Chapter 54
Chapter 49
On the day he arrived in Dongdu, Pei Yunkuang immediately went to the palace to face the saint.

Dongdu is bright in spring, peonies are in full bloom, and it is as gorgeous as a piece of brocade.Emperor Li Zhen went boating on the lake and was in a good mood, so when he returned to the palace and saw Pei Yunkuang, he also had a pleasant face and was very friendly.

Pei Yunkuang stepped forward to pay homage: "My humble minister kowtows to the emperor."

Emperor Li Zhen waved his hand and said: "Let's get back on your feet. You came just in time. Let's go hunting with me tomorrow? I haven't been there for several years. This year's spring is good, and I want to move."

Pei Yunkuang replied respectfully: "My minister obeys orders."

Emperor Li Zhen said again: "The Empress Dowager was still asking how the wedding preparations are going, and you will come over later. The Empress Dowager cannot leave Qingping in front of her. From now on, you will follow me, and I will go to Beijing with you in May Right. Although you are smart, you need to practice some things, although you have managed Xinzhou in an orderly manner, this is only a fief after all. Our territory is vast, and your vision and means need to be further improved."

There is something in his words that is shocking.

Pei Yunkuang could naturally hear the hidden meaning in Emperor Li Zhen's words, and his heart was like a string on a qin, which was picked violently, and then forced himself to calm down until he remained calm.He was neither happy nor surprised, his expression was as indifferent as water, he came out with lowered eyebrows and thanked him, and went to the queen mother's palace.

Leading him to the Empress Dowager's Palace, the chief eunuch Li Rong saw that there was no one around, and whispered: "Congratulations, my lord."

Pei Yunkuang just smiled slightly, not daring to answer, nor did he dare to show any complacency.Who knows if Emperor Li Zhen is testing it, the more the last moment, the more cautious he should be.

In front of the Queen Mother, he met Princess Qingping for the first time.She was beautiful and dignified, with a graceful bearing, and when she saw him being generous, she didn't show any shyness like an ordinary daughter's family.However, the way she looked at him made him a little uncomfortable, not shy and admiring, but mostly probing and observing, with a sharp edge and a smart arrogance.She has been in the palace for many years, and her ears and eyes are infected, so she is naturally different from the girls in the folk.

He couldn't help but think of a person, as clear as a mountain stream, calm and firm, winding along his own path.You can't change it, you can only look at it from a distance.

After returning from the palace, he ordered his servants to get his hunting horses ready.The emperor didn't know what happened this year, but he suddenly became interested in hunting again. Could it be inspired by someone?

An accident happened during the hunting the next day. Emperor Li Zhen suddenly fell off his horse, and when he was carried to the palace, he was already unconscious.The officials were panic-stricken, and the situation in the Eastern Capital suddenly became dark and rainy.

Pei Yunkuang immediately sent someone to guard outside the palace gate, and quickly contacted Zhan Peng, asking him to keep an eye on the movements of the Gyeonggi Guards Camp.He secretly rejoiced that Emperor Li Zhen's fall from his horse happened in Dongdu, which still belonged to him after all, and he had arrangements in every aspect. If it happened in Shangjing, the situation would be much more difficult.

He then asked Shang Yu to deliberately reveal to Pei Ziyou what the emperor said to him in the palace.Anyone who listened to those words had the meaning of passing the throne to him, which stimulated King Linjiang even more. Right now, the emperor's fall from the horse may be the opportunity that King Linjiang is waiting for, so it is better for him to fulfill King Linjiang , to avoid future troubles.

Emperor Li Zhen woke up the next day after falling off his horse, but he couldn't move his right side.The officials outside the palace were secretly relieved to see him wake up, because the position of the crown prince was vacant, if he died suddenly, the court situation would definitely be in chaos for a while, and many people did not want to see such a situation.At this moment, all the ministers vaguely hope that Emperor Li Zhen can spit out something to reassure everyone, and if something happens to him, the ministers will have something to rely on.

The emperor was seriously ill and did not see his foreign ministers.Several courtiers who were close to the Empress Dowager spoke to the Empress Dowager one after another, implicitly expressing the meaning of the group of ministers, and the Empress Dowager did not understand this truth.So, in the afternoon, the emperor's decree came out from the palace, and Pei Yunkuang was appointed as the crown prince to supervise the country.With this decree, everyone tacitly understood that the emperor's condition seemed to be very serious.

This decree calmed the hearts of many people, but also disturbed the hearts of many people.

The emperor's illness dragged on until the beginning of April.Pei Yunkuang wondered if the marriage should be postponed?I went to invite the queen mother's will, but the queen mother had to hold it as scheduled, and I hoped that this happy event could bring joy to the emperor.

On the sixth day of April, the wedding was held as scheduled.Thousands of people in Dongdu came to see the wedding of King Anqing and Princess Qingping.

Qingping's dowry stretched for miles, and the red carpet was spread from the imperial palace to Anqing Palace. Ten miles of red makeup seemed to ignite half of the eastern capital.

