warring states careerist

Chapter 74 Bone Smelting Zhu Rongxue

Chapter 74 Bone Smelting Zhu Rongxue ([-])

Mo Zhe and Peidi formed a knot.

Those who are close to Jin need to stick to the rules and guard against Chu; those who are close to Chu hope that the Mohists will move their capital to avoid the edge and leave the deep-rooted Shangqiu in the future.

Before a wolf shows its fangs and howls, it is easy to be mistaken for a docile and harmless dog. Some people even think that as long as they reach out and touch the hair on the top of its head, they can shake their heads and look after the home.

It is not only fitness, but also the foundation of the Mohist's decades of righteousness to get around such a knot.

Shi didn't care about the reaction of the nobles anymore. Even if there were no such changes, the Song Kingdom would be in chaos for three to five years. Three to five years is enough time, let alone the prolongation of the chaos brought about by such changes.

After a large number of Mohists went to Peidi, Shi and more than 20 Mohist drove four double-wheeled carriages to the village that he had been running for more than half a year.

The spring breeze blows the wheat waves, and the green growing wheat attracts many people from the nearby villages to watch every day, and those who think they will die are also determined to plant the wheat.

The carriage creaked and walked beside the wheat field, and arrived at the home of Reed and Reed Flower, who had lived for more than half a year.

It was their family who first came into contact with Shi in the village, but Liuzhi was the first to leave the village. He had already followed Gongzaoye to Peidi early.

Now that the identity has been made public, no one dares to snatch those seeds. More than 20 Mohists also wanted to prevent accidents on the way, just in case.

In Wei's courtyard, people from the village happily helped carry the small wooden boxes.

Inside the wooden box, moist sand is piled up, and clusters of sweet potato seedlings feel the spring breeze outside, and they are green and gratifying.

The sweet potatoes planted last year have grown a lot, and those sweet potato seedlings will take root on their own and spread out on the ground.And the sweet potatoes that have been reluctant to eat will be placed in the moist sand when spring comes to produce more buds.

Buds are the hope of plants, and at this time, they are also the hope of people in the village to dream of a paradise.

Hope is like a dream, and dreams are like bubbles, so be careful when handling it, for fear of any damage.

In the room, Luhua sorted out some herbs that He Shi collected together last summer and autumn, and some were taught by people from other villages. I don't know if it is useful, so I recorded them all, and I will try them when I have the opportunity in the future.Anyway, at this time, patients can directly use patients for drug testing, and whether it can be used depends on personal luck and health.

When Shi entered the house, Wei and a few men from the village brought several baskets of strangely colored soil to Shi's face. In a small reed basket next to him was some white salt-like powder.

"According to what you said, in those cold days, the corners of the compost toilet we built in spring really seeped these white things, and they were all scraped off, but not much. Everyone is afraid that you still need to use it. They also dug out all the soil around the wall.”

Wei handed over the small basket of white powder to Shilashi, which Shilashi asked to explain when he came back. Everyone in the village community cared about it, but they didn't know what it was for.

"Is this salt? If the salt in the corner of the toilet is edible, how much money can be saved a year?"

People in the village community inquired about these things that were actually nitrate, but the quantity was very small.

"It's not salt, it's medicine."

Reed Flower, who was arranging the herbs, heard the sound and asked, "What ailment does it treat?"

People in the village community were also curious, wondering what kind of disease could be cured by the thing scraped off the wall of the toilet.

After thinking for a while, he said: "It can cure the heart disease. It can cure the heart disease of the robbers. After taking this medicine, the kings of Yi and Di will never dare to enter Kyushu and have the heart of robbery. This is the medicine of Kyushu, not human medicine."

The people in the village commune laughed and said, "It will take a long time to use it. If there is no paradise, how can we talk about Kyushu?"

Everyone just took it as a naughty joke, knowing that it must be useful but didn't know what it was for, and they didn't know that among the equipment and supplies used by Mo Zhe to defend the city, there was a kind of light yellow burning that smelled bad and hurt the eyes and was used to "prepare acupoints" for smoking. Authentic medicine.

After packing these very rare nitrate soil, we talked about migrating with the soil.

"Qin Huali also told you a few days ago, that's what happened. The wheat will be harvested in May, and you will leave after harvesting the wheat. The ink cart will be prepared for you, and the things that can be used at home will be taken away. If you don’t leave, you don’t need to carry it. A few Mohists will stay and take you there.”

They already knew about it. As for Peidi, he might have heard of it, but he didn't know where it was.

But it doesn't matter where they are, they trust Shi Shi too much, so they trust Mo Zhe too.Since these hopes are given by this ink man, follow them, hope will always be closer.

Property and so on, that is just a joke, who can have any property?

Moreover, farmers above the granted land can be transferred by power at will.

Not to mention them, even those industrial and commercial people are the same. When Handan is completed, Zheng Wei will send [-] households to Handan as a congratulatory gift.

At this time, it can be transferred as a gift.

People from the village commune may not have a house when they go there, but they can build one.Apart from this, there is really nothing left.

After harvesting the wheat, he will pay this year's tax, sell the wheat to the wheat flour shop in the city, and leave after exchanging money.


In the village community, in the home of Sang Sheng, who has become a different kind of existence, Sang Sheng's son is crying while covering his swollen face.

Since the last village meeting, many changes have taken place in Sang Sheng's family.Sang Sheng is not crazy. When no one in the village thinks he is crazy, there is no need for him to be crazy anymore.

The days are similar to before, but the days are not the same as before.

Eating, drinking and working is still the same.There are big differences between villages.

Even with children, he was ridiculed by the children in the village, and rarely played with his children.The child doesn't know right or wrong, and doesn't know the reason why the crime is not as good as the family members. They just make hurtful jokes and gradually become estranged under the influence of their ears and eyes.

