Business Experience: The Business Wisdom of China's Top Ten Business Groups

Chapter 9 Fujian Merchants - Only hard work will win

Chapter 9 Fujian Merchants - Only hard work will win
A southern Hokkien song of "Love to fight will win" has been sung all over China, and also showed the characteristics of Fujian merchants - "hard work" to the world.Someone once said: "Wherever there are people in the world, there are Chinese; wherever there are Chinese, there are Fujianese." The survival of Fujianese overseas is inseparable from their business activities.Fujian merchants are "business-oriented" and have created a unique "Fujian merchant model", which is characterized by: daring to develop, dare to venture, and dare to take risks.The courage and boldness of Fujian merchants' operation of "dare to be the first in the world, and hard work will win" and the rational control of "good at seeing changes in time" perfectly and realistically combine their characteristics with the platform for entrepreneurship.

Only hard work will win "Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work, and hard work will win..." This southern Fujian song "Work hard will win" has been popular in China for a long time.Many people think this song is nice, but who knows the real taste of it?This song can be said to be a household name in southern Fujian, even women and children.Many Hokkien people proudly call it the "National Anthem" of Hokkien.In the business world, this song is even regarded as the song of the "business soul" of the Hokkien people.

The reason why this song has such a high status is because of the words "fight" and "win" in the lyrics.In the view of the people of southern Hokkien, no matter what you do in life, you cannot do without the fighting spirit. If you don’t have the fighting spirit of daring to venture and take risks, you will not win success.

Businessmen in southern Fujian are not afraid of failure. They have been defeated repeatedly, but failure did not knock them down, nor did setbacks knock them down. They became more courageous as they got frustrated, and always maintained the highest personal pursuit of life: using their own wisdom to forge business brilliant.It is said that in Europe, 10 out of 9 Chinese come from Fujian.The tenacious spirit of Fujian businessmen who will not give up until they achieve their goals makes Fujianese a "terrible" business opponent.So, they've been fighting for hundreds of years.So some people say that when you see Hokkien people, you will feel that you have lived in vain.Hokkien people have a kind of ruthlessness, they can use all their lives to pursue their highest state, and they don't want to waste a minute or a second, until the point of immortality, just like Kuafu day after day, life goes on and on, and it goes on and on.It is this kind of hard work that created the glorious Fujian business community in the past.

Hokkien people have a strong desire to start a business and a fighting spirit of daring to take risks. "If you can't be a boss, you're not a good macho" is a catchphrase among Quanzhou people.Running a business and becoming the boss is the goal pursued by the younger generation of Quanzhou people. This value orientation is particularly evident among the young people in Shishi, Jinjiang and Nan'an.

Xu Lianjie, general manager of Jinjiang Hengan Group Company, is such a person.Xu Lianjie was born in Anhai, southern Fujian, and started working hard in the world when he was a teenager.He has made sweet potato vermicelli, sold fruits and vegetables, and suffered a lot.Later, with the surge of the economic tide, Xu Lianjie's long-suppressed entrepreneurial desire and management ability suddenly burst out.He took the lead in setting up a garment processing factory in his hometown, and then established a Sino-foreign joint venture, Hengan Industrial Co., Ltd., which mainly produces "Anle" sanitary napkins.

He was not satisfied with this, and he set his sights on Shanghai, the largest commercial city in China.Many people think this is a ridiculous idea. There are more than a dozen sanitary napkin factories on the banks of the Huangpu River alone. Can a company like yours, which has just started and has a strong local flavor, squeeze in?However, Xu Lianjie knew in his heart that if his "Anle" product could gain a firm foothold in Shanghai, it would not only bring great economic benefits, but also have important strategic significance.

Xu Lianjie secretly made up his mind: he must break into Shanghai, and must break into it.Xu Lianjie had the courage, insight and strategy, he personally put on his clothes and led a group of salesmen who were able to fight well into Shanghai.However, several months passed in a blink of an eye, and even his lips and shoes were worn out, and even a lady who was willing to give it a try was not found, but Xu Lianjie was not discouraged. "Kung Fu pays off", finally a company is willing to purchase, but the price is too low.At that time, "Anle" sanitary napkins cost at least 9 cents, but the other party was only willing to pay 8 cents, and they didn't want any more.

The purpose of doing business is to make a profit. Who wants to do such a business without profit and loss of money!However, Xu Lianjie, who is shrewd and flexible, already has a clear understanding of the company's reputation and sales. "I'm afraid that if you don't buy it, you will definitely come to me when you taste the sweetness." Xu Lianjie made a decision on the spot: "Sell, but only for 200 boxes." Unexpectedly, seeing Xu Lianjie's promise so readily, the other party changed his mind and said: "7 cents 9 deal, otherwise don’t buy.”

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and the matter has come to this point, Xu Lianjie has no choice but to sign a contract and deliver it.Although this is a very unfair deal!However, Xu Lianjie had already made up his mind.A few days later, the company also found a way to make money from the Hokkien people, so they approached the door and asked for another purchase. They were willing to order 9 boxes at a price of 7 cents per pack.Since then, it has been out of control.Now this company has become Hengan's largest partner, ordering 2000 boxes every year, and the transaction value has reached tens of millions of yuan.

In Xu Lianjie, we can see the qualities of a Hokkien businessman: pioneering and enterprising, daring to venture and fight hard, with profound calculations.Many Hokkien merchants, as free traders, fearlessly explored overseas markets, and finally sprouted new branches on the dead tree of the Fujian Merchants Group, so that the commercial spirit of the Hokkien Merchants Group can be continued in overseas Chinese and Taiwan Hokkien people. .

"If you work hard, you will win." This is a summary of the entrepreneurial experience of a businessman in southern Fujian, and it is also an experience condensed from tears and sweat.If a person who is good at doing business also has the spirit of "hard work will win", I believe he will also make a fortune and make a lot of money.

"If you work hard, you will win." No one's wealth is not earned through hard work, and no one's success is without a trace of risk.In fact, taking risks on the road to success in business is different from the recklessness of simple-minded people, and also different from the speculation of greedy people. It is a person's keen insight, which shows that a person's flexibility in doing things is a kind of commodity economy society. Zeitgeist.

Business experience

In life, no matter what you do, you can’t do without the fighting spirit. If you don’t have the fighting spirit of daring to venture and take risks, you will not win success.Challenge to fate Fujian is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and the ancestral home of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. There are currently more than 1000 million Fujianese living overseas, covering more than 160 countries and regions, so that there is a saying: wherever there are people in the world , there are Chinese; wherever there are Chinese, there are Hokkien.

Why are so many people in Fujian willing to leave their hometowns?Willing to endure all kinds of pain and even danger?One of the main reasons is that "Fujian is densely populated".There is no land for cultivation along the coast of Fujian, and there is not enough food. People are forced to go out of the province or even to the sea.In the Southern Song Dynasty's "Quannan Song", it is said: "The people in Quanzhou are thick and barren, and they have no land to cultivate. There is an endless sea in the south of the state, and boats are built every year to reach foreign lands." Therefore, it is certain that "Fujian "Businessmen" first emerged among these forced people during the forced process, that is, the pride of Fujian merchants today originated from the tragedy of the year, and it is precisely because of this tragedy that they will challenge their own destiny .

