Chapter 40 Drunk

Chapter 37 Drunk

Although she said the phrase "I like you", he knew that it was just an expedient for her to be forced to be unwilling to be wronged.He knows that feelings cannot be forced out in a short while. Now that the external threat has been removed, he will give her time to fall in love with him slowly. He has this confidence.

He put his hand on her shoulder, squeezed it slightly, and said softly: "Si Tian, ​​I will definitely treat you well."

There was no sound around, but his voice was deep and steady, with unquestionable affirmation and determination.

She bowed her head in silence, confused.

His sudden confession and outrageous resignation caught her by surprise, and she was always dizzy and sometimes felt that it was a dream.

He tightened her collar and whispered: "Go back to the house, it's cold outside."

Just let her go?She couldn't believe it, she looked up at him, but couldn't see his expression clearly in the night.But standing in front of him majestically, he couldn't help but give people a sense of stability and peace of mind.This feeling is different from Pei Yunkuang.

I have known him for a year, and he only said two words related to feelings from the beginning to the end, one is I like you, and the other is, I will definitely treat you well.

She turned and went back into the house and lit the candlesticks.

Sitting in front of the window, I can't figure out the messy things in my mind, the jumping flames stir up my thoughts, sometimes it is him, sometimes it is him.

Annoyed, she turned off the lights and went to sleep.

**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
On the ninth day of the lunar new year, someone from Zuo Xiang's mansion sent the young master Zuo Sheng to the Xianyun Chess Club.

This is a seven-year-old child, but he is young and mature, and he carries the demeanor and rules of the children of the aristocratic family in every gesture.

When he saw Xie Cong, he lifted his robe and planned to kowtow, Xie Cong quickly smiled and held his arm.

Zuo Sheng said seriously, "Happy New Year to Master."

"Have you brought a gift for Master?"

He replied solemnly: "I have it. It's a chess book."

Xie Cong showed a look of disappointment on purpose: "Why don't you send Master a beautiful girl?"

Si Tian glanced at him, Brother Cong, isn't this teaching bad children?

"Master, the sage said, only women and villains are difficult to raise. Master, you must love yourself."

These "pedantic" words came out of a child's mouth, it was indescribably funny and cute.Si Tian couldn't help laughing, this kid is much more likable than his father.

Xie Cong stroked his hair and said with a smile, "Good apprentice."

The two entered the chess room, and the two servants of the Zuo Mansion were waiting at the door.Si Tian thought for a while, children must like sweet things, so he went to the kitchen to get pastries, made another cup of red date tea, and planned to send it in.

Unexpectedly, at the door, two servants stopped him.

"My son has brought some food, don't bother the girl."

Although the two men spoke politely, their expressions were not polite.People say that the prime minister's concierge is the third-rank official, and these two people really answered this sentence.

Si Tian took the things back.

It was amazing that a seven-year-old child could spend an hour and a half with Xie Cong in the chess room.After sending Zuo Sheng away, Si Tian sighed, "This kid is really patient."

Xie Cong sighed: "Zuo Xiang regards him as the apple of his eye. At a young age, he invited seven or eight masters to learn painting, chess, and memorize four books and five classics. The little man is so busy."

"It's really hard work."

Xie Cong said in a low voice, "When he comes next time, you will put silver hooks on the chessboard."

Si Tian was startled: "Why?"

"This is the prince's explanation. You just do it."

She felt uneasy, the silver hook was given to her by Pei Yunkuang when she arrived, and asked her to obey Xie Cong's arrangement.She would never have thought that it would be used against a seven-year-old child.What kind of medicine powder is the silver hook?
For the first time, she hesitated about what Pei Yunkuang explained.Shao Pei said that she would never be allowed to do things that would destroy her conscience, but this matter related to a child, and she became more and more anxious. After thinking about it, she was still worried. This time, she had to ask clearly.

This day was the Lantern Festival, and she knew that Pei Yunkuang would definitely be called into the palace.At dusk, she changed into men's clothing and waited on Xuanwu Street. She knew that Pei Yunkuang would pass by this way when he came out of the palace to return to the palace.

