The Strongest Possessed Little Shennong

Chapter 26 Yancheng Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 26 Yancheng Chamber of Commerce
"What? Teacher Yang doesn't know him?" Lin Feng asked back.

"I know, of course I do." Yang Wanqing felt that Lin Feng's attitude obviously questioned her ability.Thinking of this, she was a little unhappy.

"Tell me how you met him?" Yang Wan asked.Although I don't believe it, it can be seen that Lin Feng is swearing, and it doesn't look like he is lying.

"Well, it's really a long story..." Seeing that his cleverness was exposed, Lin Feng still didn't want to admit it.

"Then you should say it, say it!" Finally caught Lin Feng's pigtail, Yang Wanqing was relentless.

"Why, I can't tell." Yang Wanqing, who thought Lin Fengfeng was making a fool of himself, laughed happily when he thought of this.

"He is the president of the Yancheng Chamber of Commerce. He came to me this time because he asked me to do something." Lin Feng blinked and said nonchalantly.

The Yancheng Chamber of Commerce is a non-governmental organization spontaneously formed by predators engaged in commercial activities in Yancheng.It not only has a huge influence in the Yancheng area, but also serves as the support for the reputation of Yancheng merchants doing business abroad.Of course, the members among them have also been screened layer by layer, not to mention that the roots are good and young, they are almost the same.That man is the president of Yancheng Chamber of Commerce——Shen Jiuwan.

Longhutang also thought about taking the Yancheng Chamber of Commerce as its own, but the opponent's foundation in the Yancheng area was too deep, and it was only a tie with the opponent.The two also formed two forces in Yancheng County, one bright and one dark.In Yancheng County, the struggle between the two is no secret.

Lin Feng also remembered that at the birthday banquet of Mr. Yang, when the man gave him the bank, people around him called him the president.In Yancheng County, there are not many people who can become the president.Last time in Yancheng County, through Wang Mingshan's narration, Lin Feng already had a general understanding of various situations in Yancheng County.At this moment, Yang Wanqing's question further proved this point.Therefore, Lin Feng made a wild guess.

"Lin Feng, he is the president. Do you know that in Yancheng County..." Yang Wanqing couldn't believe it. Since Lin Feng knew about the Yancheng Chamber of Commerce and that person was the president of the Chamber of Commerce, why would he still say, yes? Begging him to do something?Why would the president beg him to be a small farmer?Thinking of this, Yang Wanqing was even more puzzled.

"I know." Seeing Yang Wanqing's surprised expression, Lin Feng replied calmly.

Lin Feng explained clearly the relationship between him and Shen Jiuwan.

"Oh, that's it." Yang Wanqing remembered that at his grandfather's birthday banquet, there was a group of people surrounding Lin Feng.It seems that he really underestimated Lin Feng.

"Okay, Miss Yang, I have to save lives and heal the wounded tomorrow, so I'll go back first." Lin Feng stretched himself.He really wasn't interested in such an occasion.

In the past, after completing the task, the upper management would also hold a commendation meeting.Lin Feng, as a model soldier, of course wants to participate.At this time, Lin Feng was in great pain.Later, I got used to it, and every time the leader spoke, he would sleep.After knowing it, it is difficult for the leader to say anything.

"Lin Feng, you?" Yang Wanqing didn't know this.The opening ceremony of the pharmaceutical factory, at such an important time, she couldn't help being a little angry when she saw that Lin Feng was still acting like a fool.

"Okay, isn't your Teacher Yang still in the pharmaceutical factory!" Lin Feng, who was walking away, waved his hands as he walked.

"Okay Lin Feng..." The pharmaceutical factory made Yang Wanqing very tired.

Back home, Lin Feng called Wang Mingshan after finishing his daily practice.

After exchanging pleasantries with Wang Mingshan, Lin Feng told him to go to the pharmacy to buy some silver needles for acupuncture.