The emperor marries a daughter, and the princess is married to the crown prince in charge of the country. This wedding is no less grand than the marriage of the emperor and empress.The Anqing Palace was full of guests and friends, and no one in the court dared not come.

Si Tian was busy from early in the morning until dusk, when everything was arranged properly, and she had a chance to take a nap.Listening to the hustle and bustle in the main hall, her mood was very complicated at first, and there was a touch of involvement and sadness in the blessing, but she was faintly glad that she let him go in time, otherwise, how would she bear this scene today?How will it hurt?
She pursed the corners of her lips and took a long breath, and the sweet fragrance of flowers permeated her heart gently.The watery feelings of those Dou Kou years are like a leaf with a poem, caught in the book, gently blown away by the breeze.Today, at this moment, she can finally rejoice for him from the perspective of admiration, because this wedding means that he is only one step away from the peak.

As the moon rose, she sat in front of the window, looking at the bright moonlight, her heart was full of radiance.

I hope that Princess Qingping can communicate with him, and I hope she knows him, understands him, appreciates him, supports him, and joins hands with him to see the picturesque scenery of the country.

Just now Shao Pei sent someone to send her a message that the eighth day of April is the day to enter the palace, and everything has been arranged, so she is ready to wait at the west gate of the palace early in the morning, and someone will naturally come to pick her up.

She sighed, thinking of Shang Yu.It's been almost half a month since I arrived in Dongdu, why didn't I see him come to look for her?He also said that as soon as he arrived in Dongdu, he asked Uncle Seven to discuss the wedding date, why is there still no movement?I will enter the palace the day after tomorrow, and I don't know when I will see him again.Can he wait for her?
She felt uneasy, he kissed her and hugged her, if he dared to change his mind, hum!She gritted her teeth secretly, but she couldn't guarantee that there would be no change of mind.Because she thought of the former Lin Yifeng and Wu Rong, the former murdered her family, and the latter gave her up with just one threat.What will happen to Shang Yu?

I was thinking wildly there when I suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.When she stepped forward to open the door, she really wanted someone to come.Shang Yu stood at the door with a charming smile, and when he saw her, his eyes seemed to light up suddenly.

She was thinking about him at first, but when she really saw him coming and seeing his smiling face, for some reason, a sour annoyance suddenly surged up.Because, he didn't make a special trip to see her, he must have come to Pei Yunkuang's wedding and took time to see her.It's been half a month since he came to Dongdong, and he hasn't found a chance to meet him, which is really a bit hateful.

He was not very happy to see her, and his mind was a little confused.He had a straightforward temperament, and immediately frowned and asked, "Why, are you unhappy that he is married?"

It's really that the pot can't be opened and the pot is lifted. This jealousy is extremely untimely, and she becomes more and more angry: "The prince and the princess are married, why am I not happy? I told you before, and I also wholeheartedly hope that the prince can aspire to the Supreme. This marriage is the best arrangement, I am sincerely happy for the prince and princess. What are you talking about?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, scratched her lips with his fingers, and said with a smile: "But you obviously pouted."

She glared at him: "General Shang is so busy, let's go back quickly."

He finally understood what she meant, and was overjoyed. He stepped forward to look at her, and asked, "Are you blaming me for being too busy for not coming to see you?"

Having been told what was on her mind, she was a little shy, turned her head to fiddle with the lanterns, and said angrily, "I didn't say that."

"Just say you miss me." He took a step forward and turned her shoulders, smiling happily.

She became more and more shy and turned her head away.

She looks awkward and shy, really cute.He was very pleasantly surprised, it seemed that he had finally walked into her heart, even though she was stubborn and thin-skinned, and refused to admit it.But he was angry that he didn't come to see her, this is the ironclad proof.

He coaxed in her ear: "I've been very busy recently. I have to keep an eye on King Linjiang's place all the time, so I stay with Pei Ziyou all day. If you don't believe me, ask Zhan Peng."

"I don't ask."

"Don't ask? Does that mean you trust me?" He chuckled, stretched out his arms, held her modestly in front of his chest, and lowered his head to smell the fragrance of her neck.

The hot breath seemed to scald the skin, and the blood flow was quick to rise, as if he lost his sense of proportion as soon as he was disturbed.She hurriedly said: "Go back quickly. After a while, the guests will leave, and you stay here alone, making people gossip."

He let go of his hand and said, "I'll take you to a place."

"It's so late, where are you going?"

He pretended to be mysterious, and whispered: "Well, you will know when you go."

"Then I'll talk to Sister Su."

"You change your clothes first, and come with me."

She turned to the screen and put a man's shirt over her clothes, then fixed her hair and covered it under a Confucian hat.

She came out from behind the screen, like a handsome young man who is delicate and gentle.He looked at the man's clothes on her body, and suddenly smiled: "Where's my dress? When can you finish it?"

She thought he had forgotten it, and was going to pretend to be confused, but she didn't expect him to remember it.She had no choice but to open the box, take out the finished clothes and hand them to him.

