Chapter 45 Businessman

After waking up, Mr. Zhan walked out of the hospital bed quietly, but his body was staggering, and he might fall down at any time.

Seeing the inconceivable eyes of everyone, he smiled and did not speak.

"Mr. Zhan, are you awake?" Dean Guan said in surprise.He stepped forward to help, but was stopped by Zhan Lao. "Your body is still very weak."

"Dean Guan, thank you." Old Zhan said politely.His voice was still a little trembling, but it couldn't conceal the vicissitudes of life.

Yang Wanqing's concern, Dean Guan's respect, and Boss Zhan's background all made people wonder about Mr. Zhan's specific identity.

Lin Feng stared at Zhan Lao, his eyes kept rolling.

Although Zhan Lao has silver hair all over his head, he is hale and hearty.His body, which was still sick just now, looks tougher now after being treated by Dean Guan and Lin Feng.

Noticing Lin Feng's existence, Zhan Lao's eyes met Lin Feng's.

"What a powerful aura!" Lin Feng trembled in his heart.

After meeting the old Zhan's gaze, Lin Feng lowered his head subconsciously, turned his eyes to other places, and avoided them deliberately.

Zhan Lao's gaze was soft yet firm.Although not murderous, it will make people awe-inspiring.This feeling made Lin Feng feel familiar.

"Mr. Zhan, let's talk about it. This is what we doctors should do." Dean Guan said humbly, and looked at Lin Feng with a smile at the same time, "Mr. Lin, this is Mr. Zhan!"

"Hello, Mr. Zhan!" Lin Feng stretched out his hand in front of Mr. Zhan.

"Mr. Lin, thank you! If it wasn't for you just now, I'm afraid the old man would be on my way!" Elder Zhan held Lin Feng's hand and said with a smile.The coma just now made him unconscious, but he still remembered Lin Feng's rescue of him.

"Doctor! Doctor! How is my dad?" Outside the door, Zhan Bo shouted in panic.

Lin Feng's driving skills are already top-notch.Thinking of Yang Wanqing's urging, he felt that the matter was even more important.Therefore, he activated the Blue Sky Jue to attach his true energy to the BMW, and the power of the BMW instantly doubled.

Along the way, there was no obstacle at all.This greatly reduces the time spent on the road.It's normal for Zhanbo to come to the hospital just now.

"Mr. Lin! Are you here?" Staring at Lin Feng, Zhan Bo said in surprise.On the way here, thinking of his father's urgent condition, he also urged his men to drive quickly.But after leaving Xiliu Village, he didn't see Lin Feng's car again.Therefore, he thought that Lin Feng was still behind and did not rush to the hospital.

"En." Lin Feng nodded with a smile as a response.At the same time, he pointed to Mr. Zhan next to him.

I heard from Dean Guan that Lin Feng has excellent medical skills.But when Zhanbo saw that his father was able to get out of bed, he was still shocked.

"Dad!" Zhan Bo knelt down on the ground, shouting excitedly to Mr. Zhan.Surprised, weeping with joy.

"Zhanbo, how old are you? You still cry like a child!" Mr. Zhan pulled Zhanbo up and reprimanded him softly.His tone was stern and kind.

When everyone saw Zhan Bo's behavior, they thought he was just filial, and were not surprised.

"I made everyone laugh." Zhan Lao said to Lin Feng and everyone with a smile on his apologetic face.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin." Zhan Bo wiped his tears with one hand, and reached out to Lin Feng with the other.

After shaking hands with Zhan Bo, Lin Feng called Yang Wanqing and Dean Guan to leave the ward.

Lin Feng just guessed about the Zhanjia's situation.If you want to know the specific details, you need to do more research.

The three came to the dean's office.

"Mr. Lin, you have done a great job this time!" Dean Guan closed the door and said excitedly to Lin Feng.

"That's right. Lin Feng, this Zhan Lao is no ordinary person." Yang Wanqing also echoed.

"For me, it's just a matter of raising my hand!" Lin Feng said disdainfully.This just coincides with his previous guess.

"Cut, you should just be pissed off!" Yang Wanqing pouted the most because she couldn't understand Lin Feng's pretending, "If you knew the identity of Zhan Lao, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so calm!"

"That's right! Old Zhan is amazing!"

Dean Guan talked about Zhan Lao's deeds, but he talked endlessly, which hit Lin Feng's heart.

Zhan's old name was Zhan Daguo, and Zeng Gong sent him abroad to study when he was young.As the first batch of recalled intellectuals, he made outstanding contributions to social development after returning to China.Under his leadership, the exhibitors became well-known and wealthy.

Ordinarily, at his age, he can enjoy family happiness in the capital with peace of mind.However, he was homesick, so he returned to Yancheng County.

Yancheng County welcomes big shots back to their hometowns.At that time, Yang Shuhua received Zhan Daguo in person, and Yang Wanqing also participated in it.Dean Guan was also notified that he must ensure Zhan Lao's health.

Sure enough, he couldn't stay idle, and seeing the backwardness of Yancheng County, he wanted to make use of his remaining energy.But when he was about to do a big job, he fell ill.

Zhanbo, who was on a business trip, heard that his father had fallen ill, so he hurried over.

Zhan Daguo's condition is very serious, and Zhanbo wants to take him back to the capital for treatment.

Thinking of the importance of developing a big country, Dean Guan has no choice.He first stabilized Zhanbo and asked him to contact Lin Feng, and then wanted to leave Zhan Daguo through Lin Feng.

"So, Zhan Lao is very important to Yancheng County?" Lin Feng said with a smile after straightening out his thoughts.

"Yes! He is preparing to invest in the establishment of a medicinal material production base in Yancheng County!" Yang Wanqing continued to explain, "If Mr. Zhan is taken back to the capital by his son this time, the investment will come to naught!"

Hearing Yang Shuhua's plan to expand the country, Yang Wanqing naturally knew his importance.So after learning that he fell ill, I was quite anxious.

Then, Dean Guan told Lin Feng his thoughts.

"Dean Guan, it seems that Jiang is still old and hot!" Lin Feng gave a thumbs up to Dean Guan.

"Mr. Lin, this is a win-win situation!" Dean Guan replied awkwardly.Obviously, Lin Feng's compliment meant something else.

The three returned to the ward, only to find that in the ward, Zhan Daguo and his son were arguing over whether to stay or not.

It's really a tiger father without dog son!Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the quarrel between the two.

"Mr. Lin, you're here." Seeing Lin Feng, Zhan Bo stopped arguing with his father.

Taking advantage of the gap, Dean Guan and Yang Wanqing stepped forward to comfort Zhan Daguo.

"Boss Zhan, come out and say it." Lin Feng patted Zhan Bo's shoulder and walked out of the ward, Zhan Bo followed behind.

"Mr. Lin, my father is too stubborn!" Zhan Bo couldn't wait to say when he came to Dean Guan's office.

"Boss Zhan, you are a businessman, right!" Lin Feng stared at Zhan Bo, speaking loudly.

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean?" Zhan Bo replied in surprise.Obviously, Lin Feng's sudden question made Zhan Bo a little confused.

This change is too tm big!He was still acting like a doctor just now, but now he suddenly said this?A big question mark hung above Zhanbo's head.

"I'm also a businessman. This is my business card." Lin Feng took out his business card and handed it to Zhan Bo.

"Xiliu Village Pharmaceutical Factory? Assistant to the factory director?" Zhan Bo looked at the business card in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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