Chapter 24

In order to satisfy everyone's curiosity, Lin Feng performed the "bone setting technique" back and forth several times.

"Is this okay?" Lin Feng said with a smile to the people around him.

"Okay!" Li Laifu was the first to answer loudly after hearing Lin Feng's question because he couldn't stand the pain.

"Good, not bad."

"Young man, well done."


Lin Feng's bone-setting techniques are also well received by everyone.

"Grandpa Yang, today is your [-]th birthday, and I have prepared a gift." After speaking, Lin Feng took out his gift.

"This is?" Thinking of Li Laifu just now, Mr. Yang couldn't help frowning.

"Grandpa Yang, don't worry, mine is different from his." Lin Feng guessed what old man Yang was thinking, and pointed to Li Laifu who was rubbing his arm.

"Oh, why is it different?" Mr. Yang asked curiously.

"My medicine is not as valuable as his, nor is it magical." After Lin Feng finished speaking, the guests around him burst into laughter.

"Dad, this Lin Feng is really a genius doctor. Your son and I are the best proof." Yang Shuhua, who was on the side, was a little tempted when he saw Lin Feng took out the congratulatory gift, "If it doesn't work, I'll try it for you?"

"You let him finish the sentence." Having just seen Lin Feng's methods, coupled with Yang Shuhua's persuasion, Mr. Yang also felt that Lin Feng was trustworthy, but he still had some concerns.

"My medicine is only used to treat presbyopia." Lin Feng continued.He also didn't know that this pill made of fish eyes could have other effects besides treating eye diseases.

"This is good, this is good." Hearing Lin Feng's talk about curing presbyopia, Mr. Yang said happily, "These days, my eyesight has become more and more blurred. Bring it here..."

"Wanqing, you are getting more and more beautiful. But why do you still have pimples on your face?"

"Ah?" Yang Wanqing exclaimed in surprise.At this time, she was five meters away from Mr. Yang.Moreover, if it hadn't been told by others, she wouldn't know that she had acne on her face.

"Grandpa, the younger you live, the younger you are, and so do you." After being surprised, Yang Wanqing said happily.

"Shuhua, no wonder you rush to test the medicine, it turns out..." The presbyopia is cured, and the eyesight is also greatly improved. Old man Yang smiled from ear to ear, and patted Yang Shuhua.

"Mr. Yang, your eyes..." Seeing this, everyone in the audience was even more surprised. When he came, he greeted Mr. Yang, and Mr. Yang recognized who he was.

"Miraculous doctor, what a miracle, ah."

"Doctor Lin, do you still have this medicine?"

"Doctor Lin, do you have any other medicine?"


The surrounding guests surrounded Lin Feng and came to inquire one after another.It seems that he is the protagonist today.

"Of course I have this. But it won't be released until my company starts up." Lin Feng comforted everyone.

"Master Lin, my mother has been sick for two years, can you cure her?"

"Yes. But the cost..."

"Brother, there is still 30 yuan in this card, so it will be regarded as a deposit." The man said, took out the bank card and stuffed it into Lin Feng's hand, it seemed that he was not short of money.That's right, being able to attend Mr. Yang's birthday banquet is either rich or expensive.

"This is mine, I think..." The people next to him also followed suit, some with cards and some with cash.Lin Feng didn't want it, but they had to stuff it into Lin Feng's hands. "The money came so fast." Lin Feng was afraid, and he was already happy.

"When the company opens, everyone is welcome to join us." Lin Feng smiled even more happily.It seems that with this publicity, it will be difficult for his company to fail to start.

With Lin Feng's magic pill to add to the fun, Mr. Yang was also very happy.The whole birthday banquet was carried out in a pleasant atmosphere.

However, Li Laifu left in despair halfway through the birthday banquet.Thinking of coming this time, not only was he insulted by Lin Feng, but he also failed to send out the gift.How can I explain this to Longhutang?

Lin Feng's pills were really good, and they even cured Mr. Yang's presbyopia.No, we must get rid of him.Thinking of this, Li Laifu called Brother Rong.

"Brother Rong, I..."

"Needless to say, I already know about the birthday banquet. This Lin Feng is indeed a little troublesome. Recently, don't provoke him."

"Yes, yes." Li Laifu did not dare to tell Brother Rong that the two masters sent yesterday are still lying in the hospital.

Here, after the birthday banquet, Wei Guangyuan was in charge of sending Lin Feng home.

"Sirius, is that you?" Wei Mingyuan asked after starting the car, looking at Lin Feng who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Secretary Wei, you've got the wrong person. I'm not a Sirius." Lin Feng said calmly without looking at Wei Mingyuan.


"You've got the wrong person, let's drive." Lin Feng still had a firm expression on his face.

Wei Mingyuan recalled that the former captain - Lin Feng, was codenamed Sirius.At first, when I heard Yang Wanqing say that when Lin Feng rescued her, he beat up two masters in an instant, I thought that Lin Feng might be his captain.

But after seeing Lin Feng, he was not sure.The little peasant in front of him is really very different from the former soldier king.

At the banquet, Wei Mingyuan had been observing. When Lin Feng performed the bone-setting technique, he opened his mouth in surprise.In the past, in the boring training life, Lin Feng often performed for them to relieve their boredom.

"Yes." Wei Mingyuan replied crisply.

Although Lin Feng refused to admit it, Wei Mingyuan believed that the Lin Feng in front of him was the former Sirius.Wei Mingyuan had no choice but to carry out his orders.

"Okay, just let me be at the entrance of the village." After a while, we arrived at Xiliu Village.Seeing Lin Ming, Lin Feng wanted to get out of the car.

"But..." Wei Mingyuan seemed to have something to say.

"In the future, we will meet again, won't we?" Opening the car door, Lin Feng said meaningfully.

"Okay." Wei Mingyuan was taken aback for a moment, then replied with a smile.

Seeing Lin Feng coming from an Audi, Lin Ming ran over.

"Brother Feng, what have you been up to lately? What is this?" Lin Ming asked curiously, pointing to the Audi that left.

"Xiao Ming, I'm going to start a company. How about it, follow me?" Lin Feng hugged Lin Ming, and said leisurely.

"After that, can I drive a car? That car looks good to me."

"Haha~, of course I can, and I can drive a car even better than that."

"Brother Feng, I also want to follow you, but my mother..." Lin Ming seemed to have something hard to say.

"What's the matter, auntie, does she object?" Lin Feng remembered the conversation between Lin Ming's mother and son that day.

"Yeah, my mother..." Lin Ming talked about the reasons for his mother's objection.

It turned out that Li Tiangui had been to Lin Ming's house, and gave his mother some money, telling her to take care of Lin Ming and stay away from Lin Feng.He also threatened that Lin Feng was not a good person and that following him would not end well.

"Go, go to Li Tiangui's house first."

This Li Tiangui wanted to isolate Lin Feng and tarnish his reputation in Xiliu Village.Thinking of this, Lin Feng pulled Lin Ming up and walked towards Li Tiangui's house.

(End of this chapter)

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