Business Experience: The Business Wisdom of China's Top Ten Business Groups

Chapter 7 Shanghai Entrepreneurs—Smartness is the biggest advantage

Chapter 7 Shanghai Entrepreneurs—Smartness is the biggest advantage
The unique geographical environment and cultural background have created the brilliance of the "Ten Mile Foreign Market" in Shanghai and created a uniquely charming Shanghai business community.The biggest characteristic of Shanghai businessmen is shrewdness. When they do business, they only regard economic interests as the only principle and purpose, and only consider how to make money.The shrewdness of the Shanghainese can be embodied as capable, concise, fine, delicate, and subtle.Shrewdness is not a value, but a quality.For Shanghainese, this is a kind of survival ability honed and cultivated in a century-old commercial society.

Shrewdness is the embodiment of wisdom. The deepest impression of Shanghai people is "smartness", which is also the inevitable result of the long-term business tradition.The traditional Chinese pay attention to "little profits but more righteousness", and pay attention to generosity and boldness; while doing business, they pay attention to careful calculation, calculation, and shrewdness.The tempering of this commercial tradition makes the Shanghainese unique among the traditional Chinese.

"They are so smart." This is the most common evaluation of Shanghainese by many businessmen in China.Shanghai people are shrewd, which is reflected in their daily life, which includes not only the act of seeking personal interests, but also the protection of personal rights and interests. They will not give up what they deserve.

How smart are Shanghainese?There is such a story, a certain housewife in Shanghai went to the grain store to buy flour, and she only bought 2 taels each time, even if she needed 1 catty, she would take the trouble to go 5 times.The reason is that 1 catty of flour was only sold for 1 cents at the time. If you bought 7 taels, you should pay 2 cents and 3 percent. According to rounding, you only need to pay 4 cents, which is 3 percent cheaper.You pay 4 cents for 5 trips, which is 1 cents cheaper.Perhaps this example is a bit exaggerated, but it is not difficult to see how shrewd the Shanghainese are.

In the field of business, Shanghai businessmen are all experts, not only knowledgeable and reasonable, but also daring and good at arguing with reason.Because Shanghainese are too shrewd, businessmen from all over the world call them "threshold spirits".In the eyes of Shanghainese, shrewdness is not a value, but a quality.This is a kind of survival ability honed and cultivated in a century-old commercial society.In such a social environment, an uncalculated life is of no value.

The shrewdness of the Shanghainese is indeed in some ways unflattering.But perhaps in a sense it can be said that the shrewdness of the Shanghainese is also a manifestation of wisdom.The many shrewd actions of modern Shanghai businessmen in their entrepreneurial process are proof.

In the 20s, there was a taxi king named Zhou Xiangsheng in Shanghai.When he was 30 years old, he worked as a waiter in a restaurant run by a foreign company in Shanghai. He learned fluent English. He often hired cars for customers at work and had close contacts with car dealers and drivers.He is not only hard-working, but also shrewd and capable, and quite enterprising. He saved a little by living frugally, and borrowed money from everywhere, bought 13 old cars and opened the "Xiangsheng Taxi Shop".

At that time, Shanghai was already the most developed metropolis in China, with countless social and entertainment venues, and it became fashionable for wealthy people in the upper class to take taxis.Therefore, although there are only 4 taxis in "Xiangsheng", it is still not without profit.Later, "Xiangsheng" purchased new "Chevrolet" brand cars with the profits, and the scale expanded.

At that time, a "Yunfei" car rental company run by an American was well-capitalized, and the newly equipped "Ford" car was more advanced.The number is homonymous to "three people with a cup of wine", and it was quickly known to the public through large-scale advertisements.As a result, the business of the American "Yunfei" company was extremely prosperous, while "Xiangsheng" went from bad to worse.

The shrewd Zhou Xiangsheng was naturally not to be outdone, and was also planning to call a car to attract customers. He realized that the phone number of "Xiangsheng" must be more novel and full of meaning, so as to achieve the goal of winning by surprise.After some hard thinking, Zhou Xiangsheng finally thought of a wonderful phone number, which is "40000".There were 40000 million compatriots in China at that time, and the number [-] was obtained by removing the word [-].In order to obtain this number, he spent a lot of energy and money, and finally got his wish.Immediately, he printed the words "Xiangsheng Telephone No. [-]" on all the taxis. At the same time, he also advertised on the covers of major newspapers and telephone books in Shanghai. Under public telephones in restaurants, hotels, theaters and other entertainment venues.

Hard work pays off.Zhou Xiangsheng's shrewdness and hard work made "Xiangsheng Telephone No. 40000" almost a household name in Shanghai. The company's turnover rose in a straight line, and the scale also expanded rapidly. When it was prosperous, it had more than 200 taxis, overwhelming the " "Yunfei" became the largest taxi company in modern Shanghai.

Some people say that the money of Wenzhou people is earned, and the money of Shanghai people is calculated. This is absolutely true.The savvy of the Shanghainese is real.If you are not skilled, you cannot be a Shanghainese.

