Fortunately met when I was not married

Chapter 5 Who takes advantage of whom?

Chapter 5 Who takes advantage of whom?
Chapter 4 Who takes advantage of whom?
The chimney of Aunt Yang's house has already emitted blue smoke, and the smoke of the world is blooming in the empty sky.Green hills are the best background for cooking smoke, as if money is the best foil for wealth.She took a deep breath and seemed to have smelled the aroma of food.Now she can enjoy a taste of simple tea and light meals.

She quickened her pace and ran to the kitchen first.

Sure enough, Aunt Yang was bent over cooking.At her feet was a reed chicken, with its head up, waiting for the tea dust on Aunt Yang's chopping board to fall off.

Si Tian loves it more than himself, because it can lay eggs to nourish his mother.Seeing her clucking a few times, the reed chicken came over.She patted it with a smile and called "Aunt Yang".

Aunt Yang's eyes were red from the smoke, and when she turned around and saw her, she immediately smiled and said, "A Tian is back, your mother just fell asleep, call her after dinner is ready."

Si Tian washed his hands and came over to help.While packing the dishes, she said, "Aunt Yang, Qishimen has accepted me. From now on, I can receive ten taels of silver every month."

Aunt Yang smiled happily: "Great, now you have money for your mother's medicine. Qishimen is really rich, do you think any apprentice in the city can give this amount? Tieniu is at Blacksmith Zhao , It’s only ten cents a month. You’re so lucky, I’ve lived at the foot of this mountain for nearly ten years, and I’ve never heard of them accepting apprentices, only female apprentices.”

Si Tian was also full of joy, and couldn't help but said: "When I finish my studies, I heard that I can receive 1000 taels of silver."

Aunt Yang froze with the kitchen knife in her hand, her eyes staring like the big green beans on the chopping board.

"1000 taels!"

Si Tian smiled embarrassedly: "Yes."

"My God, I've never seen so much silver in my life."

Si Tian's heart ached, Aunt Yang used to be a part-time job in her family, and her monthly salary was only 1000 Wen.And [-] taels of silver, to her family, was only half a year's income from the embroidery workshop and the rouge workshop.Now, it is a huge fortune, and she needs three years of freedom in exchange for it. However, she already feels that her luck is very good. Thinking of those brothel girls who exhausted their youth and forced their smiles, they will finally have a few taels of silver in hand?
She smiled: "Aunt Yang, when I get it, I will let you see it, and I will give you some. Thanks to you for taking us in."

Aunt Yang smiled: "That's right, in the past, your mother didn't know how many clothes you gave me."

After chatting with Aunt Yang for a few words, the simple meal was ready.

Aunt Yang filled the rice and said, "Go get your mother to eat."

Si Tian walked lightly to the right wing room, the adobe house, the lighting is very poor, even in the daytime, the room is dimly yellow.

An earthen kang, the red peony flowers on the half-worn quilt are old, and the color is dull and hazy, just like the mother's face.No one would have thought that Xi Ran, who was famous in the eastern capital of Luoyang 20 years ago, is now lying on an earthen kang in the countryside, haggard like a blush in the wind.

Si Tian knelt down gently and looked at his mother.

She didn't sleep well, her delicate willow-leaf eyebrows frowned, her thin lips parted slightly, and she uttered a name inaudibly, Xiao'an.

Si Tian's eyes were sore, she quickly raised her neck, stared hard, and forced back the wetness.She took a long breath, lowered her head and gently pushed her mother's shoulder, and called out in a low voice, "Mom, it's time to eat."

Xi Ran fell into a light sleep and opened her eyes immediately.

"A Tian, ​​where did you go this morning?"

"I went to the Qishimen on the mountain. I heard brother Tie Niu next door said yesterday that they want to accept apprentices. Mom, I have already been accepted."

Xi Ran sat up slowly: "Has Tie Niu gone? If you are with him, there will be someone to take care of you."

Si Tian smiled and said, "The Qishimen only accepts female disciples this time, and there is another condition that they must be proficient in medical theory. Brother Tie Niu can't go, he gave birth by the river for a long time."