The next day, Shen Wanjiu arrived at Xiliu Village early.However, he didn't know the exact location of Lin Feng's house.In order to show his sincerity, Shen Wanjiu got out of the car and asked passers-by.

"Lin Feng? Are you looking for Lin Feng?" Shen Wanjiu met none other than Lin Ming's mother, Zhang Xiu.Seeing a man who looked like a big boss looking for Lin Feng, Zhang Xiu replied in surprise.

"I know, I know, I'll take you right away." While speaking, Zhang Xiu looked at the brand new car without blinking her eyes.That's Da Ben, how could she not know him?However, she only saw it on TV.Now, I saw it in reality.

"Okay, okay, come on, get in the car." Seeing someone enthusiastically leading the way, Shen Wanjiu hurriedly greeted Zhang Xiu to get in the car.Zhang Xiu sat in the car, but she was sweet in her heart.She never dreamed that she could sit on a big Benz.

Seeing a big Benz coming to Lin Feng's house, the villagers of Xiliu Village gathered around to watch.

"This Lin Feng is really capable, tsk tsk..."

"Do you know what kind of car this is? This is a big Ben, it seems to be a..."

"Look, the big boss came to pick up Lin Feng himself. Lin Feng's father, your family Lin Feng is promising, after this..."


Walking out of the house, Lin Feng greeted everyone, and naturally got on the big run.Lin Feng was no stranger to this scene.

"Look, this baby is still pulled up..."

"You can pull it if you have the ability..."

"I, I don't have this ability..."

"Haha~", after seeing Daben leave, the surrounding villagers still refused to leave, and started to spray again.

This big run is really not bad. The country roads in Xiliu Village are full of potholes. Walking on it, I didn't feel bumpy.

After a while, we arrived at the county seat of Yancheng County.

"President Shen, go..." On the way, Lin Feng asked Shen Wanjiu to turn a corner, found Wang Mingshan, and took the silver needle.

Legend of Haohai - a high-end villa area in the suburbs of the county seat.When we got here, the car stopped.Come to think of it, Shen Wanjiu's home is here.

"Doctor Lin, please." Shen Wanjiu opened the car door himself and asked Lin Feng to get out of the car.

"President Shen, please be polite." Lin Feng returned with a smile.

"Damn, why is someone so ostentatious." Seeing this scene, the security guard at the door was also shocked.He had never seen President Shen treat others so piously.

It has to be said that the decoration of Shen Wanjiu's villa is quite luxurious, but it is not too exaggerated.Come to think of it, Chairman Shen can be considered a refined person, not something that those nouveau riche can compare to.

Under Shen Wanjiu's leadership, Lin Feng met Shen Wanjiu's sick mother.

Lin Feng judged that his mother's illness should be the sequelae of the fall.

Lin Feng took out the silver needle, and silently recited the Blue Sky Jue in his heart.Following the direction of his finger, a wave of true energy attached to the silver needle.Afterwards, Lin Feng stuck three silver needles in each of Shen Wanjiu's mother's legs and back.At the same time as the needle was inserted, the old lady did not respond at all, presumably the nerves were dead.Thinking of this, Lin Feng took out another silver needle and stuck it in her Tianling Gai.

After a while, some darkened blood flowed out from the silver needle on the leg.

"It hurts..." Suddenly, the quiet old lady spoke.

"Mom, your leg..." Seeing the old lady's leg feeling, Shen Wanjiu took her hand and said pleasantly.

Seeing the effect, Lin Feng pulled out the silver needle and signaled the old lady to get out of bed and take two steps to try.

"As expected of a miracle doctor. Doctor Lin, you are..." Seeing that the old lady had recovered, Shen Wanjiu was even more excited to kneel down and thank Lin Feng.

"President Shen, you're welcome." Lin Feng hurriedly supported Shen Wanjiu.

"Master Lin, this is my wish, you must accept it." As he spoke, Shen Wanjiu took out a gold card with the word VIP of Yancheng Chamber of Commerce written on it.

(End of this chapter)

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