Business experience

Shrewdness is not a value, but a quality.Economic interests are the highest pursuit. Shanghai people's shrewdness is known to everyone, but this kind of knowledge often contains derogatory connotations. The reason may be that Shanghainese show this shrewdness nakedly on their faces and make it public.In the process of interacting with people, they only pay attention to the relationship of benefit, if it is beneficial, they will gather, and if there is no benefit, they will disperse.Although Shanghainese value profit, they will only obtain their own part legally and according to the rules; at the same time, they will not harm the interests of others.This is different from the traditional "selfishness".

Why do people in Shanghai regard economic interests as the only principle and purpose when doing business?This is mainly because, under the influence of Shanghainese's long industrial and commercial history, the affordable philosophy has become their deep-rooted concept.Due to the long-term influence of commercial traditions, Shanghai merchants have formed a value concept centered on the individual standard.In daily life, it shows that it pays attention to practical benefits, does not care about politics, and cares about personal and family life; in the business field, it shows a businessman's style that only pays attention to economic interests and emphasizes profits.

Shanghainese's focus on profit is quite like the financial giant Morgan.The financier Morgan is always thinking about how to make money, even to the point of obsession.He has a habit of buying a local evening paper with stock market closing information from a small newsstand every evening and reading it at home.When his friends are busy with entertainment, he said: "When some people are keen on studying baseball or football, I like to study how to make money." Of course, Morgan is not a person who lives for money. Said: "Money is not important to me, but the process of making money, that is, constantly accepting challenges is the fun, not asking for money, but making money, and watching the money roll is meaningful."

Shanghainese who pursue affordable benefits can always quickly find their best interests in various complicated situations.For example, in business activities, compared with northerners, Shanghainese seldom consider non-economic factors such as face and reputation, but clearly put economic interests first.The number of Shanghainese going abroad every year ranks first in the country, and the main purpose of Shanghainese going abroad is to pursue greater economic interests.

The concept of Shanghai businessmen who only pursue profit is reflected in the relationship between buyers and sellers in the business field. It is manifested that both buyers and sellers regard each other as a means to achieve their own goals, and interpret the relationship between themselves and others as the relationship between ends and means. The calculation of gains and losses comes first. to everything.They always judge the effect of their actions based on how much they invest and the actual profit.

People in the north may consider various factors such as human relationships and status differences when doing business, but in Shanghai, businessmen seldom consider these.As long as it can make money, a few people who don't know each other can quickly form a group. If the business is done, or it seems likely to cooperate in business again, then the two parties may continue to communicate, and once the purpose of economic interests is achieved or If the group fails to achieve its economic goals, these people quickly disintegrate.

It can be seen from this that Shanghainese will not do things that are not beneficial.Shanghai people do business only for economic benefit, nothing else.

Business experience

In the business field, economic interests must be put first.Doing business in a down-to-earth manner and earning money in a down-to-earth manner is as simple as it is simple, and great wisdom is like a fool.When a real businessman is in business, his business methods are usually very plain and focus on practical results.They don't talk empty words, fantasize about others, and don't complain about others. They follow the standard of being "slow to talk, sensitive to things, and cautious in deeds".

Shanghai merchants have such characteristics.There is a young man from Shanghai named Liu Zhijie. In Shenzhen, a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, he swept away tens of millions of belongings just by sweeping the floor.And his biggest advantage is only: a pair of hardworking hands and a down-to-earth heart.

When he first came to Shenzhen, Liu Zhijie worked as a cleaner at Shatou Bus Station, with a monthly salary of only 600 yuan.But for him, this is equivalent to the money his family raises two big fat pigs all year round.Therefore, he was very content and devoted all his thoughts to sweeping the floor.At that time, other colleagues left after work every day, but he had nowhere to go, so he took the initiative to stay and help those drivers who came back late wash their cars and clean up the garbage in their cars.

Once, his left arm was accidentally cut by a car, and the leader of the station arranged for him to rest, but he went to work wrapped in bandages.Colleagues said he was a big fool, but he said: "My left hand was injured, don't I still have my right hand?"

Later, the deputy manager of the station privately contracted the bus station.In order to improve efficiency and spend more time on business, I want to contract out the cleaning work of the station.At that time, the manager did not hesitate to hand over the annual cleaning service contract of 25 yuan to Liu Zhijie.In this way, with diligence and valuable professionalism, Liu Zhijie became a contractor with more than ten workers.

After the one-year contract expired, the station not only signed another five-year cleaning service contract with Liu Zhijie, but also gave him a bonus of 5 yuan.This year, he earned more than 5000 yuan.

One night in 2000, when Liu Zhijie was cleaning a big bus, he found a black plastic bag.He picked it up and opened it. There were 20 yuan in cash and a contract inside.He thought that the owner must be very anxious, so he immediately called the phone number left on the contract.It turned out that the owner was the purchasing manager of a large factory, Manager Li, who recovered the huge sum of money. Manager Li was very grateful, and offered 2000 yuan as a reward on the spot, and wanted to tell the leader of the station, but he firmly refused.Manager Li asked him for a phone number, and then left with gratitude.

Half a month later, Manager Li found him. It turns out that Manager Li's factory has more than 3000 employees and covers an area of ​​more than 4 square meters.They also wanted to contract out the cleanliness of the factory to Liu Zhijie, so as to save the factory some trouble.Therefore, Liu Zhijie won a cleaning service contract of 80 yuan per year by virtue of his virtue of collecting money.