In Beijing, many people know South Korea Dragon, one of the "Four Great Families" in the Fujian real estate industry.In fact, Korea Dragon, which first came to Beijing for development, was also the first to successfully enter the capital market.He dared to challenge his destiny and dreamed of turning his own Citychamp Group into a century-old group.

Han Hanlong immigrated to Hong Kong shortly after finishing high school in his hometown of Fujian as a teenager, and began to set foot in the business world in the 20s. In 70, Han Guolong established the Hong Kong Citychamp Group, and gradually shifted its business focus to the mainland. It invested hundreds of millions of yuan in the construction of Yuanhong Garden, Mindong Building, Rongqiao Garden and other projects in Fuzhou, which opened up the popularity of Citychamp.

In fact, the opportunity that really gave Korea Dragon a chance to develop was the visit in 1993.That year, the Haidian District Government of Beijing visited the urban construction of Fuzhou, and they were very impressed by the old city renovation project in Fuzhou.At that time, it was also the day when Beijing was about to start to renovate the old city. Therefore, the method used by the South Korean dragon in charge of this project became a matter of greatest concern to visitors from Beijing.Out of affirmation of the outstanding achievements of South Korea Dragon, Beijing Haidian District Government has sent special personnel to Fujian many times to invite South Korea Dragon to develop in Beijing.In the end, he said yes.

After Han Hanlong came to Beijing, he immediately registered "Beijing Guanhai Real Estate Co., Ltd." as a joint venture with Beijing Haidian District Real Estate Development Company for US$1670 million.Next, the first project he took over was the old house renovation project in Madian, which was the first project developed by Guanhai Company in Beijing.South Korea Dragon, which is supported and trusted by the government, has experience in the renovation of the old city of Fuzhou, but he does not dare to take it lightly.

Although Han Hanlong was so careful, he encountered unprecedented difficulties and fell into pain.No two places have the same laws of economic development.In comparison, projects that are easy to do in the South are not necessarily easy to do in the North; and vice versa.Han Hanlong quickly noticed this problem.He also worked on the same project in Fujian. When the demolition problem was encountered, the people in Fujian cooperated very much as soon as the local government came forward. The project could start soon, and everything was logical.But in Beijing, they encountered resistance.Han Guolong was unwilling to break the trust of the government, and he was unwilling to disappoint the common people. Therefore, the progress of the project became extremely slow.

Finally, after two years of hard work and an investment of more than 4 million yuan, South Korean Dragon finally completed the first batch of projects.Now, when people pass by the Guancheng Garden in Beijing and see its pink buildings and excellent community environment, they can feel the difficulties of Korean dragons.Being able to transform the dangerous reform project into such a high-end community, South Korea Dragon does have the courage to be the first in the world.

Han Guolong once said that after he experienced the most difficult renovation project of Guanchengyuan, he had a kind of courage, a kind of courage that is not afraid of any difficulties.He knows that no matter how big the plate is in the future, he can proudly say, "I can".That's because at the most painful time, he did not choose to give up, but chose to learn.What is learned from suffering is the most useful.

This success made Han Hanlong understand what fate is.He believes that three points are destined, and seven points depend on hard work.Although it is sometimes said that people cannot compete with luck, if people do not work hard, even if they are destined to come, they will not have the strength to grasp it.

Doing business and running an enterprise is a very difficult thing.A lot of people who are new to self-employment start out with simple goals and a whim, saying, "I just want to be the boss!" "I want to be free!" "I want to do my own thing!", etc. .Unfortunately, these are often the wrong reasons and most of these businesses fail.

Your main or even only reason for doing business should be: You have a great business opportunity or concept that just fills a gap in the market and is flexible.In order to be successful, you must have proper business knowledge, strong determination and hard work.At the same time, you need to be a good communicator and a good manager. You are willing to work independently and are not ashamed to lower your status.All of these are just the beginning, you still have a long way to go!
To a large extent, the success of business does not depend on age, education, economic ability or social background.Success depends on a correct decision and persistent actions.Once you are determined to change the lives of yourself and your family, once you choose to join a business, you must dare to challenge your destiny until you succeed.Those who take the attitude of trying will never succeed at all. Those who try their best may succeed, but the probability of success is very small. Only those who go all out, persevere, and never give up will achieve the final success.

Business experience

In order to be successful, you must have proper business knowledge, strong determination and hard work.

Sizing up the situation and being ahead of schedule is the same as fishermen needing to grasp the fishing season, and businessmen also need to pay attention to a kind of initiative in doing business.Generally, those who can plan ahead, grasp the opportunity accurately, and judge the situation can win, while those who are passive often have little or no success.Successful merchants are those who have advanced market awareness and are always at the forefront of trends.Among Fujian merchants, Shishi merchants embody the characteristics of Fujian merchants who are good at judging the situation.

Shishi businessman Xu Rongmao once became a securities broker by chance.Facts have proved that his choice is correct. In the early 20s, the good situation of China's stock market and his own correct investment enabled him to accumulate a certain amount of wealth in a very short period of time. At this time, he boldly decided to establish a financial company by himself.In the next two years, his company's performance was booming, and he soon earned the first pot of gold in his life.

After owning the first pot of gold, Xu Rongmao decided to enter the real estate industry in Beijing. He believed that after having a certain amount of funds, he must expand his business.But at that time, Beijing's real estate has begun to decline.Xu Rongmao's decision puzzled many people, because at this time real estate developers were withdrawing from Beijing one after another.

In Xu Rongmao's view, this is a golden opportunity.Soon, he miraculously won the treasure land that others dream of - 10 square meters of Asian Games Garden.The "money" scene in the Asian Games Garden is impressive.The solid accumulation has laid a solid foundation for Xu Rongmao's success in developing the Asian Games Garden, and his forward vision made this success possible.

Then in 1997, Xu Rongmao’s development of Huaao Center, Zizhuyuan and Yujingyuan made people even more incomprehensible. The adventure project of hundreds of thousands of square meters shocked the real estate industry in Beijing. What is even more amazing is the excellent quality of the real estate .When the Beijing property market began to recover, Xu Rongmao made a fortune.

However, just when Beijing's real estate rebounded and recovered, Xu Rongmao unexpectedly entered Shanghai, where the real estate market was in a downturn.Such a decision is not as simple as people imagined, and the depressed state of the industry cannot make people full of confidence.But Xu Rongmao has a different view from others, he thinks this is a rare opportunity.What is even more puzzling is that Xu Rongmao's newly established Shanghai Shimao Investment Development Co., Ltd. acquired 26.45% of the state shares of Shanghai Wanxiang Group, a listed company whose performance has been declining, and became the largest shareholder of "Vientiane".But people soon realized that it turned out that what Xu Rongmao was interested in was only a golden site with an area of ​​14 square meters in Vientiane Plaza.