The night was getting darker, and the capital was full of fiery trees and silver flowers, and there was a lot of traffic. This was the busiest night of the year in the capital.Both sides of Xuanwu Street are hung with lanterns. After dinner, more people come out to watch the lanterns, admire the moon and guess lantern riddles.

Holding the bag of silver hooks in her hand, she didn't care to look at the lamp, anxiously waiting for his sedan chair.

After waiting for half an hour, she finally saw the familiar sedan chair, and she also knew all of his personal guards beside the sedan chair.When the sedan chair came to her side, she stepped forward a few steps, stopped one of his guards, and said in a low voice, "I have something to say to the lord."

The guard hurriedly leaned against the side curtain of the sedan chair and said.

Pei Yunkuang ordered the sedan chair to stop, opened the side curtain, and saw her standing under the lamp.The lantern glowed with red light, illuminating her face as brightly as clouds, and the slight worry between her brows made her look even more charming.

He whispered: "Let her get on the sedan chair."

The guard waved to her, she approached, hesitated a little, and got on the sedan chair.

There was only one lamp in the sedan chair, and there were two people sitting side by side, suddenly looking cramped, with an ambiguous atmosphere permeating the light, making the shadow of the lamp more and more hazy.

He asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"My lord, what is the silver hook?" She was uneasy and shy, but she did not forget her purpose of looking for him.

He didn't answer right away, but turned his head and smiled softly.

She turned her head and saw only his profile and the smile lines on his lips.

He ordered to the outside of the sedan chair, "Go to the boat by the Yong River."

She didn't know what he meant by that, so she boldly asked again: "My lord, what is a silver hook?" She decided that if it was poison, she would rather be punished by him than do that.

He turned his face and smiled at her very gently: "Don't worry, we'll talk about it later."

She lives in a sedan chair, the space is too small, the distance is too close.The smell on his body was clearly audible, his breath filled the whole sedan chair, oppressing her and wrapping her, she felt that she was about to be submerged.

He didn't speak, and seemed to be enjoying the ambiguity of this silence.

The sedan chair finally stopped.

She got off the sedan chair, and there was a river in front of her.There are some lotus lanterns in the river, floating in the water waves, rippling with the shadow of the moon.The twinkling lights are like stars on the Milky Way.

He went down the stone steps on the bank and boarded a small boat moored on the bank.She had no choice but to follow behind him and also boarded the boat.

The guards and bearers were waiting on the shore, and there was only a few distant barks of dogs in the surrounding area.

The boat was clean and tidy, and the cabin was extremely simple, with only a couple of piers. He sometimes asked people to come here on the pretext of fishing to explain some important things.

He first sat down on a short pier, then pointed to the short pier opposite Xiao Ji, and said, "Sit down."

She sat opposite him as promised, only three feet away from him.

He smiled calmly, under the lamplight, his face was extremely soft and beautiful.She was in a daze for a moment, feeling that he was so handsome that he didn't look like a real person.

An old man brought tea.

He raised his head and said with a smile, "Qi Bo, let's have a pot of wine today."

The old man took another jug ​​of wine and two glasses, and then retreated out of the cabin silently.

"This is Qi Yang's grandfather." He smiled and poured two glasses of wine, and put one in front of her.

She was stunned, Qi Yang's grandfather?How come here?

He took a sip of the wine, put the glass on his lips, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at her with a smile: "Si Tian, ​​I, King Linjiang, and King Leping, one of them will aspire to the throne. If you are not mine , who do you think is the most suitable?"

How could she answer such a heavy, sensitive and taboo topic?She panicked in her heart, and whispered: "I, I dare not say." In fact, she hoped that it was him, and she also felt that he was the best and most suitable.

He smiled: "The king of Linjiang is more ambitious than capable, he likes to be aggressive, and he likes to calculate others. He poisoned me, but I didn't expect that the pastry was dropped by someone, and the princess was poisoned to death. He still thinks about it. My Lanzhou Mountain has iron mines. So if he becomes the throne, he will definitely find an excuse to get rid of me and take back the fief."