Later, he contracted the cleaning work of several lots, and the business grew bigger and bigger. In September 2001, he established the "Shenzhen Lvyun Cleaning Service Company". At the same time, he hired gardening experts and professional management personnel. He also took time to learn relevant knowledge and realized the transformation from a cleaner to a boss.

In May 2002, the cleaning and sanitation service of Buxing Industrial City, Longgang, Shenzhen was called for public bidding. Liu Zhijie rode an old bicycle to bid.On that day, many bosses who came to participate in the bidding came in small cars.At first, people thought that Liu Zhijie sitting at the bidding site was just a handyman in the industrial city.However, what is unexpected is that the leader of the industrial city handed over the big cleaning contract of 5 million yuan per year to Liu Zhijie's Luyun Cleaning Service Company.

The leader who presided over the bidding pointed to Liu Zhijie and said: "He has been working for more than three years, but he still wears work clothes and rides a bicycle. This makes us very admirable. First, it shows that he still maintains the true qualities of a cleaner, and he is not superior to the grassroots. The cleaning work is out of touch; secondly, it stands to reason that he also has the conditions to drive a small car to bid, but he did not, which shows that he did not cut corners, shoddy and profiteering in his work. Therefore, we selected Green Cloud Cleaning Service Company today .”

In this way, Liu Zhijie got another cleaning service contract with an annual service fee of 200 million yuan. He has more than 150 cleaning workers in this industrial zone.Today, Liu Zhijie's company's total annual turnover has reached 1400 million yuan, and its subordinate cleaner team has reached more than 600 people.

The success story of this young man from Shanghai tells us: "An honest person will never suffer a loss." Even if you are engaged in a very humble job that everyone looks down on, as long as you are serious and down-to-earth, you will be as successful as Liu Zhijie .On the contrary, those who think opportunistically, lazy and slippery all day long will eventually shoot themselves in the foot.

Don't bow your head, don't admit defeat, do what you do, do what you do to make money.Don't try to make a name for yourself, don't put on airs, do more and talk less.In the face of accusations, don't argue or defend; in the face of achievements, don't be arrogant or show off.Doing business and making money in a down-to-earth manner, this is the pragmatic money-making style of Shanghai businessmen.

Business experience

When a real businessman is in business, his business methods are usually very plain and focus on practical results.Stability is required in everything, and stability is the only way to win. We know that Shanghai people are well-known for their shrewdness.Shanghainese will maximize their personal intelligence in various situations and behaviors, and strive to obtain the maximum benefit with the minimum investment.Therefore, generally speaking, shrewd Shanghainese are unwilling to take too many risks.Shanghainese do things differently than many northerners do things step by step. They often start after everything has been thought out.This is reflected in the fact that Shanghainese seek stability and safety when doing business, and would rather not do business than take risks.Compared with other business gangs, Shanghai businessmen put more emphasis on stable investment and operation projects.Tao Xinkang, the founder of Shanghai New Climax Group, is such a businessman.

New Gaochao Group is a comprehensive group enterprise mainly engaged in wood production, and concurrently engaged in real estate, hotel services and other industries. Since 1997, it has ranked first in the "Shanghai Top 5 Private Enterprises" for five consecutive years.Despite such honors, Tao Xinkang is not intoxicated by it, and has always adhered to a principle deep in his heart-concentrate on doing one thing well every year.

In 2002, Tao Xinkang repositioned his goal. What is this goal?To people's surprise, Tao Xinkang actually began to "go back" this year - he wanted to plant trees.

Planting trees can be said to be an ancient business. In the eyes of many people, it is even doubtful whether it is a business, but Tao Xinkang is full of confidence in it.He said that when tree planting truly becomes an industry, we can find it "golden and shining".


With such a stable and considerable income, don't others rush to make it?Tao Xinkang's own explanation is that financial strength is a big obstacle.Because the cash flow of this business is very slow, you can only invest in it for 7 years, and you can only reap the rewards after 7 years.And if you set up a factory, it will usually produce benefits in the second year.

Of course, there are not no people with financial strength and such vision and interest.Some wealthy businessmen from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore have also planted trees in their enclosures in recent years, and the government is usually very supportive of this, because afforestation objectively plays an environmental role.For investors, it can be described as a double harvest of economic and social benefits.

Of course, Tao Xinkang's real purpose of planting trees is not only to protect the environment, he has his own calculations.As China's largest consumables company, New Climax is facing real threats. 90% of the group's sales come from the wood industry, and raw materials are mainly imported from abroad.However, various countries have imposed more and more restrictions on timber export. Tao Xinkang began to think: If there is no "rice" in the future, how will the "rice" of the new climax be cooked?

Then, Tao Xinkang invested 6000 million yuan every year to expand the planting of 10 mu of fast-growing poplars. By 2005, he had planted a total of 60 mu of trees, and maintained this scale for a long time, forming the "private land" of the Tao family.This measure not only increases the green coverage rate of Shanghai by 5%, but also has 2006 mu of trees available for logging and regeneration every year since 10, which truly makes New Gaochao Company "have its own forest for logging".The development of Tao Xinkang Foundation "from wood to forest, from forest to forest" can finally be endless and continuous.