"Really, it's good for you to learn martial arts. People are kind and bullied. Mother just realized it too late, so she was reduced to such a situation and hurt you."

Si Tian smiled, the past is so far away that it seems to be someone else's story.When I think about it, I just feel in a trance.

"Mother, don't think too much, it's important to take care of your body."

Xi Ran looked at her daughter, and there was something in her throat, but she couldn't bear to say it. She just patted her head and said with a smile, "Okay. When I recover from illness, let's go back to Luoyang."

Si Tian helped her to the outside room, where Aunt Yang had already prepared the meals.A pot of porridge, a plate of vegetables, and a boiled egg.

Si Tian peeled the eggs and put them in his mother's bowl.Xi Ran sighed, picked out the egg yolk and put it in her daughter's bowl, and said in a low voice, "When I eat the egg yolk, I choke on my throat, you can eat it."

Si Tian's heart ached, his mother never said that before.She took her mother's bowl again, put the egg yolk in the mother's bowl, beat it carefully, and placed it in front of Xi Ran.

"That's fine."

Xi Ran wryly smiled helplessly, looking at her emaciated daughter with distress. After the family change, she seemed to grow up overnight.She is the only reason for her to hold on until now.

After finishing his meal in a hurry, Si Tian handed over three taels of silver to his mother. "Mother, you must take your medicine well. From now on, I will have ten taels of silver every month. I live on the mountain. If you have anything to do, please ask brother Tieniu to find me on the mountain." She was worried again, To Aunt Yang: "Aunt Yang, Doctor Zhou is here, you must remember to let him take good medicine."

Aunt Yang smiled enviously: "It's nice to have a daughter, how caring. That kid in my family doesn't know where he is every day."

"Mom, I'm leaving. I'll go down the mountain to see you when I'm free."

Si Tian rushed back in a hurry, since he had told Shao Pei about an hour to go back, he had to advance and not delay.

The second time she climbed the sky-like stone steps, she felt a little confident and put extra effort, hoping that she could see her purple purse somewhere on the steps.It's a pity that her eyes were wide open, and she searched around deliberately, but there was still no trace.When she climbed to the last step panting, the two bowls of gruel that she ate when she arrived seemed to be empty.She really wanted to go into the mountain gate in one go, but her whole body was weak, as if she would die if she took another step, she just sat outside the mountain gate, not even wanting to move her fingers.

The two birds flew chirping, chasing and playing, just like she and Xiao An when they were young.The past is like an ink painting, with years of wind and rain, the color vicissitudes, but the stroke belonging to Xiaoan is getting thicker and thicker, like a sharp knife coming out of the painting, piercing heartache.

Someone seemed to be talking in the mountain gate, so she stood up and walked in.

As he approached, he heard a girl's voice.

"Brother, the steps are so high, so steep, and so many, I don't believe that someone can walk up without resting."

Shang Yu's voice was still cold and impatient: "You don't believe me? Then go back."

After a moment of silence, the woman's voice softened: "Brother, why don't you be accommodating, and Master is not here, so just pretend you didn't see me resting, okay?"

Si Tian stopped outside the door, his face turned red.She said the same thing, and then, just...
Sure enough, Shang Yu said, "Okay, come here and kiss me, and I'll pretend I didn't see it."

Si Tian's face turned even redder, as if what was happening inside the door was the scene between himself and Shang Yu in the morning.He's gone too far. Isn't this a false public benefit, taking advantage of the opportunity?
She was very embarrassed, although it was unintentional, but she seemed to be listening to someone else's corner, and she didn't know whether to step back or stay here.

While hesitating, he only heard a sharp shout: "Dengtuzi!" Then, a girl ran out of the mountain gate, blushing and not looking at the road, and almost bumped into her.

The girl's accent is a bit strange, the word "Dengtuzi" is said to be "Dengtuzi".

She wanted to laugh, but suddenly, Shang Yu flashed by the door.She immediately bit her lip and looked at him "seriously".

Shang Yu rolled his eyes and shouted: "Why are you laughing? This is the rule set by the master. Do you think I am willing? Everyone will come to take advantage of me!" , as if he was the one who was molested.