Xu Rongmao took over the "unfinished building" of Vientiane International Plaza with 5.8 million yuan and did not get many people's appreciation.In fact, this is only the first step of Xu Rongmao's development in Shanghai.Later, he decided to invest 30 billion yuan in the development of "International Plaza", an unfinished project under construction in "Vientiane". "International Plaza" is facing "Shanghai 40". It was originally designed to be 6 floors. In the past 11 years, only three basement floors have been repaired, but it has mysteriously cost 20 billion and has become the first unfinished building in Shanghai.After the reorganization of "Vientiane", Xu Rongmao added 333 floors to the original foundation of "International Plaza". After completion, Shanghai Shimao International Plaza will be as high as 14 meters.In this way, the [-] square meters of golden land can be fully developed and sales revenue can be increased.

Since the policy adjustment of the Shanghai Municipal Government is more and more favorable to the real estate industry, the competition in the mid-range market has almost reached the point of cruelty.When more people think that profits can only be made in the mid-range market, Xu Rongmao shrewdly saw the other side of the matter. In Shanghai, high-end real estate with a price of more than 1 yuan per square meter accounted for less than 3% of the total. It is understood that this coincides with its consistent development philosophy, and its companies have sufficient funds to develop this field, because the pressure of the high-end market is very small.The fact is almost the same as he expected. The spectacular scene of queuing up to buy houses shocked people. The average price per square meter is 2000 US dollars, and Shimao Group has successfully cashed out 15 billion yuan.

It seems that we have to admire the vision and courage of the "real estate tycoon" Xu Rongmao.Everything is always in flux, and real estate is even more so.In this industry, if the consciousness is not advanced enough and the courage to innovate, it will soon be eliminated by the society.In the group, Xu Rongmao led the staff to continuously instill advanced consciousness and innovative ideas into every project.It is his advanced consciousness and vision that enable him to dig out unlimited business opportunities where others cannot perceive, and he is able to sniff out crises when others cannot see danger, evacuate quickly, and achieve his goals.

Business experience

Generally, those who can plan ahead, grasp the opportunity accurately, and judge the situation can win, while those who are passive often have little or no success.Benefits from advertising Brand is the evaluation coefficient and identification emblem of commodity quality connotation and market value, and is an intangible asset for enterprises to participate in competition.It represents the market share of an enterprise and is the valuable core competitiveness of an enterprise.

Branding is advertising.However, in terms of brand awareness, Fujian people did not wake up as early as their market concept.Affected by traditional concepts, product promotion and brand strategy have become flashy things in the eyes of Fujian people. They would rather make more fuss about product quality, which really benefited them a lot at that time.Because of this, the reputation of Fujian products in the market has always been relatively good.

But things are always developing. After entering the brand era, Fujian businessmen found that they were enjoying themselves, and they had already fallen a big step behind others before they knew it.For a while, it became a major event in Fujian's economic development to make up for it.In this way, some Fujian merchants began to work hard on the brand, and finally became the leaders and representatives in the production of Fujian brand products.

Zhang Yongbu, the general manager of Beastmaster Quanzhou Regional Market, has acted as the agent of Beastmaster brand since the end of 2001, operating the Quanzhou market.Three years later, he made the Beastmaster brand the three firsts in the region: the first in brand awareness, the first in market share, and the first in sales of similar products.What exactly is the magic that makes Beastmaster so successful?For Zhang Yongbu, there is actually no secret, that is, the advertisement of Beastmaster follows him like a shadow.

When you enter the territory of Quanzhou, you will find beast bully advertisements everywhere, it can be said that they are everywhere and can be seen along the road.When you arrive here, you will suddenly feel a kind of intimacy in your heart that old friends are reunited and follow each other like a shadow.Why do they have to advertise so hard?Let’s start from the beginning. At the end of 2001, Zhang Yongbu applied to Beast Company to be the general agent in Quanzhou.After a few months, there is no result.This made Zhang Yongbu very anxious.Later, he personally went to the market to communicate with the terminal dealers, and found out the key to the problem through visits. The main reason is that the Beastmaster brand is not well-known in the Quanzhou market, consumers do not yet know and understand the Beastmaster brand, and the market strength of the brand itself is not strong enough. Dealers dare not operate rashly.

At this time, Zhang Yongbu began to realize the importance of advertising communication. If the Beast brand wants to make a difference in the Quanzhou market, it must do a good job in advertising and spread the Beast brand.After thinking about it, Zhang Yongbu began to develop customers while brewing advertisements.He has contacted several big advertising companies, but they all failed because of the high advertising fees.what to do?Zhang Yongbu thought hard, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, why not do it by himself?Contact the advertising space by yourself, measure the size and pass it to the company for design and production, and then install it by yourself.Doesn't this greatly reduce the cost?
Just do what you say, and the next day Zhang Yongbu started wandering the streets, secretly remembering all the eye-catching advertising spots, starting with the small ones that are easy to do, and looking for opportunities to visit the owner, no matter whether the other party agrees or not, he will always use the "beast bully" Golden Lion" gift.In this way, a lot of advertising positions were secured.Beast bully advertisements gradually began to spread in Quanzhou. In many downtown areas with concentrated traffic, some shops selling other products also posted beast bully advertisements in prominent places.

Nowadays, when you walk in the streets and alleys of Quanzhou, you can see Beastmaster advertisements in various forms and contents everywhere. Zhang Yongbu uses this low-cost advertising communication method to make Beastmaster the most famous in the Quanzhou market. brand.

The success of Jinjiang Anta Shoes also tells us how important it is to advertise and build a brand for an enterprise that wants to develop in the long run.

In the small city of Jinjiang, thousands of large and small shoe factories embarked on the road of entrepreneurship almost at the same time.But their fates are different. Some have become processing plants for foreign brands, some have become third-rate players in the market, some have gone bankrupt, and some of the best have embarked on the road to glory.Among them, "Anta" is the first shoe factory in Jinjiang to embark on the road of mature brand marketing. One of the reasons is that it attaches great importance to advertising.

Paying attention to advertising is not a simple matter, it requires tolerance, courage and realm. In 1999, Ding Zhizhong, a native of Fujian, invited the Olympic champion Kong Linghui to be the image spokesperson of "Anta".At that time, many high-level executives in the company objected. Is it worth spending 80 yuan to hire an Olympic champion?Ding Zhizhong understands that it is understandable that the company's leadership has doubts, because the profit of "Anta" in the first half of 1999 was only more than 600 million, but 500 million of it was invested in publicity at once. It's too risky, and it's hard for most people to think about it.

Ding Zhizhong did not give up, he patiently persuaded his partner. The goal of "Anta" is not to make money only in a few years, but to make it still make money in decades, or even hundreds of years.Now that the channels are well established and word of mouth is established, it is a good opportunity to build a brand.If you don't take advantage of it, it's a real risk for the future of the company to hesitate like this.As a result, the effect of "the first to eat crabs" was higher than expected, "Anta" quickly won a high degree of recognition, dealers around the country responded enthusiastically, and when orders came in like snowflakes, internal disputes were resolved, and partners also Really convinced.

In the contemporary domestic market where management is increasingly difficult, from realizing the huge benefits contained in the brand strategy to successfully exploring its own brand road, Anta's success proves that Ding Zhizhong, as a generation of young Fujian businessmen, has the correct management idea.

Business experience

Paying attention to advertising is not a simple matter, it requires tolerance, courage and realm.Discover business opportunities hidden in the dark Business opportunities exist in the market, but they will not actively enter people's field of vision, nor will they take the initiative to turn into wealth, but need people to discover and capture them.At present, in the market, there is no lack of business opportunities, but a lack of correct understanding and grasp of business opportunities, and a lack of wisdom and vision to capture business opportunities.