It can be seen that Tao Xinkang is not only good at winning while maintaining stability, but also has a very long-term vision.For businessmen, "stability" is the foundation of doing business, first of all lies in the stability of mentality, second is the safe method, reasonable and legal operation.On the other hand, those businessmen who are impetuous, eager for quick success, or even forget the righteousness for small profits, they may be able to succeed for a while, but they will never last long.

Business experience

For businessmen, "stability" is the foundation of doing business, first of all lies in the stability of mentality, second is the safe method, reasonable and legal operation. "Grabbing" opportunities means "grabbing" money. From the 20s to the early 80s, people in Shanghai called "earning money" "Bafen", which means that making money is like panning for gold in the soil. Patience, and the speed must be fast, so that you can get the biggest share of the pie in the shortest time, otherwise the ducks that reach their mouths may be snatched away at any time.

Almost every shrewd Shanghai businessman maintains this innate sense of "grabbing". Although in the process of "robbing", he may miss new opportunities in the market due to the fans of the authorities, but as long as he can seize If there is an opportunity, they will take the lead in one fell swoop by paying attention to speed and means.

Chen Rong, chairman of Shanghai Zhonglu Group, is a person who is good at seizing opportunities to grab money.Working as a mechanic since childhood, he started a textile factory in 1984 with all his savings of $250. In the early 20s, Chen Rong invested the profits of his textile factory in the stock market, which allowed him to earn 90 million U.S. dollars, which he used as the original capital to create Zhonglu.Zhonglu later developed into the largest bowling equipment manufacturer in China.

In the stock market, Chen Rong gave full play to the characteristics of Shanghainese people grabbing opportunities. He even straightforwardly summed up his method of making money as "money grabbing theory".Chen Rong regards the market as a land full of money that cannot be robbed. His brilliance lies in that he does not use a fixed method to "grab" but constantly changes ways to "grab". It is one step ahead of others.

There have been many millionaires and multi-millionaires in the Shanghai stock market, but the one who had the deepest influence on the latecomers was Chen Rong, who was the first to enter the stock market.Since the establishment of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in December 1990, Chen Rong thought it was a fate-changing event.He believes that major opportunities in China often come from government policies, and every new economic policy or major measure is introduced, which means new opportunities.

Chen Rong strengthened his mind and took the lead in investing in the stock market on the first day of trading without hesitation.Maybe people nowadays think this is nothing, but in that era, such a choice was very remarkable and full of legend.Chen Rong realized that when the stock market needs public support and incentives to enter the market, entering the market already means high returns, so he pooled up 5000 yuan in shares, entered the stock market on the first day of opening, and was lucky to trade 2700 yuan.As a result, one year later, the stock market gradually aroused people's enthusiasm for investment, and many stocks became popular in the stock market. Chen Rong's initial investment actually doubled by 11 times.Since then, Chen Rong has raised more than 10 yuan of funds, entered the stock market with all his strength, and became the first generation of big investors in the Shanghai stock market.After that, Chen Rong earned more than ten times the profit in the stock market, and has since become a billionaire on the beach. In 1995, he invested 8000 million yuan to establish "Zhonglu Industry".

Chen Rong felt it was enough to earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the stock market.Because the stock market is ruthless, it can create countless rich people, and it can also destroy countless rich people. Only industry is something that can be firmly grasped forever.Therefore, after winning the "big gamble", Chen Rong restrained his pace and turned his main energy to industry. In 1998, Chen Rong invited more than 30 big stock market players in Shanghai to hear their opinions.While appreciating Chen Rong's move to create the "Middle Road", most of my friends did not realize that Chen Rong's move was creating conditions for a larger-scale "money grabbing operation".

With his sharp vision and tens of millions of capital at his disposal, Chen Rong boldly marched into this field.Some people think that he is a little reckless, and it seems that he should observe and study for a period of time before making plans, but Chen Rong believes that opportunities are often lost in observation and learning.Just like when he broke into the stock market at the beginning, although he has no experience, as long as you take the lead, you will already have an advantage in speed, and you will be able to take the lead in "scoring points".Later success also proved his choice was correct.

As a new generation of Shanghai businessman, Chen Rong changed to a newer and faster tool to practice his new theory of "grabbing money", and the new generation tool he relied on was the most famous knowledge in the "knowledge era".The times are developing, and of course there must be new methods of "scoring" in the new era.From stock trading to other industries, Chen Rong always realized this new method one step faster than others, so he has always been in the leading position.

For a businessman who wants to achieve extraordinary achievements, when fighting in the market, he must not only master the specific methods, means and skills of business management, but also be good at observing domestic and international political and economic situations and make comprehensive judgments And logical reasoning, size up the situation, choose the best time, and win by surprise.

Business experience

When fighting in the market, one must not only master the specific methods, means and skills of business operations, but also be good at observing domestic and international political and economic situations, make comprehensive judgments and logical reasoning, assess the situation, and choose the best time , by surprise.Without competition, there is no development of Shanghai. Since ancient times, it has been a battleground for businessmen. Whoever can gain a foothold in Shanghai will have wealth.As early as the 20s and 30s, although the Shanghai market was not yet fully mature, the business competition at that time was already very cruel.The competition between foreign merchants and foreign merchants, between Shanghai merchants and foreign merchants, and between Shanghai merchants was fierce.