He said calmly, and she was secretly startled.

He paused and then said: "Wang Leping is a treacherous and cunning man. He has been recuperating from his illness for several years. He will let his son come forward for everything. In the future, he can blame his son for anything. You said that if a person even his own If you don’t love your son, how can you still love the common people? However, the eldest son is a very good person, with impeccable character and talent. It would be good if the emperor passed the throne directly to him through King Leping.”

She didn't understand, what did he say that had anything to do with Yingou?
"In fact, I don't necessarily want to win the throne. But in the future, no matter whether it is me or King Leping, I hope that the situation in the court will change, not like it is now. Do you know Su Pian's father? He is the envoy of the Imperial Hospital. , was killed because he said that taking elixir would not allow him to live forever. And Xie Cong, Qi Yang, everyone has an unjust case."

He pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice: "So, no matter whether I can ascend to the throne or not, I will eradicate some malignant tumors in the court. Zhang Guoshi is the biggest one among them."

He put down his glass and looked at her: "Silver hook is not a poison, it's just an introduction. People who have taken the elixir will arouse old diseases in their bodies. Zuo Sheng had a serious illness when he was young. I recommended Liang Guoren." He was cured. Later, in order to please Zuo Xiang, Zhang Guoren specially made some solid nourishing pills for Zuo Sheng, saying that it can strengthen his body. Now that the silver hook caused Zuo Sheng's Chen illness, Liang Guoren would tell Zuo Xiang that the pills are poisonous In this way, Prime Minister Zhang will hold a grudge against Zhang Guoshi. He will avenge his revenge, and he will spare no effort when Zhang Guoshi is brought down. His power in the court cannot be underestimated, and many people belong to him As a disciple, so does Lin Yishan."

After he finished the last sentence, he looked at her quietly, waiting for her reaction.

She was taken aback for a moment, why did he mention Lin Yishan, did he know something?
He said sternly: "I sent someone to investigate your mother's poisoning. In all likelihood, it was Lin Yifeng who did it. It should be that Prime Minister Zuo wanted to avenge your mother's escape, so he instructed him to do so."

She was stunned, Lin Yifeng, prime minister on the left!

She began to recall, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Lin Yifeng was the most likely.Her eyes were wet, and she held her palm tightly.The hatred in his heart surged, he owed Xiao An his life.

He reached out, covered her eyelids, and absorbed the unshed tears into his palm.

"In the future, I will avenge you. Be patient first."

He picked up the wine glass, put it in her hand, and said softly: "Drink some wine, you will feel better."

She looked down at the wine in the glass, her heart was full of pain and confusion, she raised her glass and drank it down, coughing desperately.

He hurriedly stood up, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Silly girl, why are you drinking in such a hurry?"

She wiped away her tears, poured herself another glass, and still drank it all in one gulp.Soon, it was four glasses of spirits.

Seeing her bold way of drinking, he was afraid that he would be drunk in a while, so he hurriedly stopped her and said, "Go back."

He took her arm and got ashore.

The lotus flowers in the water blossomed one by one, and in her eyes, there were double images.She looked a little crazy, remembering that when she was a child, she and Xiao An used to let off river lanterns.Xiao An, I will definitely avenge you.

Seeing her gloomy expression, staring at the water, he sighed softly and said, "In the future, I will let you take a good look at the great rivers and mountains."

His words suddenly shocked her slightly drunkenness!
She started to get dizzy in the sedan chair, and if she felt sorrow or hatred, bitterness or tears in her heart, she would get drunk quickly.

When she woke up again, it was already the morning of the second day.

Her head was still a little dizzy, and when she opened her eyes, she was in a trance for a moment, and suddenly, she found that there was another person lying beside her bed.

She sat up abruptly, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Look again, he let out a sigh of relief, it was Shang Yu.Why is he here?He slept on the side of the bed, frowning, as if he was very tired and hard.