Business opportunities can be seen everywhere, some are gradual and unexpected, and some are clear but appear in different scopes.Grasp the signs, be good at reasoning, from one to the other, from the outside to the inside, to clarify the essential laws, and finally you can get your wish.

In the early 20s, electronic products were very popular. Guo Hao, who was born in Fuzhou, was the first to go into business at this time, and established Jianhua Electronics Company in Guangzhou to deal in electronic products.There are thousands of electronic companies that have business relations with Guo Hao, and the company's annual profits reach tens of millions of yuan.Guo Hao also earned his first pot of gold by making electronic products.

But when the sales of electronic components were promising, Guo Hao resolutely turned to agriculture.This puzzled many people, because at that time, China's agriculture was always under the household contract responsibility system, and it was impossible to create a millionaire with a few acres of land.

At that time, there was one item in the State Council's development vision for China in the 21st century: China will vigorously develop organic agriculture in the next century, and make breakthroughs in the selection and breeding of excellent agricultural varieties.That's for the next century.But Guo Hao decided to do this "next century" thing: to develop China's bio-organic fertilizer and high-quality agricultural seeds.He believes that China's agriculture is not backward, what is behind is a kind of foresight of entrepreneurs.

Once Guo Hao has identified it, he will do what he says, because business opportunities wait for no one and may be fleeting.So in that year, he invested 600 million yuan to establish Chaoda Modern Agriculture Group. He decided to engage in agricultural research and heat organic fertilizer.

For many people, the idea is almost insane.Research and development burns money. Which entrepreneur has the time to spend money on agricultural research?Even if you develop the best organic fertilizer, it is useless. Farmers in the 20s, not to mention bio-organic fertilizers, even natural organic manure-manure was almost abandoned and used inorganic fertilizers. How could they accept bio-organic fertilizers?

But Guo Hao felt that he was very clear-headed: this industry has unlimited potential, and not everyone can see such business opportunities and dare to intervene; engaging in such scientific research can make the best use of China's agricultural scientists, who are the most important in this industry. Precious wealth, whoever makes good use of them, and whoever masters the core technology of agriculture, has the most development prospects.

When he realized this, he immediately recruited agricultural biotechnology experts and seed experts from all over the country to research and develop bio-organic fertilizers and carry out the development and promotion of high-quality agricultural varieties.His advanced foresight has also been supported by the national and local governments, and has received national, provincial and ministerial research funding, and Guo Hao is willing to provide experts with experimental fields.The research work has also been carried out smoothly with the support of all parties.

Guo Hao led experts to visit all the places near Fuzhou, and finally decided on the super-large base in Quanzhou through investigations on climate, soil quality, and water sources.Through the coordination and support of the local government, Guo Hao leased an agricultural base covering an area of ​​380 mu from farmers at an annual rent of 800 yuan per mu.In this way, Chaoda Group has its first agricultural base.

At this time, "everything is ready, only the east wind is owed".With scientific research results and agricultural bases, there is a lack of planting experts who can use these resources. The most urgent task is to recruit people.So Guo Hao recruited planting experts from all over the country, and tried planting with Chaoda Group's own seeds and organic fertilizer.Soon, the "Super Large" base produced the first batch of high-quality vegetables.

After a large number of high-quality vegetables were put into the market, they were welcomed by people, which greatly increased Guo Hao's confidence.He decided to expand production, and soon set off a "enclosure movement" across the country.From Hainan at the southernmost point to Liaoning at the northernmost point, and then to some developed areas along the coast, Guo Hao has set up super-large group bases everywhere, and the extraordinary speed has expanded his base to more than 10 mu.

Many enterprises are crowding into big cities like a tide, and Guo Hao aimed at places that others dismissed with his unique vision. He believes that business opportunities are often hidden in places that are not noticed by others.

Guo Hao is not only one step ahead in the discovery of business opportunities, but also in other aspects of the operation of the enterprise.

Everything proved that Guo Hao's prediction was correct, and made him more fully see the market prospect of "super-large" agricultural products and their technological advantages, so he quickly launched a marketing campaign that caused a sensation throughout the country.Super large agricultural products are sold directly to supermarkets, wholesale markets, farmers markets, etc. across the country.Guo Hao's shrewdness is that he puts super-large labels on the products to deepen consumers' memory of the products.The excellent products and the recognition of consumers have made "Chaoda" set off a shock wave of "brand" in agricultural products.Since then, the "super-large" agricultural products have finally entered a broader market.

In December 2002, "Chaoda Agriculture" was successfully listed in Hong Kong, China, raising 12 million Hong Kong dollars in one fell swoop.Chaoda broke through the closed door of agriculture, opened a new chapter in Chinese agriculture, and started a new journey.

All these efforts are in the final analysis for the enterprise to have a broader development space. In 2002, Guo Hao became China's richest man worth $2.15 million.No one would have thought that Guo Hao would have what it is today, and Chaoda Agriculture would have what it is today. Facts have proved that Guo Hao's vision at that time was far-sighted and far ahead.

Business experience

There is no lack of business opportunities in the market, what is lacking is the correct understanding and grasp of business opportunities, and the lack of wisdom and vision to capture business opportunities.Dare to make breakthroughs as the market economy continues to refine, business opportunities have become more and more hidden, causing some businessmen to lament that business opportunities are about to die out.In fact, where there is a market, there are business opportunities. The important thing is how you dig and capture them.The famous artist Rodin has a famous saying: It is not that there is no beauty around us, but that there is a lack of discovery of beauty.The same is true for business opportunities.It is actually not difficult for an enterprise to obtain business opportunities. The key lies in whether it is good at capturing business opportunities and whether it is clever enough to sneak into the "gap" of the market.The most important thing to be a hunter like this is: on the one hand, you need extraordinary courage, and on the other hand, you need to have a keen sense of smell.

In Fuzhou, "Huihao Medicine" is a small miracle. Weng Gaoxin, the founder of "Huihao", has developed "Huihao" from only one store to 70 chain drugstores in just two years, with an annual turnover of more than 2 million. redistricting.

Few people can imagine that Weng Jiaxing, who was less than 30 years old at the time, started as a salesman at the grassroots level. In 1996, Weng Jiaxing abandoned his studies and went into business.There is a family business behind him. Originally, he could get an "official position" in the family business, but Weng Jiaxing did the opposite. He chose the family's trading company in Beijing as a salesman. Only 21 years old.

Weng Jiaxing was promoted to the company's youngest sales executive in a short time with his diligence, conscientiousness, and top sales performance.Soon, Weng Jiaxing's outstanding marketing ability was taken by the company's headquarters, so he was transferred to the family's company in Shanghai as a trade sales manager, and became the focus of the family's training.Being promoted to three levels in a row did not make Weng Jiaxing complacent, but aroused his fighting spirit even more.