Xujiahui on Nanjing Road in Shanghai and large commercial buildings on Huaihai Road continue to emerge, connecting end to end, forming a unique "circle pattern".The competition methods adopted by many merchants are more complex and diverse, such as advertising wars, price wars, brand wars... the smoke is full of gunpowder, and there are many strange tricks.It can be said that as a businessman, if he wants to do business in Shanghai, he must boldly participate and compete.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the beer market in Shanghai was always monopolized by foreign businessmen.After the Zuiquan Brewery in Yantai was established, it quickly made a breakthrough in Shanghai as the focus of market development, because Shanghai was the place where China's beer consumption was relatively large at that time.In order to compete with foreign businessmen for the market, Zuiquan Brewery held large-scale promotional activities, one of which was the "China Beer Conference".

One day, Zuiquan Brewery first hid a bottle of Chinese beer in Shanghai Bansong Garden, and announced in public that whoever found the beer would reward him with 20 cases of Chinese beer.On that day, Shanghai Bansong Garden was crowded with people. People were very interested in this novel promotion method, and they also wanted to see whether Zuiquan Brewery would honor it.As a result, Zuiquan Brewery really fulfilled its promise. Since then, Zuiquan Beer became famous and gained a firm foothold in Shanghai.

Foreign beer sees Chinese beer's open challenge, and because of its wealth and wealth, foreign beer announces to lower the price, trying to squeeze out Chinese beer.Zuiquan Brewery did not back down, and offered a huge prize of 13 yuan for prize sales, and cleverly designed the prize.They printed the words "Chinese Beer" on the caps of some beer bottles, and each word represented a certain prize, and scattered them in [-] boxes of wine. Whoever bought the beer with the words "Chinese Beer" could get the bottle cap Redemption.This move was a great success again, thus forming a pattern of Chinese beer selling well in Shanghai.

From the above examples, it can be seen that compared with foreign wine, Zuiquan Brewery can be said to understand the consumption psychology of Chinese people.They took advantage of the Chinese people's psychology of believing in luck, ingeniously conceived, and the sales promotion method was extremely effective, which greatly improved their market competitiveness.

Now, Shanghai's market economy has entered a mature track, and merchants adopt various means of competition, and sometimes irrational competition is inevitable, such as excessive bargaining, mutual attacks and verbal abuse, etc.Although these means of competition reflect the aggressive and competitive business spirit of Shanghai people, they also reflect a problem: their means of competition are relatively primitive, immature, and irrational.

One of the signs of a mature market economy should be the end of the era of irrational competition. At this time, a higher level of competition has become the most urgent need of the entire market.Since Shanghai businessmen realized this problem in the competition, they turned from attacking outwards to developing inwards one after another, striving to strengthen their core competitiveness to adapt to the coming new competitive situation.

Shen Wen, chairman of Shanghai Zijiang Group, is a Shanghai businessman who knew early on how to establish corporate advantages from newer means of competition. In 1982, when the wind of reform and opening up was just blowing, I kept hearing stories of some vigorous entrepreneurs going into business. At this time, Shen Wen also wanted to do something.Once, he accidentally heard someone talk about a new technology that had just been introduced into China - plastic packaging.After some market research, Shen Wen, who knew nothing about packaging before, decided to choose this industry.So he used the 3 yuan he borrowed to establish "Zijiang Enterprise". Although the scale of the enterprise was small when it was founded, it developed very rapidly later.

In 1989, driven by the reform and opening up, private enterprises all over the country also emerged one after another.The food processing industry, the footwear industry, and the electronics industry all developed rapidly.Shen Wen is no longer satisfied with small troubles. He adopts the form of joint-stock system to establish Zijiang (Group) Company, which has 7 enterprises under its jurisdiction, and begins to enter the printing industry on a large scale.

In the 20s, the domestic packaging and printing market was full of gunpowder, and all the heroes were vying for hegemony.Many large packaging and printing companies have encountered the first problem in the development process: how to develop?Shen Wen's solution is to expand the market.For this reason, he began to establish branch factories in the form of joint ventures in various places, so that Zijiang enterprises can gain an advantage in the competition of local local enterprises.In fact, his approach has led him to great success.

As a native Shanghainese, Shen Wen’s entrepreneurial success is also a microcosm of Shanghainese’s character and wisdom. The Shanghai businessmen who were the first to understand the business essence of Western developed countries in China were also the first businessmen to understand the way of competition. , but also the group of businessmen who took the lead in embarking on the road of skillful competition.Shanghai businessmen deeply understand that there can be no development without competition, and no development without competition.

Business experience

There can be no development without competition, and no development without competition.

If you want to win, you must make accurate predictions. According to the legend, there are countless gold and silver treasures in the "Alibaba Cave", but in the eyes of Shanghainese, there are "Alibaba Caves" everywhere.Shanghainese are good at seeing business where others cannot see business, and they can find the secret to making a fortune even in desolate places.In their eyes, there are "Alibaba caves" everywhere, and all of them are rich.Business opportunities that others are unaware of, as long as there are Shanghai businessmen, everything will emerge suddenly, and everything will live because of people.Shanghai businessmen seem to hold the golden key to open the "Alibaba Cave".

