths.

Suddenly, Luyu, the maid beside Su Pian, ran over: "Miss Si, someone came to see you just now and was sent away by the housekeeper. This is what he left behind."

She was stunned: "Who is it?"

"I don't know, it was given to me by the housekeeper."

She took the burden curiously.The burden still has some weight in my hand.She went back to the house, spread the bundle on the table and opened it. Inside was a beautiful satin jacket, a few packets of snacks, and five taels of silver!
She couldn't think of anyone else in the capital who would give her something for a long time, was it Brother Huzi?But if it was him, Butler Wanzi would definitely not let him in. Who the hell?
She packed her bags and went to look for Butler Wanzi.

Seeing her coming to ask, Pei Sixi hurriedly said: "Oh, that person is about 20 years old, and his surname is Wu. I saw that he was embarrassed, so I didn't let him in, so I sent him away, but he insisted on keeping his things."

Her heart suddenly moved, could it be Wu Rong?But shouldn't he be in Xinzhou? Why did he come to the capital?But apart from him, she really couldn't think of knowing that person surnamed Wu.

"Uncle housekeeper, if he comes next time, just call me and I'll come out to meet you, okay?"

"to make."

Unexpectedly, the housekeeper came to her the next afternoon: "Miss Si, that person from yesterday is here again."

She thought for a while and said, "Please ask uncle to let him wait for me at the west corner gate in the back garden, and I will be there soon."

Today is the first day of the new year, and there are people coming and going in front of the gate of the palace, so naturally she can't stand there and talk to people.The west corner gate of the back garden is very remote, usually only people who deliver food pass through there, and no one should see a few words there.She thought about it for a long time yesterday, but in fact, she already thought that that person was Wu Rong nine times out of ten. Thinking of him, she couldn't tell what it was like.

She walked slowly to the west corner of the back garden, gently opened the wooden door, and found a young man waiting there.Tall, very thin.She was more and more sure that he was Wu Rong, and she couldn't help blushing.

She asked in a low voice: "I am Si Tian, ​​may I ask who is the young master?"

The young man also blushed when he saw her, and whispered: "I am Wu Rong."

Sure enough, it was him, and she blushed even more.

"How did you come?"

"March is the spring exam, my mother asked me to come here first."


He smiled slightly and said, "I wanted to pick you up yesterday to celebrate the New Year, but the butler didn't pass on the news. Come today and wish you a New Year."

He was so polite and thoughtful, which made her feel embarrassed. When she saw him just now, she forgot to say happy new year.

"Oh, so where do you live?"

"My father has a shop on Ronglin Street, and I live there."

"Thank you for the gift."

He smiled embarrassedly: "Mother prepared it, and I don't know if you like it or not."

She pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "I like it."

No more words.

Both of them were embarrassed to look at each other presumptuously, looking down at their own toes, and just kept silent with a little embarrassment.

He was a man after all, he was a little more courageous, and finally got up the courage to look at her.She looked better than before, and he was very happy in his heart. He made up his mind that he must get a good reputation in the examination and marry her in a good manner.

"You read with your heart, you don't need to come here all the time." He just came yesterday, and he came again today. She felt that it was bad for others to know that he came so frequently.

He hurriedly said: "I, can I come once every three days?"

Three days is not called work?She became more and more ashamed, and said in a low voice: "Sometimes I am not in the palace, maybe I will return to Xinzhou with the prince after a while."

He was a little disappointed that he couldn't see her often, but she had agreed to marry him, which already made him feel very satisfied, so let's wait for two years, anyway, some people are worth waiting for.

"Then I'll come back when I have time." He said goodbye very politely.

She watched his back, as if looking at her own future.

That night, Pei Yunkuang suddenly called her to the study, and when he saw her, he cut straight to the point and said, "I heard that your fiancé has come to the door?"

She immediately had a fever on her face and couldn't speak. He also cared too much, and the news was too good.Was it a deliberate question, or did the housekeeper report it to him?

When he saw the blush on her face, he felt a little uncomfortable immediately, and said coldly: "In the future, don't let him come."

She immediately felt suffocated.Why?The family members of other servants are also allowed to visit, why can't she?In fact, she had told Wu Rong not to come over, but she felt a little wronged when he said such a request.