When Weng Jiaxing first arrived in Shanghai, some multinational retail giants were competing to settle in, such as Carrefour and Metro.When dealing with these multinational companies, he found that the new retail format will be the future development direction.After research, he proposed to his elders to open a supermarket.This idea has been supported and praised by the elders, and the location of the store is chosen in Shandong, because Shandong is rich in agricultural products, easy to purchase, and low in cost. In 2000, Shandong Quanjiale Shopping Company, where Weng Jiaxing was the general manager, was established. The company quickly made a profit, and Weng Jiaxing also got his first pot of gold.

According to common sense, the supermarket is doing well, so there is no reason to rush to change.However, not long after Weng Jiaxing got involved in the supermarket, he invested tens of millions of yuan to acquire the Jiangxi Dingnan County People's Hospital. This acquisition changed Weng Jiaxing's career track.

Weng Jiaxing is a commercial headhunter by nature, he is always looking for fatter and bigger prey.In the process of running the hospital, he discovered that there was a huge profit hidden between the purchase price of medicines and the retail price in the market.His intuition told him that with the improvement of people's living standards, people will definitely pay more and more attention to health, and the pharmaceutical market will have great potential.As an operator who has worked in the market for many years, he immediately smelled the fragrance of the prey, and Weng Jiaxing's first reaction was to immediately start planning for the cheap pharmacy to hunt this very tempting prey.

In November 2002, the first Huihao store opened on Changle Road, Fuzhou, with a business area of ​​11 square meters, setting a record for the area of ​​pharmacies in the province.What really scares the opponent is Weng Jiaxing's parity policy. The national maximum price for a box of "Pioneer No. 1500 Capsule" is 8.71 yuan per box, but here it is only 5.8 yuan; The price is 999 yuan, and here it is only 11 yuan... The media called this incident "the largest drug price dive", which was 7.6% lower than the national maximum price.After Huihao Drugstore became an instant hit, its daily turnover reached 45 yuan.

Only the one who laughs at the end is the real king. In Weng Jiaxing's words, "the one who is left is the king".In fact, the success of Weng Jiaxing's career is mainly due to his unique market insight, judgment and courageous resourcefulness.

Business experience

Where there is a market, there are business opportunities. The important thing is how you dig and capture them.Together in times of trouble, the team is king The Wolf Clan is a role model for the team.The history of the wolf family is the history of the most outstanding team in nature.Team belief has become the wolf's instinct.These team beliefs built with life are also the values ​​of a truly outstanding team.

When wolves hunt, they often adopt the tactics of "group and attack".No matter how formidable an enemy the wolves face, as long as they lock the target, they can win.This also shows that the wolf pack effect is invincible.The enlightenment of the wolf pack effect to mankind is: difficulties are not terrible, as long as there is a team spirit, any difficulty can be overcome and invincible.

In the 20s, Zhou Shaoxiong, a native of Quanzhou, did something puzzling to many people. He decided to quit his job in a bookstore and start a clothing factory.Zhou Shaoxiong is a person who does not give up when he is convinced. When he had the idea of ​​making clothes, he quickly called six partners who were close to him and opened a clothes factory.

During the operation, Zhou Shaoxiong found that the prices of local clothing and overseas clothing with trademarks embroidered on the chest are very different.Why can't we create a domestic brand by ourselves?A strong desire to start a business sprouted in the hearts of Zhou Shaoxiong and his partners.So, the seven young people sat together and thought about overseas brands with various graphic patterns.After brainstorming, everyone unanimously selected - wolf!Because wolves are very team-oriented animals, with agility, agility, and courageous personality, and these are indispensable qualities for the success of business start-ups. "Since seven people start a business together, let's call it 'seven wolves'. According to the customs of southern Fujian, 'seven' is an auspicious number that symbolizes life, vitality and victory. A collaborative, unwavering entrepreneurial spirit."

In real life, Zhou Shaoxiong often sees such a situation. When starting a business, several people can cooperate with each other and help each other. Even under the difficult conditions of no funds, no talents, and no projects, they can achieve success. In the future, individual heroism will expand, and when there are funds, talents, and projects, the company will collapse instead.What is the reason?Zhou Shaoxiong believes that if there is no concept of organization and no team spirit, then the so-called organization is at best a collection.Such a collection cannot achieve great things.The thoughtful Zhou Shaoxiong learned the lessons of others who failed due to discord, and swore with his companions: For a common future, everyone must be like wolves, unite sincerely, and create a first-class brand.

At the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise, Zhou Shaoxiong put forward their business guiding ideology: rather than making money temporarily, they must also work hard on the quality and style of clothing, pursue high quality, and strive to create famous brands.To this end, the company uses overseas Chinese and Taiwan channels to capture information on new overseas clothing in a timely manner, introduces the most advanced equipment and some high-quality fabrics at that time, hires clothing designers at home and abroad with high salaries, and establishes sales networks in major cities across the country.Soon, the jacket series produced by it became a famous brand praised by people for its superior quality of excellent fabric, novel style and comfortable wearing.

But the development of "Septwolves" has not been smooth sailing.When they were first recognized by the market, it happened that the national policy encouraged enterprises to borrow money, and the "septwolves" quickly expanded their production scale with loans. business relationship.Therefore, when the country's macro-control tightens, on the one hand, enterprises have to pay off a large amount of money, and on the other hand, they have no working capital to continue to operate.This has restricted the development of the enterprise to a certain extent, resulting in difficulties in the production and sales of the "septwolves", which has taken the lead in the clothing industry.

In the face of difficulties, the strong "Septwolves" team did not give up. They learned from the painful experience, adjusted their business strategies in a timely manner, re-examined and observed the entry and key points of the market as well as the new market trends, and decided to start all over again.At that time, most domestic garment enterprises followed the consignment or market wholesale model. At this time, "Septwolves" saw a glimmer of life and took the lead in adopting the agency system business model in China.This change immediately brought hope to the "septwolves" and became a marketing model generally followed by most brand companies.

After accumulating strength for several years, Zhou Shaoxiong finally exploded his own energy. In 2001, the jacket market share of "Septwolves" jumped to the first place in the country!That is, since this year, the media has compared "Septwolves" with "Youngor" and other leading enterprises in China's clothing industry.So far, "Septwolves" has finally established itself as a leader in the field of casual clothing.

It worked, but their team didn't stop their struggles. In 2002, they once again demonstrated their ambitions to the industry, and strongly invited Qi Qin as their image spokesperson to fight a big battle for the brand. "Septwolves" shows the personality of wolves and conveys the beauty of wolf nature; and Qi Qin coincides with the brand culture connotation of "Septwolves", and "Septwolves" also has the most matching image spokesperson.

Today's "Septwolves" already has an excellent team of designers with international standards, who can accurately grasp the fashion trends of international clothing. Hundreds of new clothing come out every year. With the continuous innovation of international design concepts, the "Septwolves" In the men's casual clothing market, it is firmly in the leading position of the fashion trend.

It goes without saying that competition is a major theme of modern life, but the time it takes to accomplish a task as a team is far less time consuming than if it were an individual.This gives the team a clear advantage over the competition, as time competition is increasingly becoming an important competitive advantage, which is the team's main advantage.