"Shanghai Real Estate King" Ye Lipei was originally just a math teacher.Perhaps because he is very sensitive to numbers, he came up with the idea: the salary is relatively stable and the treatment is good, but after calculating it piecemeal and deducting daily expenses, money will always be a little tight.If you keep doing this, you will only be able to make do with it for the rest of your life.So he decided to go to sea.

At first, his occupation was just an escort. Although life was very hard, the painful career became the source of Ye Lipei's inspiration.After five years of hard work, Ye Lipei has changed from a "delicate" Shanghainese to a big man who travels all over the world.During these five years, Ye Lipei accumulated some funds, which became his first capital to fight the market.

In 1978, Ye Lipei went to Australia to do business, shipping Chinese goods to Australia for sale.But because he has just entered the sea, he is inexperienced, and his judgment is wrong, so he often tastes the taste of failure.But Ye Lipei can always calm down from the failure in time and make some necessary remedies, so that his losses are not too big and he can still maintain his business.Later, he finally found some ways, and found that doing groceries and knitting clothing trade was very easy, so he worked tirelessly and traveled between China and Australia.After 10 years of hard work, he earned a second sum of money from import trade.

Later, he advanced into the real estate industry in Shanghai.At that time, Ye Lipei's capital was only about 1000 million RMB.After careful market research, he took a fancy to a wasteland of about 35 square meters in Hongkou District.He envisions developing it into the most upscale residential area in Shanghai.After some hard work, he won the land, and then he joined several major consortiums to invest 40 billion Hong Kong dollars in preparation for the construction of "Famous Capital City".

It seemed risky at the time.It is unlikely to make money in a desolate place to build high-end housing for successful people.But Ye Lipei is very confident.At this time, the news of the development of Pudong has already been heard, the determination of the Shanghainese to rebuild the Greater Shanghai is beginning to appear, and the expansion of the city is just around the corner. These factors are all favorable conditions.At the same time, compared with the crowded living environment in the busy city, real estate developers around the world have begun to try to expand to the suburbs. This is the so-called "urbanization" that is all the rage in Guangdong's real estate industry.The land price in the suburbs is also much lower than that in the downtown area, and the development of the large market reduces the manufacturing cost.

Taking these factors into consideration, Ye Lipei felt that there was no reason not to make money investing in this piece of land.Facts proved that his judgment was correct again. In the end, the real estate price of "Mingdu City" was between 1300 and 1400 US dollars, 70% of which were sold, and the remaining 30% became serviced apartments of Zhongsheng Property under his command.Based on the diluted real estate investment rate of return, "Mingdu City" has the highest rate of return among all Zhongsheng Property projects, with an investment value as high as 29.8%.People in the real estate industry in Shanghai later lamented: "Now we can no longer find such a good gold project."

In 1990, Ye Lipei used his unique vision to bid 1.2 million yuan for the land of Shanghai's "Western Suburb Garden Villas", and then relied on overseas bank financing to build 88 villas, winning a big success again in Shanghai's real estate industry. Since then, everyone in Shanghai's real estate industry has known Ye Lipei.

Today, the total assets of Zhongsheng Group founded by Ye Lipei have reached billions, and its wholly-owned holding companies and real estate project companies are located in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing and other places.Facts have proved that his original prediction is correct, and Shanghai is indeed a new domestic economic hotspot.The reason why he can make the right choice is not only that he is from Shanghai, but also because he has accurately grasped the trend of China's economic development.

For more than 30 years, almost every important decision of Ye Lipei was made after considering the economic development trend and assessing the situation. Because of the precise prediction, he almost never made a mistake in his important decisions.It can be seen that accurate market forecasting can help a businessman open up new channels and win new successes.

Business experience

Accurate market prediction can help a businessman open up new channels and win new successes.Start late, retreat first and advance first Entrepreneurs have sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately catch up with any new things and make slight improvements.As long as you follow up right and in time, you can also receive the effect of "coming from behind".

Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Japan's Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd., took "do not invent, only improve" as the company's development strategy at the beginning of his business.He has established 23 research laboratories with advanced equipment to analyze competitors' new products, and try to improve and do better once he finds shortcomings, so as to improve product quality and performance.

The video player was originally manufactured by Sony Corporation by purchasing the US patent, and the company's "Beta Max" video player occupied the initial leading position in the market.However, through market research, Panasonic learned that consumers want video players to play longer, smaller in size and lighter in weight.

Therefore, on the basis of researching "Beta Max", Panasonic quickly launched new products with long running time, small size, light weight and 15% lower price, named "Roxy" and "RCA".Once these two products were launched, they overwhelmed "Beta Max" with an absolute advantage.

Panasonic adopts the strategy of "late development" to introduce new products and make more advanced and better products than the leading brands. Finally, it overwhelms the leading brands and seizes its own market and consumer groups.