She didn't say yes or no, she bit her lip and said nothing.

"Why, I think you look very aggrieved?" He was good at observing words and expressions, and immediately saw her thoughts, and his heart became more and more uncomfortable.

She remained silent.

He held back his anger and forced a smile: "Silly girl, I am doing it for your own good and for his own good too! He often comes to see you, so others will naturally think he is mine. The chief examiner for the spring test has not yet been decided. What if they Do you think he will have any good fame?"

She warmly understood in her heart that she seemed to have wronged him just now.She was a little embarrassed, bowed her head and planned to leave.

"That man, I heard, looks average."

After he finished speaking, he was a little regretful, his tone sounded a little sour, he never talked about people's appearance behind others, and today he unexpectedly made an exception.

She pretended not to hear, turned around and left the study.In her heart, appearance is the second, character is the first.

He looked at her back, feeling a little empty in his heart.The high-sounding words just now were mixed with his private thoughts in the final analysis. When he heard that the man came to the palace to look for her, he immediately felt sullen.

The next day, Si Tian took some time to go to Ronglin Street.

She felt that what Pei Yunkuang said was very reasonable. She didn't want to delay Wu Rong's future, so she had to come and tell him that she must never go to the palace to look for her in the future, so as not to be misunderstood as a member of King Anqing.

When she reached Ronglin Street, she searched carefully according to the plaque on the door, and finally came across a shop bearing the name of Wu Ji.

She walked in and said to the clerk at the counter: "Excuse me, is there a young master named Wu Rong here?"

The guy nodded: "Who are you?"

"My surname is Si, please ask him to come out, I have something to say to him."

The clerk entered the back hall, and after a while, Wu Rong hurried out from the back hall of the shop and was overjoyed to see her.

"How did you come?"

Si Tian blushed, and said in a low voice: "I have something to tell you, it's not convenient because there are so many people here."

He was so excited that he never dreamed that she would come to him and have something to say to him in private.He hurriedly said, "Let's go to Ruyi Building."

"Where is Ruyi Building?"

"It's the best restaurant in the capital. It's on the street ahead. Let's go eat and find a private room to chat while eating, shall we?"

How could he let go of such a rare opportunity to be alone with her.

She couldn't bear to refuse his kindness, but even more couldn't bear to let him spend money. A few words are worth such extravagance?She hurriedly said: "Let's just find a secluded place and talk a few words. This is very important." There were people coming and going in the shop all the time, and she couldn't explain why they came.

"Si Tian, ​​I, I really just want to treat you to dinner. You are helpless in the capital, me, me..." His sincere forehead was about to drip sweat.

She had no choice but to see that he was a serious and sincere person, and it would be useless to continue arguing with him, so she had no choice but to agree.

He was overjoyed and took her to the east of the street.

The Ruyi Building is really grand, it was at noon, and it was full of people everywhere, and finally found a private room, the two sat down, and Si Tian explained the matter when Xiaoer left.

After hearing this, Wu Rong was both disappointed and sweet.It was disappointing that he couldn't go to her often to cultivate feelings, but she came here to warn him, which showed that she cared about him so much, and he felt very relieved.

He ordered a few dishes, Si Tian only took a few mouthfuls, and was about to go back in a hurry.

He sent her downstairs and wanted to send more, but she stopped him.

"Young Master, let's go back, don't let anyone see you." She saw him more naturally today than yesterday, and saw his appearance clearly.He wasn't as ordinary as Pei Yunkuang said at all, he was very handsome and attractive.

Thinking of this, she blushed slightly, bowed her head and left.

Wu Rong watched her off with a little bewilderment in his eyes.

She was walking around the corner of Hengwu Street, when suddenly someone called her in a low voice.

She turned her head quickly and saw that it was Shang Yu!

He walked quickly, his face was a little gloomy, and the word "Chuan" twisted his eyebrows.

She stared and wondered, "Eldest senior brother, why are you here?"

He walked two steps in front of her, stood with his hands behind his back, condescending and imposing.

"I was having dinner with my friends in Ruyilou just now, and I saw you."