Teams can also bring more innovation.Harvard economist Robert Rick believes: "When several people form a group, their abilities are fused together. This is the total ability of the group. It is much greater than the simple sum of the abilities of several people. .After a period of time, the group has experienced various problems together and found various solutions. From this, each member has learned from others. They know how to make other members do better; What is the task of each person in the project; I also know how to use the experience of others for my own use. Every member is careful and makes adjustments from time to time, which makes the overall work progress quickly and smoothly.”

Business experience

Difficulties are not terrible, as long as we have team spirit, we can overcome any difficulties and be invincible.

Integrity is the foundation of making business bigger. Integrity is the foundation of being a person and the minimum requirement for being a person. "Sincerity" means treating people with sincerity;The basic meaning of honesty is keeping promises, honoring promises, and not deceiving.In layman's terms, it means telling the truth, doing honest things, and being an honest person.Otherwise, the individual will lose the foundation of standing, and the society will lose the rules of operation.

The relationship between "sincerity" and "faith" is: sincerity is the foundation, and faith is the appearance; sincerity is the cause, and faith is the result.In short, being an honest person and running a business is the foundation of a businessman.

When researching the world's top 500 companies, the "Multinational Corporation Competitiveness" research group of the Columbia University Business School found that the core values ​​of their enterprises are rarely related to commercial profits.For example, Hewlett-Packard said: "For the development of the company, we strive to create and innovate, but some things are eternal, this is the value of our enterprise: we fully trust and respect people, we pursue high standards of contribution , we integrate our consistent sentiment with our business, and we use the team to achieve a common goal by encouraging flexibility and innovation-we are committed to the development of science and technology to enhance human welfare." And Motorola put " Integrity-based and fair" as its core concept, requires every manager and employee of the enterprise to "maintain noble ethics and always respect people".The ideas put forward by these companies seem to have nothing to do with their own commercial profits, emphasizing a plot of honesty towards users and employees.

Integrity can not only reflect the most essential characteristics of a person, but also "the foundation of the five constants and the source of a hundred practices", which is the foundation of a businessman's foothold and the source of development.

Guo Jiancheng, vice president of the Beijing Fujian Chamber of Commerce and vice president of the Putian Chamber of Commerce, believes that the reason why they monopolize the timber industry in Beijing is because of "integrity and diligence."

Guo Jiancheng has a deep understanding of this point.When he first arrived in Beijing, the timber industry was mostly dominated by people from other provinces, including those in Northeast China and North China, as well as local timber companies in Beijing.Later, with the intervention of Putian people, the timber industry gradually became the world of Putian people. The most important reason is trustworthiness.In Guo Jiancheng's words: "At that time, the payment of hundreds of thousands to millions of yuan was repaid at any time. In terms of quality, we did not cut corners and materials, and we did not play the trick of stealing beams and replacing pillars; The service is also based on sincerity, flexible and convenient to meet the needs of customers. The other provinces are basically operated by state-owned companies, but we usually use state-owned or collective enterprises affiliated to others and use their brands to do our own business.”

Within a few years, major timber companies in Beijing collapsed one after another. Putian people's companies were flexible in operation, coupled with integrity, and evolved from being affiliated to being the masters of their own, with their own brands.

Chen Xuefeng, a Putian businessman, also believes that his success over the years also depends on his integrity. "It's better to account for 49% than 51%." Chen Xuefeng said this is his way of doing business.Originally, he could earn 51%, but he would not earn it. Instead, he would rather earn less and let his partners earn more, and the business should be done for a long time instead of for a while.He said that it is not accidental that 99% of Beijing's timber industry is monopolized by Putian people. The reason is that Putian people are very professional, honest and persistent in making timber.

Enterprises must take honesty as their responsibility and firmly grasp the foundation of their survival and development.Only by facing the society and the market with a good reputation and business ethics can an enterprise win the trust of customers, win the support of many friends, and make the enterprise bigger and stronger.

Business experience

Being an honest person and doing real business is the foundation of a businessman.Introduce internally and externally, fully develop the characteristics of Fujian people who are good at doing business abroad, make Fujian businessmen spread all over the world, and also make them have the conditions to promote Fujian in various countries and regions, so that more people can pay attention to the development of Fujian.It can be said that the development of Fujian to today is inseparable from the efforts of these Fujian merchants.They give full play to the advantages of extensive contacts with overseas and other provinces, go through the needles, pave roads and build bridges, promote exchanges between Fujian and other countries, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other provinces, establish friendly relations with the outside world, and introduce capital, technology, and projects that Fujian urgently needs. and talent.

Among the many Fujian businessmen, there is such a person who has changed his hometown with his intelligence, wealth and influence; there is such a person who has worked tirelessly to gather the power of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese to support the development, progress and prosperity of his hometown. Prosperity.He is Lin Wenjing, a wealthy Indonesian Chinese and chairman of Rongqiao Group.As he himself said: "Personal wealth is not what I want; what I want is the wealth of my hometown."

In 1937, Lin Wenjing, who was born in Fuqing, Fujian, came to Indonesia with his parents. Thirty years later, the Lim Group has developed into a giant in the Indonesian economy.As a wanderer who has been wandering overseas for many years, Lin Wenjing has never stopped paying attention to his hometown. In 30, Lin Wenjing handed over his flourishing career to his son Lin Hongchao, and returned to his hometown in Fuqing, Fujian to start a new career.With an inseparable attachment to his hometown, Lin Wenjing led the Southeast Asian industrial and commercial delegation back to his hometown of Fuqing, and made a solemn promise: to set up an industrial zone in Fuqing, and make Fuqing's industrial output value reach 1986 million US dollars within five years.

It was such a promise that changed Fuqing and Lin Wenjing's life.

Once, Lin Wenjing accidentally discovered that Xinqiao Yuzi was a treasure mine.He said that Fujian has 300 million new overseas Chinese, Fuzhou has 100 million, and Fuqing has 30. Each new overseas Chinese sends back an average of US$1 a year.Such a huge amount of money is enough to make anyone think more deeply.As a result, Lin Wenjing took the lead in boldly proposing the two concepts of "Xinqiao" and "Xinqiao surplus capital", and put them into practice for the benefit of his hometown.

At the first World Fujian Entrepreneurs Conference held in Fuzhou, Lin Wenjing called on the new overseas Chinese in Fujian to pool their surplus funds to invest in the construction of their hometowns, and also participate in the development of the western region and invest in the old industrial bases in the northeast.His appeal was welcomed by the audience.Since then, the new overseas Chinese in Fuqing and Fuzhou began to gather surplus funds to invest in the construction of their hometowns. The establishment of "TPV Electronics (Fujian) Co., Ltd." in Fuqing is a typical example.

Through joint ventures, Lin Wenjing attracted Taiwanese businessmen and other Chinese businessmen to invest in the Rongqiao Development Zone.Lin Wenjing and China Taiwan Mingda Group jointly established Pacific Plastic Co., Ltd.Later, it partnered with Pan's Group in Taiwan to establish TPV (Fujian) Electronics Co., Ltd.When Mr. Pan, a Taiwanese entrepreneur, decided to go to the mainland to continue to develop his electronic business, he was not optimistic about Fuqing. It was due to the enlightened, trustworthy and preferential policies formulated by the Fuqing county government, as well as the efforts made by the overseas Chinese leader Lin Wenjing for the development of his ancestral home. He was deeply moved by everything he did and this spirit of selfless dedication, which made him finally choose Fuqing as a new development base. "TPV Electronics" has a registered capital of 2000 million US dollars and was put into production in August 1992.