Shanghai businessmen are actually a group that is good at striking late.The publishing industry in old Shanghai consisted of the Commercial Press, Zhonghua Publishing Company, and World Publishing Company, presenting a tripartite confrontation, and the competition among them was very fierce.Once, the Commercial Press advertised in a newspaper to order photocopies of the Kangxi Dictionary at 2.5 yuan per copy.After seeing this advertisement, World Bookstore carefully calculated an account. If the book is printed 10000 copies, the cost of each book is about 1.5 yuan, and the profit can be 10000 yuan after selling.And according to World Book Company's forecast, if they print and distribute this book, there will be many times the sales potential to be tapped, so they immediately published a subscription advertisement, announcing the subscription of their Kangxi dictionary photocopies. 1.5 yuan.

In this case, considering its own reputation, the Commercial Press could no longer change the original bidding price, so it had no choice but to bite the bullet and stick to the original price.It is conceivable that most of the readers of the photocopies of the Kangxi Dictionary bought the World Book Company version.

Another case is that there are three large-scale tailor shops on West Nanjing Road in Shanghai, and the competition is also fierce.In all fairness, the craftsmanship of the three tailors is good, and there is not much difference between them.The competition is also going on quietly, and on the surface it seems to be kind.

One day, a tailor shop among the three was the first to provoke the war, and hung a billboard at the door, which read "We have the best tailors in London".This angered the other two tailors.One of them immediately jumped out to fight, and also hung a billboard at the door, which said, "This shop has the best tailors in the world."

Now, the two tailors and many customers are guessing, what should the advertisement of the third one do?You can't write "this shop has the best tailor in the universe".A third tailor's shop put up a sign a few days later, but it was very modest and down-to-earth, and it said "the shop has the best tailors in the street".

From the three billboards of these three tailor shops, smart customers have already experienced the different publicity strategies and service levels of each.They didn't like the two tailor shops in front of them very much, but they praised the tailor shop in the back.Compared with over-exaggerating their own power, the vast majority of consumers believe in its actual power more.Later, the business of the third tailor shop really flourished.This is also the brilliance of post-strike.

Business experience

Entrepreneurs have sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately catch up with new things if they find something new and make a little improvement. As long as they keep up right and in time, they can also receive the effect of "coming from behind".Use talents instead of slaves. During the Second World War, in order to prevent Germany from making atomic bombs, the United States decided to bring Heisenberg, its chief expert in the development of atomic bombs, to the United States.After the United States found out the location of the Nazi laboratory after long-term reconnaissance, a "cover operation" force composed of a paratrooper division, two armored divisions, and an army group began a lightning raid and finally captured the expert.Afterwards, General Groves, who planned to rob Heisenberg, said: "Obtaining Heisenberg is much more valuable than capturing 10 German divisions." This incident tells us that talents play an important role in war.

Similarly, in the market, the competition between enterprises is actually the competition of commodities, whoever has better commodities will occupy the market.To produce high-quality and low-cost products, we first rely on advanced science and technology, and advanced science and technology are mastered by people.Therefore, the competition among enterprises is, in the final analysis, the competition of talents.Shanghai businessmen are those who know how to reuse talents.

Shanghai has always been a city with a large foreign population.In this city, native Shanghainese do not occupy a large proportion, but a large number of people from other places have come here one after another, bringing different cultures and customs from various places.In terms of cultural tolerance, Shanghainese are very open.They are inclusive and inclusive, combining the strengths of cultures from all over the world, forming Shanghai's unique mixed cultural form, and this openness and tolerance have also promoted the rapid development of Shanghai's economy and culture.

Shanghai businessmen attach great importance to talents. Every year, tens of thousands of talents from all over the world are introduced into Shanghai. These people devote themselves to various industries such as Shanghai's industry, finance, technology, and education, and contribute to the development of Shanghai, an international metropolis.In order to recruit more talents, Shanghai actively implemented the talent strategy, reformed the household registration system, and actively introduced a large number of talents from home and abroad.On the one hand, they do everything possible to attract high-quality talents from all over the world to form a large number of talents; on the other hand, they form a good entrepreneurial environment and a cultural environment in which talents can be used to the best of their ability, so that various types of talents can become the backbone of Shanghai's urban construction.

Ding Zuohong, chairman of Shanghai Yuexing Group Co., Ltd., has achieved the grand vision of the group in just 18 years.It started with 3000 yuan at the beginning, and now has assets of several billion yuan; from a small factory with seven or eight people, to a large group with more than 10 employees; from a workshop-style furniture factory to a top 5000 private enterprise.Ding Zuohong's success is inseparable from his good at reusing talents.On the scene of a talk show, when Ding Zuohong talked about the use of talents, he said: "I don't want you to fill my hole with a radish, I want to train you to grow radishes."

Ding Zuohong also said that business leaders must take the lead in doing what they don’t want employees to do first, and take the lead in doing what they want employees to do.The boss is always the person with the most power in the enterprise, and the person with the least power or even no power.Why do you say this way? "Because there are 5000 people watching my words and deeds all the time. If I command correctly, the company's situation will get better and better; but if I do something harmful to the company, what will the company and employees do?"

What is it that hurts the business?Ding Zuohong gave an example: "I have complete control over the company's funds. If I am the boss who bets 50 or 100 million at a time, no one can stop me, but if the hearts of the people are scattered, what will I do tomorrow?" Therefore, the company must Only a healthy and transparent management system can guarantee its normal growth.In this healthy and transparent management system, Ding Zuohong said: "You can flatter the table but not flatter. If you want to employ talents, you should never use slaves. The mediocre and the incompetent will go up." Yuexing Group uses this as a standard to attract newcomers and plan goals. of.

