The Strongest Possessed Little Shennong

Chapter 31 I'm His Girlfriend

Chapter 31 I'm His Girlfriend
Seeing that her little wish was fulfilled, Zhang Xiaojing happily took Lin Feng's hand and walked out of the house.Lin Feng pulled his face blankly, as if he was letting others slaughter him.

Xiliu Village Pharmaceutical Factory was built in Lin Feng's house - the piece of land that Li Laifu had been trying to occupy before.It's neither far nor near from Lin Feng's house.The two got into the BMW and went straight to the pharmaceutical factory.

Zhang Xiaojing was still driving on the road, but at this moment, she was happily humming a little tune.

After a while, we arrived at the Xiliu Village Pharmaceutical Factory.

"Lin Feng, is this the pharmaceutical factory you mentioned?" Zhang Xiaojing asked in surprise when she saw the pharmaceutical factory in front of her.

Due to the short construction period and tight time, the current pharmaceutical factory is only beginning to take shape.The area is only a few acres, and there are only a handful of workshops inside.If they hadn't seen the big characters hanging in front of the door, who would have known that this was the Xiliu Village Pharmaceutical Factory.No wonder Zhang Xiaojing felt strange.

"Yes, yes. Don't look at it as it is now, I guarantee that it will expand more than ten times in half a year." Seeing the pharmaceutical factory, Lin Feng was filled with passion.

"Oh," Zhang Xiaojing nodded disappointedly after hearing Lin Feng's words.

"Lin Feng, do you know that there is a shortage of people in the factory right now, and you have been..." A woman in blue overalls and a hat waved her white gloves and greeted loudly from afar.

"Lin Feng, who is this?" Zhang Xiaojing pointed to the person who came and asked Lin Feng.

"It's Teacher Yang. She..." Lin Feng whispered by Zhang Xiaojing's ear.If he didn't know her voice well, Lin Feng might not be able to recognize her at this moment. It was Yang Wanqing who came.

"Good you Lin Feng, I said why I haven't seen you for a few days, so I went to harm the little girl..." Seeing Lin Feng and Zhang Xiaojing's intimate movements, Yang Wanqing couldn't help but burst into anger.Right now, she was exhausting herself in the pharmaceutical factory, but it was good for Lin Feng, so he went to pick up girls without her...

Saying that, Yang Wanqing, who couldn't be more angry, raised her leg and kicked towards Lin Feng.With a flash, Lin Feng hid behind Zhang Xiaojing.

"Mr. Yang, hello." Zhang Xiaojing stared at Yang Wanqing with wide eyes.

"You wait for me, hum~", Yang Wanqing glared at Lin Feng.

"Who are you?" Seeing a woman standing in front of her, Yang Wanqing hurriedly withdrew her legs.But this does not mean that she no longer cares about Lin Feng.

At this moment, Lin Feng believed that if eyes could kill, he would have died countless times.

"I'm his girlfriend, and my name is Zhang Xiaojing."

"No, Xiaojing..." Lin Feng couldn't believe his ears.He and Zhang Xiaojing have known each other for only a few days.Although they got along fairly well, Lin Feng was also shocked when he heard Zhang Xiaojing say that she was his girlfriend.

"Why, didn't you? Just now my aunt said..." Zhang Xiaojing blinked and said to Lin Feng.

It was only then that Lin Feng remembered that Zhang Xiaojing and Lin's mother had a very happy conversation at home just now.Lin's father and Lin's mother have already recognized Zhang Xiaojing.He also knew that Zhang Xiaojing meant that to him.However, he wasn't ready yet.

"Girlfriend?" Yang Wanqing was also struck by lightning.Look at Zhang Xiaojing's dress and temperament, and then look at Lin Feng.The two stood together, like a flower stuck in cow dung.It wouldn't be surprising if these words came from Lin Feng's mouth, it's normal for a toad to want to eat swan meat.But it's another matter if these words came from Zhang Xiaojing's mouth.

Yang Wanqing rubbed her eyes, and began to carefully look at Zhang Xiaojing in front of her.At the same time, Zhang Xiaojing looked at Zhang Xiaojing without blinking.The two were deadlocked like this.

After seeing it, Lin Feng also felt a chill coming from behind him.

"Lin Feng, you gave me this car? Thank you so much." Yang Wanqing said in surprise after seeing the BMW.Before, Lin Feng once said that after the pharmaceutical factory is set up, it needs to buy a car to facilitate business operations.

"Oh, this..." Lin Feng was speechless.She still looked like she wanted to kill someone just now, but now..., women are so fickle!
"Why, could it be for her?" Seeing Lin Feng's hesitation, Yang Wanqing couldn't help pointing the finger at Zhang Xiaojing.

"No, I don't want this." Zhang Xiaojing was also not to be outdone, and immediately fought back against Yang Wanqing.

"Ms. Yang, yes, this car is for you." Seeing that something was wrong, Lin Feng also realized that he didn't have a driver's license, so he hurriedly stood up and said.

"Oh, that's about the same. Here's the key!" As she spoke, Yang Wanqing stretched out her hand in front of Lin Feng.

"I have the key." Zhang Xiaojing said, picking up the key and shaking it in front of Yang Wanqing.

"Would you like it? I can give it to you, but you have to send us back." Zhang Xiaojing's words were obviously provocative.

"Me? Send you off? Dream on you!", Yang Wanqing couldn't help being angry, and turned around as she said.

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Xiaojing again, and found that Zhang Xiaojing was also pouting.

"Well, this pharmaceutical factory seems to be out of sight today." Lin Feng was also complaining in his heart, one teacher Yang was enough for him to have a headache, and now Zhang Xiaojing popped up again.

"Okay, okay, I'll drive." After taking the key from Zhang Xiaojing, Lin Feng started the car.

"Lin Feng, don't you have a driver's license? Let me do it." Zhang Xiaojing pulled Lin Feng out and sat in the car.

"Hmph~", seeing Lin Feng getting off the car, Yang Wanqing ignored him and sat in the co-pilot directly.

Lin Feng stood beside the car stupidly, startled.

"D~D~" Zhang Xiaojing honked the car horn.

"You still want to go, get in the car." Yang Wanqing was also called Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sat in the back row, and the two sat in the front row.Along the way, the three of them were silent, no one said a word, and the atmosphere was rather awkward.Originally, the journey only took 3 minutes, but Lin Feng felt as if he had traveled thousands of miles.

"Here we are. Lin Feng, let's go home." Zhang Xiaojing parked the car in front of Lin Feng's house, opened the door, and said happily while holding Lin Feng's hand.

"Cut~", after the two got out of the car, Yang Wanqing said to the figures of the two after sitting in the driver's seat.

"Teacher Yang, I..." Lin Feng leaned against the car window, as if he wanted to say something to Yang Wanqing.Zhang Xiaojing also lay down on her stomach.

"Mr. Yang, goodbye." Zhang Xiaojing happily waved at Yang Wanqing, indicating that she could leave.

With a sound of "buzz~", Yang Wanqing slammed on the accelerator, and the BMW had already left quickly.

"This time, I really offended Teacher Yang." Lin Feng thought to himself.Hurry up and send this aunt in front of you away, or God knows what will happen.

"Lin Feng, I'm going back to work." Back home, Zhang Xiaojing acted as if nothing had happened.

"Okay, okay. Go back, I've been out for a few days." Lin Feng was worried that he couldn't find an excuse, so it was much easier.

(End of this chapter)

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