Under the joint operation of Lin Wenjing's unique capital operation mechanism and the unique management strategy of Chinese Taiwan entrepreneurs, the output value of TPV has reached 2000 billion yuan by 85.01.Mainly engaged in the research and development, manufacture and sales of various computer monitors.Now it is the largest export-earning enterprise in Fujian Province, and it is the first enterprise in Fujian Province to be commended by the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment. In 2000, Fuqing City realized ahead of schedule the goal of building a “84.91 billion electronics city” as required by the Fujian Provincial Government. The total output value of the city’s electronics industry exceeded [-] billion for the first time, of which TPV’s output value accounted for [-]%.In addition, TPV Electronics has also successfully attracted electronic companies such as "Guanjun" to settle in Fuqing while growing itself.At present, there are hundreds of downstream electronics companies that only support TPV Electronics, and they have become a new force in Fuqing's electronics industry.

There are many examples of successful operation in Fuqing like TPV Electronics.They have played a good demonstration role in attracting investment in development zones and investment zones.The fruitful overseas Chinese investment, together with the construction and improvement of the investment environment, has greatly promoted the construction and development of the development zone.

"If you are poor, you will benefit yourself; if you are rich, you will benefit the world" is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.Since Lin Wenjing returned to China in 1986, on the one hand, he has devoted himself to expanding his own business, and on the other hand, he has actively participated in various social activities. He often organizes overseas Chinese businessmen to return to China for inspections, so as to promote overseas Chinese businessmen's understanding of the mainland.He also reminded Chinese businessmen who intend to return to their hometowns to start a business, to fully understand the situation in mainland China, and sincerely cooperate with the investment region for common development.

Not only Lin Wenjing, but other Hokkien businessmen living abroad have traveled all over the world, but their love for their ancestors and hometown has always been involved like a kite string. It has become a common practice for them to give back to their hometown after they have achieved achievements.In modern times, it is a typical example that overseas Chinese businessmen from Fujian, represented by Tan Kah Kee, donated money and goods with their families.A Fujian celebrity said that Fujian merchants who have left Fujian pay special attention to helping each other in other places. Prosperous merchants will take their fellow villagers out, not only teaching them how to do business, but also giving them money to support them.

For any modern enterprise, it should not be constrained by a fixed organizational structure, but should be constantly adjusted and transformed according to derived cooperation projects or changing market mechanisms.Through internal introduction and external connection, on the one hand, it can play the role of complementary advantages and revitalize the entire market, and on the other hand, it can also realize the grand blueprint of joining forces to create a great cause.

Business experience

Through internal introduction and external connection, on the one hand, it can play the role of complementary advantages and revitalize the entire market, and on the other hand, it can also realize the grand blueprint of joining forces to create a great cause.Be prepared for danger in times of peace and continue to innovate "Everything can be done in times of peace, and nothing can be done without warning." In today's fierce competition, the most important reason why many companies can defeat their opponents and survive and achieve sustainable development is because they can be prepared for danger in times of peace, Think ahead.An old saying goes: "In peace, do not forget danger, in peace, do not forget chaos, in survival, do not forget death." Only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we prevent problems before they happen, only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we turn danger into safety, and only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we continue to innovate and forge ahead!There are many entrepreneurs in this group of Fujian merchants who have achieved this, and these enterprises are doing very well today.

Fuyao Group has grown along the way, from small to large, and from loss to profit. Is it due to technological breakthroughs, sales network, or the expansion of production bases?In the final analysis, the leader of this enterprise has the entrepreneurial spirit and business philosophy of being prepared for danger in times of peace and making continuous progress.It is precisely because Cao Dewang, the chairman of Fuyao, has such conditions that he has achieved technological breakthroughs, improved sales networks and expanded production bases.

In 1983, 38-year-old Cao Dewang contracted a township enterprise, the Gaoshan Shaped Glass Factory, in his hometown of Gaoshan Town, Fuqing City, and quickly shifted his main business from road cargo water meter glass to automobile glass with huge profit margins. In 1987, Cao Dewang and 11 shareholders raised 627 million yuan to establish a Sino-foreign joint venture Fuyao Glass Co., Ltd., straightening out the relationship between property rights and pushing Fuyao Glass to the domestic A-share market in 1993.Up to now, the market share of "one piece of Fuyao glass for every two Chinese cars" has continued.But who knows, behind every leap forward of Fuyao is Cao Dewang's sleepless nights of being prepared for danger in times of peace!
At that time, world-class competitors such as PPG, Gardian, Saint-Gobain, and Pilkington were all targeting the Chinese market, and Saint-Gobain chose to invest directly in Changchun and Shanghai to build factories to provide supporting facilities for local automakers.Later, it entered into a joint venture with a South Korean auto glass manufacturer to establish a new company in Shanghai with an annual production capacity of 150 million sets of auto glass. Domestically, Beijing Hyundai, Dongfeng Yueda Kia, DPCA, Changan Ford, Dongfeng Motor, etc. main customers.This situation affecting Fuyao's domestic market share of 60% is just beginning to emerge. Cao Dewang predicted that if left unchecked, the seriousness of the situation will be self-evident.Cao Dewang, who took precautions before they happened, quickly attacked and established Shanghai Fuyao.

Subsequently, Cao Dewang set up production bases in Chongqing and Changchun non-stop, and a wholly-owned subsidiary in Beijing also started construction.Cao Dewang responded to the challenge of foreign world-class competitors through the strategy of "running after the automobile production base" with the production base close to the automobile manufacturer.Although the layout of Northeast China, North China, Southwest China, Southeast China, and East China has been determined, and the company can fully penetrate the design and production process of automobiles, Cao Dewang believes that Fuyao Glass still cannot sit back and relax.

Immediately afterwards, the next foreseeable "difficulty" lingered in Cao Dewang's mind.Geographical penetration alone is not enough for Fuyao. The reason why foreign auto glass is expensive and can be sold is because they have a tacit cooperation with auto manufacturers for many years and can directly enter the car design process.For a long time, the auto glass made by Fuyao is actually just the post-processing procedure of auto glass, while Japan's Mazak has launched a kind of Uvcut glass, which is being promoted through the relationship with auto manufacturers.Once the car is equipped with this kind of glass, it cannot be replaced with other brands of glass.This is likely to squeeze Fuyao Glass out of the market.For this reason, Cao Dewang is determined to open up the upstream of automobile glass production. In August 2003, Fuyao Glass raised 8 million yuan through the secondary market and officially launched a float glass production project with a total investment of 5.6 billion yuan. This not only solved the problem of raw materials for glass production, but also helped Fuyao enter the automotive The highest level of the design industry - participate in the design of new models and lay a material foundation.

In addition, Cao Dewang has a principle for customers at home and abroad, upstream raw material and equipment suppliers, and even unknown retail investors in the stock market, "Let them make money."As for the employees who have been struggling with him for so many years, Cao Dewang is ruthless: layoffs 1/4. Fuyao now has more than 6000 employees, and more than 600 people have left Fuyao. This number will eventually exceed 1500.Faced with this number, Cao Dewang also felt very uncomfortable.