The child was bullied again last night, came back crying and said what Sang Sheng did wrong, and asked Sang Sheng if he didn't do that at that time, why would he be like this?Others helped to grind the flour and made some money. A few days ago, I ate a meal of wheat flour cakes, but my family could only eat corn.

Sang was so angry that he hit the child, but he also knew how the child could understand so much.

One morning, the child was crying there with a swollen face, and a man as big as Sang Sheng sat there crying. The neglect of people in the village these days has turned into endless grievances.

He just felt that he was already stink in the village, but when he returned home, his own flesh and blood, his own blood, and his son actually said the same about him, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Looking at the child whose face was swollen from the beating, and Sang Sheng who seemed to be dying these days, the child's mother scolded, "Is it your father's fault? Why did he do that? Isn't it for your life?" What a good day? What did he do wrong? What he did, others just talk about it, what do you say? If it was really done at that time, you wouldn’t eat the meat at home? Cry! Cry again! Cry again and I’ll kill you Sew your mouth shut!"

After being scolded, the child kept his mouth shut and did not dare to make a sound, so he could only cover his face and weep silently.

After a long time, the child sobbed and said: "Others said that if you do something wrong, you are wrong. How can you be right at home if you make a mistake outside? Then if I kill or rob, I am right at home? Righteousness, there must always be the same right and wrong..."

When the mother heard that the child was still talking back, she picked up the wooden stick and went over to scare the child, and then the child really shut up.

The woman walked up to Sang Sheng and comforted her, "Don't do this either. The people in the village community are about to move out, and it will be fine after they leave. Who knows? I'm going to come today, so I'll beg him, beg He doesn't want people in the village to tell more about these things to the people who moved in later. After all, I am not wrong."

"Although I don't understand the truth as well as those Mohist, I also know the truth of the couple's one heart. If I follow you, I will follow you no matter how bad the day is."

"Didn't you say that day? You have to choose between the love that loves you and the love that loves life. There is no such thing as two beautiful things in the world. I choose, and I will follow you. When the people in the village commune move out, we Have a good time."

"At least, Mo Zhe taught you how to plant wheat and how to use a millstone. They can't take away that millstone. When new people arrive in the future, you will also be a good farmer. As long as those people don't say anything, no one will How can I know?"

After persuading Sang Sheng, the woman called the child again, rubbed the child's swollen face and said, "From now on, no child will talk about you like that again, and all future children will play with you. Don't talk about your father anymore." Got it. Did you hear that? Those synonymous things Mohist said are impossible. How can there be right or wrong? Even if you kill someone, I will hide you so that you won’t be like those As the Mohist said, when a son kills someone, a father must hand over his son..."

After a sentence of persuasion, the woman made up her mind, tidied up her messy hair, and found a can of corn from home.

She had already cried last time, and she will not cry this time.

Instead, I want to take this can of corn to thank the Mozhe for teaching them to plant wheat, to use a millstone, to catch fish in a reel, and to teach them to use flails and rollers.

Seek comfort with gratitude that doesn't hold grudges.

She knew that crying was useless, so she would just be a different kind of woman, and just ask Mo Zhe to hide the story of Sang Sheng for future generations, so that Sang Sheng, among the newcomers in the village, is not only the one who loves to do things. Sang Sheng, who is alive and vigorous, is the one who knows how to grow wheat to make fish baskets and grindstones.


Gongzaoye, who has concealed his name and Mohist identity, led Liuzhi, and Luo Huali in a group of three. They had been walking around Peidi for a long time, watching them coldly.

Luo Huali was complaining there, not a bitter complaint, and this kind of complaint stopped after he became a Mohist.

He was complaining about not being able to kill people willingly to get rid of evil.

"When I was in the village, I would challenge anyone who was brave. At that time, I was wrong. But if there was someone who ran amok in the village, I would kill them with my sword. My husband said that I must do justice, so why can't I kill those people? ?”

Luo Huali has been holding back a murderous anger in his heart these days, this place is far away from Shangqiu, and it is a place where no one cares, and the customs are weird.

Villagers and big clans control the sacrifice to Zhurong, asking people to offer their property every year. It is said that it is a sacrifice, but in fact the villagers and big clans divide it privately.

They get a lot of money every year, and those country people believe in it, and it has long been a habit.

Luo Huali has traveled far and wide, and has seen a lot of worlds, so he doesn't know the way.

Although the name of Zhu Rong is different, in Luo Huali's view, it is the same as offering sacrifices to He Bo in the Western Qin Dynasty in Jin Dynasty.

There is Hebo in the Yellow River, and many sacrifices are made to Hebo in Jin, which is the same method of raising money as here.

Originally, the custom was only in the Jin area, and slowly spread along the Yellow River to the upper and lower reaches. In the era of Qin Linggong, the first large-scale event of He Bo marrying a wife was organized in Qin State.

Qin Linggong almost sank his daughter into the bottom of the river as the uncle of the river. Since then, the custom that was originally only in Jin has also begun to take root in Qin.

Folk sacrifices are mostly controlled by shamans, elders, and local aristocrats.

Marrying a wife is fake, but making money is real.

Luo Huali has seen the world, so he doesn't know what's hidden in it. For the first time, he felt a little dissatisfied with the identity of the Mohist... If he was not a Mohist, he would have raised the three-foot sword by himself, and he would have used these opportunities to make money People who want to kill and flee to the world, why are you not allowed to do it now?
He thought to himself: Discuss, discuss, when will this be discussed?He is both a villain and a villain, wouldn't it benefit the world if he was killed?What else is there to discuss?For this person, everything is good, but this proposal that the Mohist should discuss everything is really not very good.

(End of this chapter)

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