Chapter 20
"Lin Feng, do you want to know what I'm wearing?" Yang Wanqing pinched the orchid fingers with one hand, and pulled the floral skirt on her body with the other.

"Yes, of course." Lin Feng swallowed, his eyes staring straight.Unexpectedly, Teacher Yang also has such a tender side!

I saw Yang Wanqing slowly pulling up her skirt.

The true face of Lushan was revealed immediately, and Lin Feng's eyes widened even wider.Suddenly, a basin of water poured down from the sky and poured Lin Feng over his head.

"I rely on..."

Lin Feng got up and found himself sitting on the bed. It turned out to be a dream!It's just that this dream is too strange.

"It's not good, Lin Feng, Mrs. Yang, she..." Lin Baogen ran into the room, yelling loudly.

"What's the matter, Uncle Baogen?" Lin Feng rubbed his eyes seeing Lin Baogen's anxious look.

"Lin Feng, here, look." Lin Baogen handed the note in his hand to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, if you want Teacher Yang to be fine, come to Phoenix Mountain alone. Also, bring the prescription." Although the number of words on the note is small, Lin Feng has already made things clear.

"Damn, this is too arrogant." After reading the note, Lin Feng understood.This must be Li Laifu's fault, but what does this have to do with Teacher Yang?
It should be Li Tiangui's attention.Previously, Li Tiangui observed secretly and found that Yang Wanqing and Lin Feng were walking relatively close. He didn't know Yang Wanqing's background, but thought he was Lin Feng's girlfriend, so he suggested that Li Laifu arrest her to blackmail Lin Feng.

"Yes, it must be so."

The figure who peeped at him last night must have something to do with this matter.

"So I found a helper!"

When he met Lin Feng, Li Laifu asked for trouble.Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled.

"Son, aren't you frightened stupid?" Seeing that Lin Feng read the note, he first talked to himself, and now he laughed again, Lin Baogen said in surprise.Lin Baogen thought that Mr. Yang was kidnapped in Xiliu Village. This was due to the negligence of his village party secretary. Now Lin Feng's stupid appearance made him feel even more uneasy.

"Uncle Baogen, don't worry. Teacher Yang is fine. I'll pick her up right away."

"Wangcai, come here." After saying that, Lin Feng took Wangcai and set off for Phoenix Mountain.

"Lin Feng, Lin Feng..." Looking at Lin Feng who was going away, Lin Baogen was also frightened and stupid. Now, he can only put his hope on Lin Feng.He didn't dare to call the police. If he called the police, Secretary Yang would definitely be alarmed.If Secretary Yang knew that his daughter had been kidnapped, he wouldn't...

Now Phoenix Mountain, the vegetation is growing lush.Originally, few people came here, and the path up the mountain was blurred.Looking at such a big mountain, Lin Feng also became worried, where did Li Laifu hide Yang Wanqing?
Suddenly, Lin Feng found a strip of cloth hanging on the branch beside him.The pattern on it is the same as the clothes Yang Wanqing wore yesterday.

"Yes." Lin Feng thought of a way.

Lin Feng took off the cloth strip, put it in front of Wangcai, and patted Wangcai.

"Woof~", Wangcai called, leading the way.

"Damn it, I hid Teacher Yang here." Lin Feng and Wangcai stopped in front of an abandoned cave.

Lin Feng signaled Wangcai to be quiet, and quietly came to the entrance of the cave.

"Mr. Li, did you say that Lin Fengfeng is coming?"

"Should be, such a pretty chick, I'm a little tempted after seeing it." It was Li Laifu who spoke, and there were two burly men standing beside him, it seemed that they should be Lian Jiazi.Thinking about it this way, it should be these two people last night.

"Wait a little longer, if he doesn't come, we brothers will enjoy this today..." As he spoke, a man put his hand on Yang Wanqing's face.

"Asshole, you should give up on this idea. Lin Feng won't come, and I have nothing to do with him."

"Oh, really? Then we can't work in vain..." Li Laifu pulled Yang Wanqing up and motioned for the two people around him to go out first.

"Lin Feng, it's all you bastard..." Yang Wanqing cried out.

"Teacher Yang, you called me!" Lin Feng walked into the cave.Seeing Yang Wanqing's distressed appearance, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling a little distressed.But he didn't show it, he still smiled and said.

"Lin Feng, you are an asshole." Looking at Lin Feng with a hippie smile, Yang Wanqing cried even louder.

"Yo Yo Yo..., let me just say, such a beautiful girl, how could Boss Lin be willing to do that!" Seeing Lin Feng appearing, Li Laifu spoke sourly.

"Lin Feng, did you bring the prescription?"

"Let Teacher Yang go, I can spare your life."

"Well, since you are ignorant, don't blame me for being rude." While speaking.Li Laifu winked at the two people beside him.

Before coming, Li Laifu had told them that Lin Feng was just a farmer.Even if you kill him, it won't be a big deal.

Therefore, after receiving Li Laifu's order, the two praised Lin Feng with all their might and attacked Lin Feng at the same time, as if they wanted to kill Lin Feng.

Immediately, killing intent filled the surrounding air.

"It turned out to be two middle-stage Huang rank masters, no wonder Li Laifu is so rampant."

"How about it, be afraid. I advise you to hand over the prescription obediently, otherwise..." Looking at Lin Feng who was motionless, Li Laifu thought that Lin Feng had been frightened into a fool.However, he didn't know that Lin Feng was already a master of the mysterious rank, and he could deal with such a small character without any effort.

"Papa papa...", before Li Laifu finished speaking, he was slapped several times on the face.

"Li Laifu, the helper you found is nothing more than this."


Li Laifu covered his face and saw that the two masters he had brought were lying on the ground moaning in pain.There was only Lin Feng on the opposite side, and in a short while, he beat Li Laifu's side, completely powerless to fight back.The point is, they still don't know how Lin Feng made the move.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Yang, for making you wronged." Lin Feng pulled Yang Wanqing over, untied the rope on her body, and said softly.

"Li Laifu, which hand touched Teacher Yang just now?" Lin Feng turned around and said to Li Laifu.

"This, this..., ah..." I saw blood protruding from Li Laifu's right hand.

"Lin Feng, what are you doing?" When Lin Feng shot, his other hand covered Yang Wanqing's eyes, because the scene was too bloody.

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng walked out of the cave with his arms around Yang Wanqing's waist.Yang Wanqing wanted to push away, but Lin Feng was too strong.

"Lin Feng, my grandfather celebrates his birthday tomorrow, do you want to go?" At this moment, Yang Wanqing felt that Lin Feng was not as annoying as before, so she stopped struggling.

However, Lin Feng seemed to push his feet a little bit, his hands moved involuntarily...

"Wang Wang~"

(End of this chapter)

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