Chapter 37
In Yancheng Hospital, with the care of the dean, Wang Mingshan's ward was naturally a high-end single room.

The small ward was suddenly filled with noise from Wang Mingshan.The upset Lin Feng couldn't listen anymore.

"Mingshan, are you thirsty? Do you want me to pour you a glass of water?" Lin Feng, who had been sitting in a daze, suddenly stood up and said to Wang Mingshan.

"No, I'm not thirsty. Sit down and let me finish my sentence." Wang Mingshan was speaking vigorously, obviously not guessing the intention of his boss's words.

He raised his head and waved his hands, intending to signal Lin Feng to sit down and listen to him.

However, after seeing Lin Feng, the excited Wang Mingshan's expression turned black instantly.He stretched out his hand that was hanging in the air, and it also hung there like a frozen body.

At this moment, Lin Feng was staring at Wang Mingshan fiercely.

The moment he looked at Lin Feng, Wang Mingshan already knew that what he said made the boss very unhappy.

"Brother Feng, I, I was wrong." Wang Mingshan's reaction was still quick. After realizing that he had said something wrong, he lowered his head and said seriously.It looks very much like a primary school student who has made mistakes, waiting for the teacher's criticism and education.It's just that it's not the teacher and the students now, but Lin Feng and him.

"Mingshan, don't talk about this." Lin Feng suppressed the depression in his heart, and said to Wang Mingshan quietly.

"Yes, yes. Brother Feng." Wang Mingshan nodded vigorously and returned.

"Your injuries are important." While speaking, Lin Feng walked up to Wang Mingshan.

Lin Feng noticed that although the trauma on Wang Mingshan's body had been treated in the hospital, it was just some simple disinfection and bandaging.

"Brother Feng, don't worry. I'm fine." Seeing that the boss didn't get angry, but cared about his injury first, Wang Mingshan's heart was filled with warmth.He happily replied.

"Ahem~" However, his body was not that strong.

"You still say it's okay?" Lin Feng frowned, pulled Wang Mingshan's wrist, and rested his four fingers on it naturally.

Seriously injured patients like Wang Mingshan were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment to bandage their wounds, and then for a general examination to determine the best treatment plan.Lin Feng is quite familiar with the procedures of the hospital.The experience of being sent to the hospital at the beginning is still fresh in his memory.

In other words, Wang Mingshan is still waiting for the results of the inspection.

"I heard from Dean Guan that the next step of treatment can only be done after the test results come out, cough~cough." Wang Mingshan, who was still chattering just now, gave a weak answer now.Obviously, his physical strength no longer allowed him to continue talking.

Wang Mingshan, who was originally sitting, unconsciously fell backwards.

"Hey! What's the situation?" Wang Mingshan frowned first, and then his face was full of doubts.Not allowing him to think too much, Wang Mingshan collapsed on the hospital bed with a bang.

"Brother Feng, I, I can't do it. In the next life, I will follow you after reincarnation." Wang Mingshan, who was lying on the hospital bed, pulled Lin Feng with both hands, and spoke intermittently with the last bit of strength.

This scene couldn't help but remind Lin Feng of his brothers who were in distress on the battlefield.Involuntarily, Lin Feng's nose became sour, and his eyes began to turn red.

"Dean, it's right here." At this moment, a large group of people outside the door were rushing here.

Presumably, Wang Mingshan's inspection results came out.Dean Guan personally led the team here. It seemed that Wang Mingshan's injury was indeed serious.

"Hurry up, send it to the emergency room immediately." As soon as Dean Guan entered the door, he saw Wang Mingshan, who was wrapped like a rice dumpling, with his eyes tightly closed, and he fell quietly on the hospital bed.

After receiving the order from the dean of the hospital, the doctors and nurses who followed him rushed over to Wang Mingshan who was on the hospital bed.

"Don't touch him!" Lin Feng stood in front of everyone, opened his hand that was about to touch Wang Mingshan's body, and said loudly.

"Patient's family, we can understand your feelings, but the patient needs urgent treatment now, so please cooperate." The doctor who rushed to the front hurriedly explained after being stopped by Lin Feng.At the same time, he also planned to bypass Lin Feng and take Wang Mingshan away by force.

"I told you not to touch him!" Lin Feng grabbed the doctor's hand from behind and raised it in the air, glaring at him angrily.

"Lin, Mr. Lin?" The doctor noticed that it was none other than Lin Feng who had educated him.

Last time, when Wang Mingshan's mother was hospitalized, his cousin bullied others, but she was humiliated in the end.He went to fight the injustice, but was overwhelmed by Lin Feng's medical skills.Since then, the man with glasses has corrected his mentality and is more active in his future work.

Lin Feng didn't expect that his inadvertent actions would make the man with glasses change his mind.

"It's you?" Lin Feng also noticed that the man with glasses was standing in front of him.

"Mr. Lin, is that you?" Upon hearing the word "Mr. Lin", Dean Guan excitedly pushed everyone away to catch up.

"Dean Guan, let them all go out." Lin Feng said coldly.Facing the enthusiastic Dean Guan, there was no expression on his face.

"Okay, okay." Dean Guan believed in Lin Feng's strength, and he beckoned everyone to leave while speaking.

"Dean Guan, is this patient not being rescued?" the man with glasses asked blankly.At the same time, the doctors who were kicked out were all staring with puzzled faces.

"Rescue here, and I will treat it myself. It is inconvenient for you to be here." Dean Guan replied perfunctorily, and then closed the door.

Outside the door, everyone began to discuss in low voices.

"Have you heard? Dean Guan has unique skills."

"Really or not, why don't I know."

"The patient from last time, Dean Guan only gave him a few needles and healed up."

"Yes, yes, yes. When you said it, I really remembered that the patient was paralyzed when he came."

"It seems that Dean Guan is afraid that we will steal his skills. Hey! Let's go."

Hearing this, Dean Guan just shook his head helplessly.Most people like to gossip, let alone these doctors who stay in the hospital every day.However, it is true that his medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds since Lin Feng taught him the plum blossom nine needles.I didn't expect to be able to improve my medical skills at an old age.Thinking of this, Dean Guan respected Lin Feng even more.

"Dean Guan, what's the result of your inspection?" Lin Feng asked Dean Guan nervously.

"Mr. Lin, the patient's condition doesn't seem to be optimistic from the film. According to our preliminary judgment..." The supervisor was about to tell Lin Feng everything he knew, as if giving a report.

"Get to the point." Lin Feng glared at Dean Guan, but said coldly.

"Yes." After hearing Lin Feng's words, Dean Guan shook his body suddenly, "The patient's spleen, liver, stomach and other organs are bleeding heavily. Since the patient's physical function is rapidly declining, surgery is required immediately."

"Dean Guan, how sure are you?"

"Me?" Dean Guan didn't expect Lin Feng to let him treat him. "To be honest, I have never encountered such a serious condition before, so I am at most [-]% sure."

"Twenty percent?" Hearing Dean Guan's words, Lin Feng felt a bad feeling in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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