Wolf King's favorite concubine

Chapter 122: Another Situation

Chapter 122: Another Situation (5)
"Thank you dad." Yu Fei replied with a choked voice.I am proud of myself.

Li Ge slept soundly this time, with Mo beside her, and without having to endure the bumps of the carriage, this was the most comfortable sleep she had in a few days. She stretched her waist and looked at her Lingmo. : "Mo, when will I eat, I'm already hungry."

When she woke up, her stomach was empty again.

Gently tapping Li Ge's nose, Ling Mo helped her up, straightened her clothes that were not messy, got her a wet towel, asked her to wipe her face, and took her with her after she regained consciousness. Go to the main hall of Lanmin's Prince's Mansion.

When the two came out, Li Ge realized that the night sky, which was not yet dark when they came, was already full of stars, and the corridors of the Prince's Mansion were lit with high-quality sheepskin lanterns everywhere.

In the main hall, everything was ready, even though Ling Mo and Li Ge were late, Lan Min's voice was still gentle: "Min is ready, please take your seat with the prince and princess."

Finally knowing that she should not ignore Lan Min as the master, or because she was in a good mood, Ling Mo twitched the corner of her mouth slightly for the first time, with a hint of warmth in her voice, Ling Mo said: "Prince Min, please."

When the few people were seated, Lan Han raised his hand and was about to tell the banquet to open when the butler trotted in and whispered in Lan Min's ear, "Prince, the Patriarch of the Yu Mansion is asking Missy to see you."

After pondering for a moment, recalling Commander Xu's description of the journey, Lan Min's attention jumped out, and he said with a smile: "King Qingyi, Princess Qingyi, do you mind adding two more people to the banquet?"

Ling Mo only cared about picking up food for Li Ge, completely ignoring Lan Min's intentions, so Li Ge could only quickly swallow the food in his mouth, and said calmly to Lan Min, "Of course, please do as you please, Prince."

After a while, the guards of the Prince's Mansion said: "Patriarch Yu, Miss Yu is here!"

Li Ge's face froze, and before the food in his mouth could be swallowed, he choked it out: "Cough cough, cough cough..."

Li Ge's little face was flushed from coughing, she had underestimated the thick skin of the eldest lady of the Yu family named Yu Fei, this lady was really like a Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death, the more she hit, the harder she hit.

Ling Mo lowered his eyes, hiding the stern look in his pupils, he gently patted Li Ge's back, and looked at Li Ge with a smile in his eyes, which meant that he would not appreciate anyone who made you kind.

This Lan Min seems gentle and gentle, but how can he be as gentle and elegant as the surface when he can sit firmly on the position of Prince Lan Han? Besides, how could Commander Xu not concede what he saw and heard along the way? Now that Xiao Xianglingmo, the eldest daughter of the Yu family, knows that in such an occasion, anyone with a little brain will try to avoid the meeting of the three of them, but Lan Min is better, watching the smoke-free war between these few people with a smile.

After all, it's in someone else's house, even if he doesn't want to, Li Ge can't say anything, that's all, it's right to watch a clown's performance, Li Ge told himself so in his heart.

After a while, Yu Zhengqi strode in, Yu Fei followed closely behind with her servant girl, and glanced at Li Ge provocatively, Yu Fei and Yu Zhengqi nodded their heads in greeting.

"I have met His Royal Highness, King Qingyi, and Princess Qingyi!"

The two said in unison.

Prince Lanmin waved his hand and said gently, "Master Yu, please sit down."

Yu Zhengqi led Yu Fei to the lower right side of Lan Min, waiting to sit down, Yu Fei happened to be facing Ling Mo, the woman threw a glance at Li Ge, and turned to look at Ling Mo affectionately.

This kind of bold gaze made Ling Mo disgusted, he frowned, if the little thing wasn't hungry, he would definitely throw up his sleeves and leave, looking at the fly-like gaze really made him unable to eat.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while, and a smile flashed in Lan Min's heart, and he said lightly: "I don't know if Patriarch Yu came to the Prince's Mansion for so-called peace?"

Yu Zhengqi, who was looking at Lingmo with satisfaction, came back to his senses, cleared his throat, and said, "Return to the prince, it is like this, this is Yumou's eldest daughter, she just came down from Hengshan to learn art, the emperor once said The prince had more contact with the young lady of the same age, so Yu took Fei'er to the prince's mansion, and came without the prince's permission, and hoped that the prince would forgive him."

"This hall has not forgotten the explanation of the emperor, the master of the Yu family does not need to blame himself."

After finishing the words, Lan Min picked up the wine glass and said loudly to several people in the hall: "I would like to respect everyone in this hall first."

Li Ge also raised his wine glass, Ling Mo lowered his head, and said slowly: "Drink less."

Li Ge shook his head: "These are fruit wines, it's okay to drink some."

Sweet and sour, Li Ge liked this kind of non-alcoholic wine in his previous life.

No one knew that the moment Lingmo bowed her head, the maid behind Yufei tapped her fingernails, and a very thin puff of smoke floated out, colorless, odorless, and soundless. Sensing her maidservant's movements, Yufei smiled, her eyes clear. It is proud.

When everyone was drinking, Dongfangji quickly ran in from outside, bowed his head and said something in Lingmo's ear.

Ling Mo's eyes froze, and he floated over Lan Min's body in a gloomy manner, and said coldly: "Prince Min, if I find out something later, don't blame me for being rude."

After speaking, he pulled Li Ge and left quickly.

Lan Min was puzzled, he never ordered his subordinates to disturb Ling Mo, could it be that someone set the blame on him?If Ling Mo was deeply angry, the whole Lan Han would be severely injured, so after saying sorry, he also strode towards Ling Mo.

Only Yu Fei, who was puzzled and with a sinister gleam in her eyes, was left in the hall.

Walking out quickly, Lingmo's eyes were filled with rare anxiety, Li Ge squeezed Lingmo's hand distressedly, and asked in a low voice, "Mo, what's wrong?"

"Xiaoguai, no one should try to separate us." Ling Mo just said in a cold voice.

This made Li Ge even more nervous, she quickened her pace and followed Ling Mo.

When they came to the side room of Tingfengyuan, where Wu Lun, Xiao Hei and Xiao Yin lived temporarily, when they came to the door, Jian Luo was walking back and forth anxiously. And can't find out what kind of poison they are in?"

Pushing open the door, Li Ge's heart sank, she saw Xiao Hei and Xiao Yin biting each other, Wu Lun's eyes were also dazed, and he muttered to himself.

Lingmo stepped forward, a burst of qi emanated from his body, he forcibly tore apart the bloody little black and little silver that were bitten, and then touched them, the two rolled their eyes immediately, and passed out.

"Dongfangji, bandage them." Lingmo ordered while walking towards Wulun.

Holding Wu Lun's hand, Ling Mo felt the pulse, just as he touched Wu Lun's wrist, Ling Mo's expression turned cold, and he cursed softly, "Damn it!"

"Mo, what kind of poison is in the master?"

Even Xiao Hei couldn't avoid this kind of poison, which shows how powerful it is.

Touching several big acupuncture points on Wu Lun's body, Ling Mo took out a porcelain bottle, poured out one, threw the rest to Dongfang Ji, and said, "Give them a drink."

(End of this chapter)

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