Chapter 55 Chaos

"Cool!" Lin Feng, who had regained his composure, stretched and shouted loudly.

Just thinking about the abnormality just now, he didn't notice Yang Wanjing outside the car.

"You!" Seeing Lin Feng's unscrupulous appearance, Yang Wanjing's eyes were about to pop out of her eyes.

At this time, Yang Wanqing also turned around and looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

For a moment, the eyes of the two sisters hit Lin Feng fiercely.

"Good Lin Feng, you dare to lie to me!" An angry Yang Wanqing grabbed Lin Feng with one hand, and used her unique skill with the other - Xiao Xiao Piao Piao Quan.

Yang Wanqing blushed, waved her pink fists, and hit Lin Feng one after another.

For Lin Feng, this was nothing more than an itch.At the same time, he felt extremely comfortable all over his body.

"Comfortable!" Lin Feng cried out inwardly, but he didn't dare to say it out.

"Lin Feng, come down!" Seeing this, Yang Wanjing couldn't be more angry.

With one hand on the car door, she scratched wildly in the car with the other.

In an instant, the situation in the car became quite chaotic.

Facing these two gods, Lin Feng could only cover his head with his hands, pretending to be innocent.

This beautiful woman is so fierce that even the tigress is afraid of them!

"Hey!" Lin Feng sighed in distress.

"Let you lie to me, let you lie to me,"

"Let you not learn well, let you not learn well,"

The two sisters repaired Lin Feng tirelessly, and they seemed to never get tired of it.

"Captain Yang! Are you okay!" The team members who dealt with the Land Rover accident at the intersection saw Yang Wanjing make a move, shouted loudly, and hurried towards this side.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Yang Wanjing thought that there were still players present, so she stopped at the right time.He turned around and waved at the team members who were coming, signaling them to go back, "You don't have to come over, I'll take care of it!"

This is true!It would be bad if her colleagues found out that it was her sister in the car.After all, everyone has seen that this BMW car is shaking violently.And these days, there are not many pure people.

After the elder sister stopped, the younger sister Yang Wanqing also stopped, which can be regarded as giving Lin Feng a chance to breathe.

"Teacher Yang, I didn't lie to you!" Lin Feng lowered his head and whispered.

"Are you saying you didn't lie to me? You were still languid just now, but after half a minute, you've been revived with full blood?" Yang Wanqing said, getting ready for a new round of attacks.

"What? Only half a minute?" Yang Wanjing, who was outside the car, quickly shifted her gaze to Lin Feng after hearing this, and covered her mouth in surprise at the same time.

"You, what do you want to do?" Lin Feng clasped his hands together and replied warily.He noticed that Yang Wanqing's sharp eyes were aiming at an important part of his body.

"It's just you, forget it!" Seeing Lin Feng's posture, Yang Wanqing curled her lips and said disdainfully.

Lin Feng was about to step forward to refute, but found that the phone rang.

"What? You've been promoted!" After answering the phone, Lin Feng said in surprise.

"No, it's not mine! It's yours!" Lin Feng smiled even more happily.

He didn't notice that the faces of the Yang family sisters were as black as coal.

"Okay, okay." Inadvertently, Lin Feng noticed the strangeness of the two sisters, he lowered his tone, "I want to celebrate, I will pick you up later."

With that said, Lin Feng hung up the phone.

From the eyes of the two sisters, he could feel that if he didn't hang up the phone, he would be punished more severely.

"Captain Yang, we're done with it!" After the Land Rover accident was dealt with, his teammates greeted Yang Wanqing loudly.

"Okay, I see. I'll go right away." Yang Wanjing shook her head helplessly at Lin Feng, turned and left.

"Sister, wait for me. I'll go with you!" Yang Wanqing cried and opened the car door and ran towards her sister.

"This?" Lin Feng looked at the two dumbfounded, his eyes widened.

"What happened just now?" Lin Feng was very puzzled.

He recalled just now, divided the whole incident into shots, and went through it carefully in his mind.

To reach a master of the Xuan rank, one possesses more than just facial features that are different from ordinary people.They can also perform a 360-degree scan of their surroundings like a video probe.

While thinking about it, he focused on the expressions of the Yang family sisters.

He connected Zhang Xiaojing's call.When the sisters of the Yang family heard that Lin Feng had been promoted on the phone, their expressions became ugly.

After Lin Feng replied that it was not his, the two even cast contemptuous glances at themselves.

When she finally said that she wanted to celebrate, Yang Wanqing's eyes were already red.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng slapped his thigh fiercely, as if he had realized something.

God!They probably thought that what they said on the phone was about having a baby and celebrating it!
If this is the case, then there is a big misunderstanding!

No wonder after saying "it's not mine", I was despised by the two of them!
Now, the misunderstanding is big enough!Lin Feng thought to himself, but he didn't know how to explain it.

Just like that, he sat blankly in the car and watched Yang Wanqing follow his sister away.

"Forget it, let's calm down for a while!" Lin Feng thought to himself, and started the car at the same time, driving towards the BMW 4S store.

Lin Feng, who was upset, drove the car even faster.After a while, I came to the place where Zhang Xiaojing worked.

"Lin Feng, so fast?" Seeing Lin Feng getting out of the car, Zhang Xiaojing stepped forward quickly.

After the phone call, Zhang Xiaojing waited at the door.

At the BMW 4S store, Manager Fei was dismissed because his superiors found out about taking kickbacks privately.

Zhang Xiaojing has a harmonious relationship with her colleagues, and her professional ability is relatively outstanding, so everyone unanimously agreed to recommend her as the new manager.

The superiors agreed that as soon as her internship period is over, she will be promoted to manager immediately.

And, enjoy the manager's treatment now.

After hearing the news, Zhang Xiaojing was very excited.The first person she thought of was Lin Feng, so she called Lin Feng.

On the phone, although Lin Feng said that he would pick her up later, she hung up the phone and waited at the door.

Unexpectedly, within 3 minutes after hanging up the phone, Lin Feng rushed over.

"Yes!" Facing Zhang Xiaojing's enthusiasm, Lin Feng replied indifferently.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Lin Feng's melancholy look, Zhang Xiaojing seemed to realize something in his heart.

"It's okay." Lin Feng returned coldly, still looking indifferent.

"I got a promotion, aren't you happy?"


"Then let's go celebrate!"

"it is good."

During the whole conversation, Lin Feng was downcast, but Zhang Xiaojing's enthusiasm was wasted.

Zhang Xiaojing didn't say any more, she quietly took Lin Feng's arm and walked into the store.Involuntarily, his head tilted to Lin Feng's shoulder.

"Zhang Xiaojing, I love you!" Suddenly, Zhang Xiaojing heard the sound of a horn behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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