Fuyao has been constantly prepared for danger in times of peace, innovated and developed, and finally created such a good situation as it is today.After the Chongqing company was put into operation, Fuyao has formed an annual production capacity of 390 million pieces of laminated glass and 220 million sets of vehicle tempered glass, taking a far-leading position in the industry.

With the increasingly fierce global competition of enterprises, being prepared for danger in times of peace is an important management quality for any enterprise to gain a foothold in the market.Normally, a successful entrepreneur will be vigilant in times of peace when the business is in good condition, clearly aware of the opportunities and challenges facing the company, and take early steps to "prevent problems before they happen", so as to grasp the initiative of competition instead of letting fate It is pinned on preferential policies, interpersonal relationships, and local protection.

As the saying goes, it is easy to conquer the country and difficult to defend the country.Once the country is defeated, some people will be blindly optimistic and eager to enjoy themselves, so they will relax their vigilance and wait until the catastrophe strikes before waking up like a dream, and it will be too late to take action by then.Therefore, if you want to keep wealth, you must not lose the sense of crisis, and you must be prepared for danger in times of peace.

Business experience

An old saying goes: "In peace, do not forget danger, in peace, do not forget chaos, in survival, do not forget death." Only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we prevent problems before they happen, only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we turn danger into safety, and only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we continue to innovate and forge ahead!Family business still plays the leading role Family business is a very common business and management model nowadays, which is not uncommon at home and abroad, and it also plays an irreplaceable role.In particular, some European and American companies that have been listed, such as Wal-Mart, Ford, Hasbro, etc., have lasted for a long time, and have become objects of imitation and learning for many well-known companies in the same industry.

Fujian merchants also take blood relationship as the core and family as the cohesive force to conduct family business.This is for better management, but also for keeping commercial secrets from leaking out.

According to statistics on genealogy and kinship, as early as the Tang Dynasty, there was a tradition of clan business in Fujian.The Yan family in Yongchun accounted for about 40% of the total. Only according to the "Taoyuan Dongshan Yan Family Tree" records, its family members went to Penang Island in Nanyang to do business very early, or "Pan Shang Annan", or "Business Nanyang "Wait.Cai Shizhen in the Qing Dynasty recorded in "Xishan Magazine" that during the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty, Lin Zhihui, a businessman from Jinjiang, began to trade in Asia and Africa; Island west coast) trade; during the Qianfu period of Emperor Xizong of the Tang Dynasty, the ninth generation of Lin Zhihui, Sun Linling, built hundreds of large ships to trade with Southeast Asia, and the Lin family became a large overseas trading family in southern Fujian.According to Chen Zhiping's "The Character of Confucian Merchants in Shishi People in Ming and Qing Dynasties——Taking Shigui Xu as an Example", it can be seen from Shigui's "Xu's Genealogy" compiled in the Yongzheng period of Qing Dynasty that there are many people in this family. The children run the business from the merchants, and the father's business is inherited by the sons, forming a custom.After getting rich, he can live in harmony with the village and contribute to the family.

In the Jinjiang area where commerce is developed, family-style operations are more common.As Fu Yiling said in the book "Merchants and Commercial Capital in the Ming and Qing Dynasties": "They often do business in the whole village, and they often bring people from the village with them." This kind of family business can be protected by the power of the village. and support, but in the fierce competition, the strife among business gangs between different families is even more brutal.The concealment and surreptitious whereabouts of family business have also made long-term smuggling, overt or covert, a trend in some coastal areas.

In modern times, the family business management system in Fujian is also very common.For example, Fujian Qipai Group adopts a family-style management system; Fu Guangming, chairman of Fujian Sunner Group, cultivates his daughter as a successor to the enterprise; Fujian Peak Group Co., Ltd. also implements family-style management, and all shares are controlled in the hands of family members .

Regardless of traditional factors or consideration of reality, family business inheritance is still the orientation of most companies, and most business owners still prefer to run their own businesses.

The vast majority of clothing enterprises in Fujian are family-owned, which is inseparable from the development process of China's private enterprises.There are only 6 state-owned textile and garment enterprises in Fujian, and the product sales revenue is less than 2 million yuan, accounting for about 2% of the total.The husband-and-wife and band-of-brothers-style enterprises have always been the protagonists of Fujian's clothing industry.Qipai and Rimula are two typical representatives among them. The two brands of "Sevenpai" and "Rimula" respectively created by the Hong brothers have already gained considerable popularity in China, and their development progress is roughly the same.The founder of Qipai, Hong Zhaoshe, was born in Jinjiang with a pair of scissors and a pedal sewing machine.It took him more than [-] years to turn a family workshop into a modern large-scale clothing enterprise.Rimula and Qipai are both top [-] apparel companies in China, and the chairman of the group, Hong Zhongxin, inherited the family business from his father.

A set of data shows that among the more than 300 million private enterprises in China, family enterprises account for more than 80%.Cheung Kong Enterprises, Hutchison Whampoa, and Cheung Kong Infrastructure, owned by Li Ka-shing, the richest Chinese man, are also family businesses with a total market value of HK$5000 billion.To be sure, family businesses also have broad prospects for development.Mao Liyong, chairman of Fangtai Company, even thinks so: "The family system is the best business model under the current conditions in China."

Of course, home-based businesses also have certain disadvantages.At the present stage, the problems faced by family businesses in our country not only include the problem of inheritance, but also the exploration of the sustainable development path of family business hidden behind the inheritance.How to break through the stereotype of family business and establish a modern enterprise system in line with market economy standards is the biggest problem that Chinese private entrepreneurs who have experienced short-term entrepreneurial glory need to face.

Although family business has disadvantages, it cannot be generally said that it is a backward form of industrial organization. Family business is not unique to China, and many foreign family businesses have also proved the rationality of family business.At present, family businesses in my country are gradually showing three behavioral orientations: the family ownership, the socialization of management rights, and the gradual publicization of stock rights.A reasonable governance structure has become the key to the sustainable development of family businesses.

The successful experience of the family business is to introduce the modern enterprise system into the family system and organically combine the two, which not only preserves the family system, but also dilutes and improves the family system.Zhou Shaoxiong, the "Young Commander" of Fujian Septwolves Industrial Co., Ltd., has a very insightful understanding of capital operation. He said: "After joining the World Trade Organization, Chinese enterprises will face greater challenges if they want to go global. In addition to brand management, they must also strengthen their capital. Operation, to enter the international market for the brand. This is the enterprise's advancement with the times, because the competition of modern enterprises has undergone profound changes. It is no longer a "win-win" pattern of life and death, but a higher level of competition and cooperation. Capital Operation is the best state of this higher level of competition and cooperation.”

Nowadays, family business should be said to be a feasible business management model, especially in the current stage of our country, when the venture capital of enterprises is not abundant today, it will also be an important management method in the early stage of business start-ups.As long as the application of scientific management methods can be noticed in future management, family management will surely exist as a successful management model for a long time, and will make an unlimited contribution to the reduction of initial entrepreneurial risks and the accumulation of initial capital.

Business experience

A reasonable governance structure has become the key to the sustainable development of family businesses.

(End of this chapter)

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