Chapter 12 Appendix 1
Investment analysis of the next 10 popular industries What industries will have business opportunities in the next few years, and which industries will make money?This is the topic that businessmen are most concerned about.The following are the future popular industries based on the conclusions of relevant experts for your reference (the rankings are in no particular order).

1. The community needs professional services

In the process of urbanization, the community has become a platform for urban residents to live and live, and it is also a fertile ground for businessmen who want to start a career.With the development of community construction, community services are no longer limited to basic content such as gatekeeping, sanitation and repairs, but more professional service needs have emerged, providing opportunities for community entrepreneurs.For example, with the arrival of the baby boom, the number of newborns in the community is increasing day by day, and fashionable mothers are pursuing high-quality maternal and child care, so professional confinement women are very popular; opening baby products stores in the community is also a way to directly target the customer base and be more humane. Customized and more considerate service.

2. There is money to be made in specialty catering
As the saying goes, people depend on food.China is a country with a large population, so the catering industry is still the most promising mass entrepreneurial industry in the next few decades.In addition, the catering industry has always been popular among entrepreneurs due to its low investment threshold and strong explosive power.

In the catering industry market, opening a small restaurant is a good choice for small businesses who want to start a business.The winners reminded that the way out for newly opened restaurants lies in special catering, and there is money to be made if there are special features.The "specialty catering" mentioned here includes two aspects: one is the special flavor.Special flavors can attract new customers, retain old customers, and stabilize profit sources; the second is special services.Operators and service personnel should regard guests as relatives, and often have natural and friendly contact with guests, so that guests can feel warm and comfortable, and enjoy delicious food.

3. Online shop detonates the future

What industry attracts us the most in the 21st century?Undoubtedly the development of the Internet, it makes online shopping more and more groups.Opening a store online will become a more convenient and affordable mode of starting a business in the future, and will be favored by many netizens.For surfers, it is easy and fast to apply for an online store. As long as you apply for registration according to the requirements of the website, you can get an online store without leaving your home.It is not difficult for even beginners to open an online store. As long as they spend tens of yuan and no more than 200 yuan at most, they can purchase related services on the website and get their own store.

From the profit point of view, opening an online store does not require investment in leasing, decoration, water and electricity, wages, taxes, etc. Product sales are cheaper than physical stores, but profits are higher than physical stores.Online stores connect thousands of households all over the world. Online sales are not limited by time, space, or region. It is very convenient for consumers to click on the Internet. The flow of people is large, the transaction rate is high, and the profit is also high.

4. Family decoration to dress up the living room
For modern people, home decoration has become a special economic, social and cultural phenomenon. Regardless of whether the Chinese are rich or poor, as long as they have money, they will decorate their houses even if they don’t have enough money, and they pay more and more attention to cultural taste. .In recent years, a new term has emerged in home decoration—home soft decoration, which refers to changing the style of the home soft environment through embellishments such as curtains and flower arrangements on the basis of finely decorated commercial houses and according to the requirements of the occupants. , to make the living room more beautiful.This is a new business model with broad prospects.

It is not difficult for entrepreneurs to enter the home improvement market, but they must have professional knowledge, especially the ability to grasp fashion trends, and the ability to create and design according to the needs of residents.If the residents' living rooms are decorated beautifully and comfortably, they will not worry about running out of business.In the early stage, we should concentrate on making special features and creating brands. After a certain scale, we can take advantage of the momentum to develop chain stores and expand market share.

5. The energy industry travels all over the world
According to the job demand analysis of a well-known website in China, since 2007, oil prices have continued to rise, and the job demand in the energy industry has also continued to increase.Obviously behind the rise in international oil prices is the growing demand for energy, and it is also an opportunity to develop various new energy sources.In addition to traditional coal, oil, hydropower, and thermal power, alternative energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy are all driven by national policies and are showing a trend of rapid development.

Wind power is currently the most cost-effective renewable energy. In areas with abundant wind resources, the cost of wind power generation is already cost-competitive compared with fuel-fired power generation or gas-fired power generation.Compared with other energy sources, solar energy is the most abundant form of renewable energy and the source of all petrochemical energy and various renewable energy sources.

6. Medicine and health care are popular in the world
In recent years, one of the most discussed terms among the people is "new medical reform". The word "new" in the "new medical reform" bears the high hopes of countless ordinary people who are troubled by "expensive" and "difficult" medical treatment.With the full rollout of rural cooperative medical insurance and medical insurance for urban residents, it is conservatively estimated that the scale of the pharmaceutical market will expand by at least 1000 billion yuan.Therefore, drug stores that are closely related to people's health are promising entrepreneurial directions.