What a coincidence!She smiled and said, "Elder brother, is there something wrong? Didn't you have something to say to me last time? That day, I" she suddenly realized in the middle of speaking that she couldn't continue, or she would miss it, and he would find out that he saw him The scene with Lin Xiyan was intimate.

He didn't care about that day's affairs anymore, the current matter was very important.He didn't go around in circles anymore, and asked directly: "Who was that man just now?" When he first saw them entering the Ruyi Building together, he didn't think much about it, thinking that she was out to do something for Pei Yunkuang, but unexpectedly, he took a closer look at the two of them. The look, but that's not the case. The man has been looking at her affectionately, and he hasn't looked at her openly. He is a little reserved and dare not peek at her presumptuously. He feels strange.When the two broke up again, she was shy and he was reluctant.He watched her off for a long time, his expression still very nympho.

He barely held back and didn't step forward to punch the man, nervousness was better than anger.He immediately followed her.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his palms, he always thought that she would not have a chance to meet others in the palace, so he was very relieved and planned to wait for her to come to Ji, but things didn't seem to be what he thought.

She blushed, it was a coincidence that he saw her.She hesitated to say it.

Seeing her expression, he became even more anxious: "Who the hell?"

She hurriedly said, "His name is Wu Rong."

He said angrily: "I didn't ask his name, what does it have to do with you?" He didn't bother to care about that person's name, he only cared about his relationship with her, why he had that expression and eyes.

Her ears were going to turn red, but she knew his temper, if he didn't tell the truth, he would keep asking.She had no choice but to murmur like a mosquito: "He is my fiancé."

He felt his eyes go dark, and he was so angry that he almost lost his breath!good very good!She unexpectedly got engaged behind his back, and even dared to have a tryst in the capital!very good!
There was a feeling of aggrievedness and anger in his heart that was cold and sour, and his heart ached from the choking.He frowned, took a few long breaths, and managed to manage the breath so that he wouldn't faint.

"Who made you betrothed?"

"My mother."

"Why don't you ask me what I mean?"

This, the master doesn't care about it, senior brother, it seems that he doesn't care about it, right?She thought so in her heart, but she couldn't save his face by saying so, so she had to say euphemistically: "You are in northern Xinjiang, so I didn't tell you."

"You know that I'm fighting in northern Xinjiang, but you still dare to make a marriage privately?" He was too impatient, his tone was not very good, and he was a little aggressive.

No matter how she heard what he said, she felt that it was wrong. It was like a husband who was away from home questioning his cheating wife.She was a little annoyed, but she kept herself well, so she didn't get angry.

"Eldest brother, if you have nothing else to do, I'll leave first." He was very confused today, looking for faults, she didn't want to talk to him.

With a "bang", his fist rested on the wall, blocking her way, and her heart jumped violently.

He snorted: "I haven't finished talking yet."

Her dazed heart began to beat wildly, how could this situation and posture be so familiar!One night on Lanzhou Mountain, he drank too much, that's all, he pressed her against the screen wall and kissed her.She felt that the situation was a bit bad. Didn't he drink too much with his friends just now?But judging from his tone and demeanor, it definitely doesn't look like he's drunk too much.

Whether he drank too much or not, the current situation was not good for her, and she began to panic.

His eyes were dark and he looked directly into her eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: "I tell you, within three days, the kiss will be withdrawn!"

"What did you say?" She raised her voice and stared at him, there are such unreasonable people.

He tried his best to calm down, and said it again and again: "I said, within three days, the general will retire."

She was anxious: "You, senior brother, what do you mean?"

He took a long breath and said heavily, "What I mean is, who you marry is up to me."

She was so angry that she couldn't speak, how could this person look like a bully.He was not like this in the past. Although he bullied her, he was justified. She has never refused to accept it. Today, she refuses to accept it!

"Eldest brother, you drank too much." She planned to sneak under his arm.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly tightened his arms and pushed her against the wall. Before she could react, he unceremoniously blocked her lips.

This time, it was too much!He actually kissed her mouth, even if she drank too much, she would never forgive her!She became angry and started to fight back, biting his lip unceremoniously.

He still didn't let go, and seemed to be competing with her, kissing harder, a bloody smell mixed together, his and hers.She was about to faint, and she didn't know whether she was angry or kissed.
(End of this chapter)

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