Business experience

The competition among enterprises is, in the final analysis, the competition of talents.Technological innovation is the secret to corporate success "Science and technology are primary productive forces." Technology not only plays a vital role in social progress and economic development, but also contains unlimited business opportunities for Shanghai businessmen.

In recent years, with the development of society, a group of "new Shanghai businessmen" have emerged in Shanghai, and these "new Shanghai businessmen" have a strong sense of science and technology.Many heads of technology-based private enterprises believe that Shanghai has very limited material resources, but rich technology and cultural resources. "New Shanghai businessmen" should be better at using intelligence to drive high-value-added other resources through technological innovation. "In the future, scientific and technological innovation and independent intellectual property rights should become the iconic banner of 'New Shanghai Merchants'."

If an enterprise wants to maintain good economic benefits for a long time, it must be able to continuously provide users with new and high-tech products.Therefore, it is difficult to occupy the market for a long time only by repeatedly producing some fixed products or only focusing on increasing the number of products.This requires entrepreneurs not to rest on their laurels, but to constantly introduce technological inventions, speed up product updates, so that their products can always attract users' curiosity and admiration, and incorporate the money in their pockets into their own accounts. The highest level of business operation.

Someone asked Zheng Huyong, the founder of Shanghai Xiekona Health Care Equipment Co., Ltd., what the secret of success was. Zheng Huyong replied: "We think system innovation and technological innovation are the secrets of corporate success."

According to the individual needs of customers, Xie Ke Nakang Health Care Equipment Co., Ltd. grasps the psychology of customers. The products developed are mainly multi-variety and small batches, and the enterprise operation mode of tailor-made service for customers is implemented.

Xie Ke Nakang Health Care Equipment Co., Ltd. is based on TV shopping.At that time, TV shopping was already very mature in Japan, South Korea, Europe, the United States and other places, but China’s TV shopping was still in its infancy, and it had a contractual relationship with merchants. after-sales service relationship.After a customer buys a product, if they encounter a problem, they will not go to the TV station, but to the merchant.The real TV shopping must be involved in the whole process of product design, packaging, quality control, release and publicity, and after-sales service. That is to say, only when it is seamlessly connected with the product can the cake of TV shopping grow bigger.In addition, the TV shopping channel should also combine "selling" with pleasure, and try to narrow the psychological distance with customers as much as possible.

In terms of marketing mode, Zheng Huyong believes: "Our company mainly uses the sales mode of TV shopping and online shopping through the e-commerce platform. Nowadays, people are getting more and more busy, and the convenience of TV and online shopping is catering to the needs of consumers. , now people in South Korea can shop without leaving home, and I believe that China will also develop in this way in the near future, and more consumers will join the TV shopping group.”

How does Xiekona Health Care Equipment Co., Ltd. do in terms of technological innovation?Zheng Huyong said: "Our company is very strict about product quality control. If the product is damaged during transportation, it will be replaced 100% unconditionally, and we will do our best to do a good job in after-sales work. We consider what you think before you. You have not What we think of, we also consider for you, so that you can rest easy after buying."

Xiekona Health Care Equipment Co., Ltd. has also invested a lot of manpower and material resources in product development and other aspects.The company vigorously promotes product development, invests a certain amount of funds in product development every year, and has achieved gratifying results, winning domestic and international awards for many times.

Zheng Huyong also has his own ideas and measures on how to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.Zheng Huyong said: "The so-called corporate competitiveness is formed by the organic combination of technological innovation capabilities, market expansion capabilities, human resource development capabilities, capital operation capabilities, and risk resistance capabilities. effective means of competitiveness.”

How did Zheng Huyong mention product, marketing, and service innovations?

in product innovation.The pros and cons of product performance, quality, novelty, technical content and consumer satisfaction determine the company's competitive situation and development prospects in the market.Therefore, according to the needs of the market, the company constantly updates a series of content such as product performance, quality, and service.

in terms of marketing innovation.The company believes that traditional marketing usually uses manpower as its basic tool, and market research and test sales as the basis for its marketing activities. This method is easily restricted by regions and costs.The development of high technology has completely changed this passive situation. The establishment of the Internet has greatly improved the source and processing capacity of customers' shopping information. Participants in the Internet are not only users, but also information producers on the Internet.Therefore, the communication and processing of information between customers and companies becomes easier and easier, and the traditional sales and shopping methods will be replaced by modern sales and shopping methods that are more direct and more conducive to customer choice.

in terms of service innovation.Today, with sufficient supply of products and convenient transportation, the product differences among enterprises are constantly narrowing.Therefore, the company pays more and more attention to service innovation, summarizes the experience of enterprises in economically developed countries, and regards customer self-service, whole-process service and all-round service as the key content of enterprise service innovation.

For modern enterprises, if they want to develop, they must rely heavily on modern science and technology. Only through continuous technological innovation and production of better and more consumer-friendly products can they occupy the market to the maximum extent.

Business experience

If an enterprise wants to maintain good economic benefits for a long time, it must be able to continuously provide users with new and high-tech products.

(End of this chapter)

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