Chapter 64 Sharing
In the quiet car just now, Zhang Xiaojing cried louder and louder.

At this moment, the business card in Lin Feng's hand dropped leisurely.After he bent down to pick it up, he realized Zhang Xiaojing's abnormality, and couldn't help but look up at Zhang Xiaojing lying on the steering wheel.

This sudden cry really startled Lin Feng.He stared blankly at Zhang Xiaojing's back, and couldn't help but want to step forward to comfort her.

Zhang Xiaojing sobbed softly, and Yang Wanqing frowned helplessly.

The atmosphere in the car seemed to be frozen, and there was no sign of melting at all.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry down!" Suddenly, Yang Wanqing turned her head.She glared at Lin Feng and said coldly.

Lin Feng looked at Yang Wanqing, and seemed to realize the unusualness of the matter.He raised his eyebrows, and reluctantly moved his buttocks to open the car door.

At the same time, Yang Wanqing opened the car door with one hand and was about to get out of the car.

"Sister Qing, you stay!" Zhang Xiaojing raised her head and said sincerely to Yang Wanqing.

"Sister Qing?" Yang Wanqing's heart trembled when she heard this. Why did Zhang Xiaojing call herself like that?In the past, like Lin Feng, she called herself Teacher Yang.

When the lights come on, cars come and go.After Lin Feng got off the car, he stood alone by the wide street, feeling a little lost.

Under the light of the yellowed street lamps, the pink BMW mini seemed to be covered with a layer of golden veil, and the whole body was covered with a faint golden light.

Lin Feng lay prone on the car, his eyes widened, but he couldn't see anything inside the car.

Simply, Lin Feng leaned against the front of the car.

woman!Always have some secrets.Therefore, Lin Feng didn't want to know what Yang Wanqing and Zhang Xiaojing in the car said.

Lin Feng took out the jade he bought from Jubaozhai, and looked at the light.

"Yo! Mr. Lin is so elegant," Yang Wanqing rolled down the car window, and couldn't help being a little surprised to see Lin Feng's relaxed look.Then, she said sourly.

"Lin Feng, get in the car." Zhang Xiaojing stopped crying and said excitedly, seeming to be in a good mood.

Women, you are so fickle!Lin Feng cursed inwardly and got into the car, while responding to the two with a smiling face.

"Lin Feng, don't you want to know what we said?" Zhang Xiaojing said softly and started the car at the same time.

"If you want me to know, you can tell me directly. If you don't want me to know, even if I ask, it will be in vain!"

Lin Feng has always been difficult to handle this kind of relationship between men and women.Besides, this time I was dealing with two beauties at the same time!

When speaking, Lin Feng forced a smile on his face.

At this time, if he provoked the two beauties again, it would be difficult for him to be kicked out of the car.After all, their current location is not too close to Xiliu Village.The night bus had already stopped running, and his BMW was also left in the 4s shop, so he had to take a taxi to go back.But this place is a bit remote and it is not easy to get a taxi.

"Cut," Yang Wanqing glared at Lin Feng sideways, then curled her lips and said, "You can!"

"Hee hee." Seeing the bickering between the two, Zhang Xiaojing couldn't help laughing out loud.

Along with the laughter, the atmosphere in the car eased a lot.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaojing also picked out the key points of the conversation between her and Yang Wanqing and told Lin Feng.

Zhang Xiaojing knew that although Yang Wanqing didn't say anything, she definitely liked Lin Feng in her heart.There is nothing wrong with this, who made Lin Feng so good?

But I also like Lin Feng, in this case, the two are considered competitors.

Leaving aside Lin Feng's question, the two actually have a pretty good impression of each other.

How can this be done?
Suddenly, Zhang Xiaojing had a whim, and the two could enjoy Lin Feng together.In this way, it can be considered that the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders!
After hearing Zhang Xiaojing's suggestion, Yang Wanqing blushed for a while.But things have come to this, she had no choice but to acquiesce.

After listening to Zhang Xiaojing's description, Lin Feng laughed and turned backwards.

"Not bad, not bad." Lin Feng laughed and responded to the two, "But my fertile water is enough to irrigate tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land!"

"Go to hell!" Yang Wanqing gritted her teeth and at the same time picked up a pillow and threw it at Lin Feng.

"Hee hee." Zhang Xiaojing drove the car quietly, and laughed at the side.

Yang Wanqing knew in her heart that it was impossible for her to have a future with Lin Feng, although she also thought that Lin Feng was not bad.

However, people always have to live in the present!Being a monk is still hitting the clock, not to mention that she still has to rely on Lin Feng for future development.

After arriving at Zhang Xiaojing's house, Lin Feng drove away her BMW mini, and drove back to Xiliu Village with Yang Wanqing.

"Lin Feng, what do you think about the pharmaceutical factory?" In the car at this time, Yang Wanqing felt that the relationship between her and Lin Feng had undergone a subtle change, and it was unavoidably awkward.So she found a topic to divert her attention.

"I have no idea!" Lin Feng returned coldly.

"What do you mean having no ideas? Don't you want to become bigger and stronger?" After hearing Lin Feng's words, Yang Wanqing couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.It was also because of this that she was optimistic about Lin Feng at the beginning.But he didn't expect that Lin Fengfeng would be so unmotivated.

"Teacher Yang, listen to me!" Seeing that Yang Wanqing was a little angry, Lin Feng couldn't help frowning and said, "It's never too late for you to get angry!"

"Okay, tell me!" Yang Wanqing replied angrily.

It's not that Lin Feng has never thought about making the pharmaceutical factory bigger and stronger.But his cultivation is limited, so far, he still can't meet the true energy needed for medicine.

If it expands blindly, it may only be counterproductive.

Therefore, Lin Feng could only postpone the expansion of the pharmaceutical factory.But you can't refuse it all at once, after all, they also have good intentions.

"Mr. Yang, sooner or later the pharmaceutical factory will expand its production." Lin Feng's mind began to run fast, trying to collect words to fool Yang Wanqing, "But there is always a process, don't you think?"

"Yes, the scale of the pharmaceutical factory has just stabilized, so it's better to take a rest for a while."

"Yes, yes. Teacher Yang is still educated, that's the reason! If it comes from my mouth, it won't taste like that!"


Yang Wanqing, who had been traveling all day, squinted her eyes against the back of the seat, and Lin Feng accelerated the speed.

After a while, the two returned to Xiliu Village.

"Teacher Yang, we're here." Lin Feng stopped the car and pointed to Xiliu Village Primary School.

"Oh!" Yang Wanqing rubbed her eyes and said sleepily.

Yang Wanqing just complied, but didn't intend to get out of the car.

Lin Feng turned his head and saw that she was leaning against the seat and closed her eyes again.

"Teacher Yang?" Lin Feng called softly, and inadvertently saw a touch of white on Yang Wanqing's chest.

He who had already turned his head turned back again, his eyes looked there involuntarily.

"Does it look good!" Yang Wanqing turned sideways and said softly as if talking in sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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