Chapter 13

"To your house?" Seeing that Lin Feng promised to treat her father, Yang Wanqing wanted to say thank you.Is this an invitation to go to his house?It doesn't look that simple.

Seeing the smirk on Lin Feng's face, coupled with the lewd impression he left on her, and then thinking of being alone in a room..., Yang Wanqing felt a small ball of fire erupting violently in her heart.

"Are you still going to your room? Why don't you die?"

"Yes, go to my house, do you have any opinions?" Seeing Yang Wanqing's angry look, Lin Feng also felt strange.

Needless to say, the medicine Yang Wanqing bought was also artificially grown, and its efficacy is naturally mediocre.This treatment for Yang Shuhua is also negligible.

Lin Feng naturally thought of the godwood box. Since the godwood box can improve one's skill, it should also be able to improve the efficacy of medicine.But when Lin Feng went out this time, he didn't expect to be able to use it, so he simply didn't bring it with him.Only then did Yang Wanqing take the medicine to his home.

However, from what Yang Wanqing said just now, it seemed that she had other thoughts.

"Oh, by the way, the bed in my room is very big. If you don't mind, I happen to have time too." Lin Feng thought, it turned out that Yang Wanqing misunderstood himself, in the room, where is the bed?
"Lin Feng, you are shameless and obscene..." Yang Wanqing tried her best to search for lewd words to describe Lin Feng in her mind.

"Well, do you want to go or not." Lin Feng smiled and turned around, shaking his head, and walked into Ward 302 swaggeringly.

"You..." Seeing Lin Feng leaving, Yang Wanqing bit her lip hard, and returned to her father's ward helplessly.

"Wanqing, what's the matter? You know this Mr. Lin?" Yang Shuhua asked curiously when he saw his daughter came back.

"Well, it's considered acquaintance."

"This Mr. Lin seems to be called a genius doctor by Dean Guan at a young age. It's not easy."

"He, he, he is a farmer." Hearing his father's approval of Lin Feng, Yang Wanqing didn't know what to say.

"Oh, you said he was a farmer?"

"That's right, he's from Xiliu Village, the village where I teach." Speaking of Lin Feng, Yang Wanqing looked contemptuous.

"Dad, I think Lin Feng is a liar. He didn't know what method to use, so he tricked Dean Guan around, and Dean Guan was also confused. He was getting old, and he followed behind his ass, yelling at each other like a genius doctor. Let's go." Yang Wanqing originally wanted to try Lin Feng's medical skills, but when he thought of the conditions he just proposed, he was a little unhappy.

"Wanqing, how can Dean Guan be confused? Even if he doesn't believe in Lin Feng, can Dean Guan still trust him?" Yang Shuhua also wanted to get rid of this disease as soon as possible.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm going to buy the medicine according to his prescription." Yang Wanqing grabbed the prescription on the table and reluctantly walked out of the ward.

After Lin Feng returned to Ward 302, after telling Wu Jing to take good care of Gao Xiumei, he brought Wang Mingshan back to Xiliu Village.

Bringing Wang Mingshan along, Lin Feng also thought of Gao Xiumei's illness.The true energy passed to her just now can only last for a while, and if there is no follow-up treatment, it is very likely that she will fall into a coma again.

Since Yang Shuhua was given the medicine, Gao Xiumei was naturally indispensable.Lin Feng had other things to do when he returned to the village. After the medicine was prepared, if Wang Mingshan took it back by the way, the time came just in time.

"Xiaofeng, are you back?"

"Well, this is my friend, Wang Mingshan."

After greeting Father Lin, Lin Feng brought Wang Mingshan to his room.

"Mingshan, you stand guard at the door, remember, don't let others in."

"Well, don't worry." Remembering the scene when Lin Feng treated his mother in the hospital, Wang Mingshan nodded.

Lin Feng took out the sacred wooden box from the drawer, but after opening the sacred wooden box, he did not enter the space created by the sacred wooden box smoothly like last time.

"Damn, hang the chain at the critical moment..." Lin Feng felt a little impatient.Leaving aside the matter of agreeing to dispense the medicine to Yang Wanqing, even Gao Xiumei might not be able to afford to wait.Without the help of the Shenmu box, Lin Feng would be powerless.

Just now he was only busy with other people's affairs, but at this moment, Lin Feng realized that his true energy seemed to be at a loss.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking of the Bikong Jue in his heart.Immediately, Lin Feng felt full of energy again.

"Lin Feng, we meet again."

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, it turned out that Lin Feng had already entered the sacred wood box.

"Oh Maikar, what's going on? Why didn't you come in just now?" Lin Feng was full of doubts.

"Well, just now your true energy was too low to open the divine wood box," said the old man.

"Okay, old man." Lin Feng seemed very dissatisfied with the old man's explanation, "If you use the godwood box to improve the efficacy of the medicine, should you also bring it to this space?"

"What, you call me an old man? Do you know how to be polite? Why are you so uneducated?" It seemed that Lin Feng had said the wrong thing, and the old man said angrily.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was just in a hurry..." Lin Feng felt that he still couldn't afford to offend the old man, let alone asking for help now.

"What are you in a hurry for? Really." Seeing Lin Feng's sincere attitude, the old man's attitude softened a bit.

Lin Feng told the old man about his rescue and treatment in the hospital.

"Oh, that's it, it seems that you are quite kind." After listening to Lin Feng's narration, the old man nodded.

"If you want to improve the efficacy of the medicine, just put it in the godwood box, you don't need to bring it here."

"Damn, you old man, tell me earlier, I'm so anxious." Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief after learning that the method to improve the efficacy of the medicine is so simple.He always thought that the medicine would be effective only if it was brought into the space of the divine wood box.But he didn't know what to do to bring it in.

"Again, I'm not called an old man," the old man said loudly.

"Ah~" Lin Feng felt a sharp pain in his buttocks.

Unprepared, the old man kicked Lin Feng, but Lin Feng didn't notice anything.

The old man made a sudden attack, and Lin Feng was really helpless.Thinking about it, the old man's cultivation was far above Lin Feng's.

"I'm sorry, I'm just too happy."Lin Feng resisted the great pain and said.

"Forget it, I see that you are also eager to save people."It was just a little education for Lin Feng, and the old man didn't intend to continue to make a move.

"It's okay to tell you, if you don't mind, you can call me old man again," the old man thought for a while and said to Lin Feng. "My real name is Jiang Liuzi. You will call me old man later..." said the old man and raised his hand.

"Yes, Master Jiang Liuzi." Afraid that the old man's slap would fall on him, Lin Feng quickly responded.

"Okay, you go back first, it's important to save people."

It's not even midsummer yet, and it's going to be hot.Wang Mingshan, who was guarding the door, couldn't bear the heat, and thought that there were only the two of them in Lin Feng's room, so he simply took off his underwear.

"Mingshan, do you see if my place is swollen..."

After Lin Feng came back from the Shenmu box, he still felt pain in his buttocks, recalling Jiang Liuzi's kick just now, he took off his pants and shouted.

At this time, Yang Wanqing came to Lin Feng's home with the medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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