In addition, the health care product industry is also a sunrise industry with great development prospects.According to statistics, in the past 20 years, the sales of health care products in some developed countries have increased at a high rate of 12% per year.The annual sales of global health care products reach 2000 billion US dollars, and the sales of health care products in my country are also growing at a high rate of 15% to 30% per year.It is estimated that by 2010, the sales of health care products in my country will reach 1000 billion yuan.

7. The beauty industry plays a leading role
The beauty industry itself is a profiteering industry. Under the background of high profits, domestic beauty companies are undoubtedly facing great opportunities. In the 21st century, the following six aspects of the beauty industry will become the focus of people's attention: First, anti-aging skin care products.According to conservative estimates by relevant experts, the current annual sales of anti-aging cosmetics in my country is at least 6 billion yuan, and there are already hundreds of foreign capital and Sino-foreign joint ventures producing anti-aging cosmetics in my country.The second is anti-pollution skin care products.Anti-pollution skin care products can block ultraviolet radiation, resist other physical factors to skin damage and chemical factors to skin corrosion, and naturally become a new perspective for scientists who study beauty and skin care.The third is natural active skin care products.Scientists have purified the essence of animals and plants, or added milk, serum, marine elements, minerals, fruit and vegetable juices, etc. into the skin care matrix, which has become a new fashion for people to pursue natural beauty.The fourth is whitening and freckle skin care products.Future skin care products tend to have a series of functions such as sun protection, sun damage repair, whitening, and anti-oxidation.The fifth is to support the outside from the inside.Regulating the balance of various systems and systems in the body is an important means for future cosmetology.Scientists are looking for new breakthroughs in human scientific beauty from the fields of genetic engineering theory, protein synthesis theory, immunity theory, free radical theory, endocrine theory and many other fields.The sixth is personalized skin care.The progress of life science will decipher the mystery of everyone's skin, and skin care products and skin care technologies for different skin types of people will emerge as the times require.

8. The auto industry is profitable
It is predicted that the domestic automobile market will develop rapidly in the next 10 years, and the industries related to automobiles will also be profitable.These industries include: professional car beauty (cleaning, decontamination, waxing, tire retreading, etc.), car decoration beauty, paint beauty, car protection (pasting explosion-proof solar film, installing anti-theft alarm system, etc.) Sales of car perfume, car vacuum cleaners, etc.) and other 5 aspects.According to an incomplete statistics, for a car worth more than 10 yuan, based on a 10-year service life and a 3-kilometer trip per year, the annual cost for vehicle cleaning, maintenance and maintenance is more than 3000 yuan. For cars, the various care costs will exceed the above figures.

9. The real estate industry is still optimistic
With the rise of individual house buying fever, the development prospects of the real estate industry are very promising.It is understood that from 1996 to 2005, the average annual growth rate of commercial housing supply in my country was 13.9%.To meet the social demand of 10 billion square meters in the next 99 years, the compound annual growth rate of commercial housing supply must reach 13.2%.It is not optimistic to achieve this supply speed.The most fundamental reason is that my country's land supply has been tight for a long time, so some experts estimate that the real estate industry will have another 20 years of rapid development.China's economic development has entered a high-speed period, the social structure has entered a transition period, residents' purchasing power and purchasing intentions have increased, and new policy programs, etc., will provide strong impetus for the development of the real estate industry.In addition, real estate brokerage, consulting, and property supply businesses related to real estate will also have great prospects.

10. Increased demand from the tourism industry

At present, my country's tourism industry is developing rapidly towards the world's advanced level.With the improvement of people's living standards and the implementation of weekends, more people have more opportunities and abilities to travel and carry out recreational and sports activities.Among them, sports products, sports venues, entertainment venues, travel agencies and other industries will be more prosperous.

According to the prediction of the International Tourism Organization, the world tourism industry will show rapid growth again in the next 10 years, with the average annual growth rate of industry demand reaching 4.5%, and the average annual growth rate of China will be as high as 8.5%, ranking third in the world.The rapid development of tourism can drive the development of more than 10 directly and indirectly related industries, such as tourism supporting industry, catering service industry, and small ethnic handicraft industry.

(End of this chapter)

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