This idea was actually ordered by his master?why?Si Tian didn't dare to ask, but just wanted to laugh.Because Senior Brother Shang was rejected by the woman, he seemed to lose face, and his face was very ugly.But, didn't he take advantage of other girls?How could it be said that girls took advantage of him?In this way, including her in it is a bit unreasonable, and she was wronged and gave him her first kiss for no reason.

With a cold face, he pasted a large notice on the mountain gate.

When Si Tian saw it, there were only four words: Recruitment is over.

Shang Yu glanced at her, frowned, and snorted again: "Go, clean the mountain gate carefully." After saying that, he closed the mountain gate and left leisurely and unrestrainedly. It's kind of threatening.

She had no choice but to find a broom in a corner of the courtyard, and carefully swept the seven floors of the courtyard.

When sweeping to the seventh-floor courtyard, she was extra careful.This is Shao Pei's study and residence, he seems to be a quiet person, she was afraid of disturbing him, so she tried her best not to make a sound.

The door is gently hidden, and Xiaoxuan's window is opened.In front of the window is a bamboo forest, the breeze sweeps the bamboo leaves, rustling like rings and rings.

She gently put down the broom, and was about to go back to the Suzaku Yard in the backyard through the side door.Suddenly the door creaked.

Shao Pei stood at the door and said lightly, "Si Tian, ​​come here."

Si Tian responded and stepped into the room.

Shao Pei poured a cup of tea, took two sips, then nodded to signal Si Tian to sit down on the chair.

Si Tian was a little cautious, and only sat on half of the chair shallowly, with his hands hanging on his knees.

Shao Pei's gaze was calm and deep, still as cold as a piercing and soul-like transparency, just a casual glance made people feel condensed.

This is the third time she has seen him today.Now that he has left Qishimen at Qishimen, and saw his easy-going side when he was on leave, she was no longer as apprehensive and fearful as the first time, and met his gaze calmly, with a calm and steady expression, as if a The stream moved by the wind, cloud and thunder is slowly trickling.

Shao Pei is very satisfied with her calmness and composure, her immature face is as elegant as snow, An Yi is like a crescent moon, like a bay of clear spring, waiting for the clouds to pass through the sky.In her body, there is no tweaking and greenness that a 14-year-old girl is used to seeing.

"There are four factions in our sect. Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu have to study martial arts, weapons, and hidden weapons. Suzaku doesn't learn martial arts. It only needs to be proficient in medical theory, and it also needs to be involved in poison making."

Si Tian looked at him, quietly waiting for him to continue.

He was very satisfied with her reaction. When Lin Xiyan heard the last sentence, her eyebrows twitched, as if she was a little surprised and unwilling.As for her, her expression did not change slightly, her eyes were still crystal clear like amber.

He interrupted his own topic, and couldn't help asking: "Do you know why I left you?"

Si Tian shook his head lightly, why she doesn't need to know, she just needs to know the result, a person who knows too much in a complicated situation and inquires too much is actually digging a hole for himself.The green grass hides a flat and beautiful scene, maybe one day one stepped into it and shattered all the glamor on the outside.

The corners of Shao Pei's lips curled up slightly, showing some appreciation: "First, you are patient enough; second, you are honest enough; third, you kissed Shang Yu."

After hearing the last sentence, Si Tian immediately blushed.Shao Pei ignored her embarrassment and did not explain the reason in detail, and continued: "I have something important to go down the mountain for January. As Suzaku, you don't need to force yourself to learn martial arts, just learn one of our sect's moves. From tomorrow, I will Let Shang Yu teach you and Lin Xiyan. When I come back in January, I hope you and Lin Xiyan have learned it, and then start to study medicine."

Si Tian nodded in agreement neither humble nor overbearing.

Shao Pei took a sip of tea and said, "You go."

Si Tian exited his study, closed the door gently as before, and walked through the corridor to the backyard.

Qishimen was so quiet, it was beyond her expectation.Are there only a few people in the majestic Qishimen?Then why the reputation of Qishimen is so awesome in Daliang?And Shao Pei's apprenticeship seems to be very simple, not even the usual ceremony of apprenticeship.His demeanor is really special, full of mystery like himself.

(End of this chapter)

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