She thought it over well, if he dared to say something bad, she would immediately grab it and refuse to give it to him.To make this dress, I pricked my fingers many times.

He took the clothes, although he always liked to tease and tease her, but this time he looked at them seriously, held them carefully in his hands, and then led her and said, "I will keep everything you gave me."

Her heart moved strangely, but she said: "You don't wear it, why do you ask me to do it?"

He glanced at her, somewhat hating her for being incomprehensible.The woman in Cangqiao doesn't make clothes for men as a token of love. Forget it, she doesn't know the customs there, so let's educate her later.

She walked to the next door, knocked on the door and said, "Sister Su, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back later."

It was Liu Zhonglai who opened the door: "She went to the front, are you in a hurry? I'm afraid it's not safe to go out so late."

She smiled shyly: "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will go out with Shang Yu."

Liu Zhong suddenly smiled: "Then I don't worry, go and go back quickly."

Shang Yu led her out of the courtyard. In order to avoid running into acquaintances, he walked around to the back garden and hugged her over the wall.

After walking a short distance along the courtyard wall, I saw a tall horse tied under a tree.

Si Tian looked at this tall and majestic horse, thought of its value, and couldn't help but whispered: "Are you afraid that the horse will be stolen?"

Shang Yu said with a smile: "Do you think everyone loves money like you? Today is the day when King Anqing is very happy. There are countless secret guards inside and outside the mansion who are patrolling. Outside the walls of the palace, how dare you come here today?"

"Who said I love money?" She was very unconvinced.

He squinted and smiled: "I still don't admit it, the first time I saw me, I borrowed money from me."

She hurriedly said: "It's true to borrow money, but I paid you back the money. I don't have any money for you, how can you say I'm greedy for money?"

He raised his eyebrows and said, "When did you pay me back the money?"

She stared and said angrily: "Hey, I put my own hands in your arms that night." How dare you refuse to admit it?That's so unreasonable!
He also stared innocently, "But I didn't pick it up, it dropped on the floor."

She was very angry: "You! Didn't you pick it up after I left?" She didn't believe that he would not pick it up!
He nodded: "I didn't pick it up."

She raised her voice, "What did you say!" He didn't pick up the three taels of silver?Did you lie to her?

He paused and said again: "However, I picked up three taels of silver at the gate the next day, and I don't know who dropped it."

Of course she dropped it!Needless to say?She said angrily: "You, aren't you playing tricks? It's clearly my drop."

He shook his head: "That's not necessarily true. There are so many people in Qishimen, how do you know it must be yours, and there is no word Si on the silver. Anyway, you haven't returned the three taels of silver to me."

This man is a rascal, he is invulnerable!

She gritted her teeth and said, "Success! I'll pay you back tomorrow!"

He snapped his fingers, pretended to calculate, and said seriously: "It's been so many days, and the interest is calculated, it's probably a few hundred taels, right?"

"What did you say?" She was about to jump up, and there was no such high interest in rolling a donkey. He was trying to find fault with her, deliberately embarrassing her.

He said solemnly: "I borrow money from others, and the interest rate is very high. Since you and I are from the same school, it is cheaper for me, and you don't have to accept my favor."

She stomped on him vigorously and said angrily, "Shang Yu, you are lying!"

He found that she was usually gentle and mighty, but she should not be underestimated. Her upside-down brows were pretty and tight, and her lips were pouting angrily, which was very coquettish.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that's probably what it means.

He chuckled: "It doesn't matter if it's still not clear, just take another mortgage."

"Don't think about it!"

He leaned into her ear with a smile and said, "Just give me your people."

Thinking of the beauty, he still denied it even though he had paid it back.

She blushed and said angrily: "Anyway, I have already paid you back the money, I don't care if you take it or not." Anyway, he was a scoundrel first, so she was not polite.

He gave an "en" and said softly: "We don't distinguish between each other, my money is your money, why bother to see others."

This sounded more useful, she curled up her lips, holding back a smile and saying nothing.

He picked her chin with his fingers: "Even people are mine."

Going around, it turned out that this was what he wanted to say, she blushed, and felt embarrassed to argue with him again.

He chuckled, carried her onto the horse, and rode the horse to gallop.

"Where is this going?"

In the night, the sound of horseshoes is particularly crisp, and there is a faint echo when stepping on the bluestone road.He didn't answer either. He held the rein with one hand and wrapped her arms around her waist with the other. When the spring breeze entered the night, it was originally extremely gentle, but the horse was as fast as lightning, and the wind was forced into a tough momentum. The hat was suddenly blown away by the wind, and the hair was covered with blue hair, all of which fell on his face. At that moment, it was full of her breath, the faint fragrance, and the hair was soft and slippery. The most sensitive sense of touch is teased to the extreme.She caught him with her hands in a panic, gathered the black hair on his face, and held it in her hand.At that moment, awkward and ambiguous, it seemed that the retracted blue ribbon brought the temperature of his skin, faintly burning her palm.

(End of this chapter)

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