She hastily looked down at her clothes, the man's outer shirt was gone, and there were women's clothes inside.Did he take off his coat?Her face started to burn. She had no memory of how she got here last night.

His eyebrows moved, she hurriedly shrank into the bed, sat on the corner of the bed, and whispered: "Eldest brother."

He woke up immediately, sat up and looked at her, and smiled wryly.Suddenly he rushed over.She was startled by him, and quickly shrank back.

He was only a foot away from her face, looked into her eyes, and asked, "You still drank yesterday!"


He sat back and said in relief: "Forget it, I think you are in a bad mood, I will forgive you once, and I will not be an example."

How did he know she was in a bad mood?She nervously pulled the quilt up and covered her chin.

"You, why are you here?"

He frowned and said in dissatisfaction: "I wanted to come to you to see the lamp, but you were not here. Then I waited for a long time before you were sent back by the prince's men, and you were still drunk!" He was really disappointed, The Lantern Festival wanted to take her to have a good time, but she was sent back drunk, and she didn't know what happened.Fortunately, she later confessed to herself that it was her family affair and family feud.

He laughed and said: "You are very talkative when you are drunk. You dragged me and talked a lot, and you didn't let me go. You can't stop talking. If you want to listen to your thoughts in the future, it seems that you can do it when you are drunk."

She blushed like a morning glow, and said anxiously: "Nonsense."

He chuckled: "I knew you would deny it."

"I wouldn't do that."

He stood up graciously, patted his clothes, and said, "Forget it, they are all from my family, and I won't dislike you."

She blushed even more, who and he were her own family.

"I'm going to the Ministry of War today, and I'll see you again when I'm free."

She breathed a sigh of relief, it was really embarrassing to lie on the same bed with him early in the morning, he should leave quickly.

He seemed to think of something suddenly, then leaned down again, and said to her: "By the way, you did something very embarrassing to me last night."

What a shame!Her face turned pale with fright, and she immediately thought about that.

"What, what's the matter?"

He paused: "That's right, it's related to clothes."

Her face paled, and then began to flush, sure enough.

He sighed: "You still have great strength, I won't let you, you insist."

She was about to faint in embarrassment.

He frowned helplessly: "Later, I thought that since we will be a family in the future, it's okay to do something in advance, so I'll leave it to you."

She put her face on the quilt, without the face to look at him, and just begged him to stop talking.

He pulled back the quilt under her face, and said seriously: "Look, your snot is all over my clothes. You have to pay me for it, and you have to do it yourself."

She let out a long breath and scared her to death!She thought she was messing around after drinking and insisted on taking off his clothes.It turned out that it was just to wipe the snot on his clothes. She raised her head and glared at him with a blushing face. He really wanted to scare her deliberately and took the opportunity to blackmail her.

She said angrily, "You mean I can't make clothes."

He said with a smile: "If you stain my clothes, I will pay you one piece. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to do it, and I don't dislike it if you don't do it well."

She frowned helplessly: "I'll buy one to compensate you."

"No, you have to do it yourself, otherwise."

"How about otherwise?"

"Otherwise, I'll destroy one of your clothes too." He pretended to threaten her viciously, but in fact he was about to laugh out loud. He just teased her on purpose. Seeing her shame, she was so cute that she wanted to bite and kiss her, but he Still held back.

How to destroy?She told herself not to think wrongly, but she couldn't help thinking wrongly, so she became angry from embarrassment: "I don't know how long you wear."

"You can measure it now."

"I don't have a ruler."

"You have hands." He felt that she, a girl, would only submit if she had nowhere to retreat, and now he had no choice but to play tricks, otherwise he would never be able to get closer to her.

by hand?Wouldn't that be groping around?She quickly surrendered and said in a low voice, "I'm going to buy a ruler and cloth today."

He smiled, got up and left.She felt that she was very frustrated in front of him. Although she refused, it had no effect at all, like a fist hitting cotton.

(End of this chapter)

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