Chapter 15

Xixi came back a bit late, entering the house in the dark, Mo Bai had already fallen asleep.

Master Rabbit leaned over in his arms and fell asleep, and only ate half of a carrot.

One person and one rabbit fell asleep quietly, really like a father holding his son.Xixi is extremely satisfied, and also very pleased that Mo Bai likes Lord Rabbit as much as she does.Lord Rabbit is the one who depends on her for life, and now it seems that someone is willing to take care of them.She stirred the charcoal that had been covered with ash in the stove, the white ash rose slightly, and the charcoal fire reappeared crimson red and became even hotter.

The slight movement was still heard by Mo Bai and Lord Rabbit, who had extremely sensitive hearing, and each of them moved their ears.

Xixi turned around and saw Master Rabbit raised his ears to look at her, smiled and went forward to stroke its head, his eyes fell on Mo Bai's face again.Even though he was asleep, she still felt that his facial lines were too sharp, and she thought he was a serious person even when he was sleeping.But she still remembers his soft laughter, which is as sweet as spring water like tapping jade, very pleasant to hear.

Looking at it, she lowered her head in a mysterious way, and touched his lips very lightly.

She stood up straight, her face was already flushed, and it was even more obvious when she was reflected by the fire, her eyes were bright and bright.Seeing Master Rabbit's eyes, she put her finger on her lips and hissed it in a low voice: "You don't know anything, you don't see anything."

Master Rabbit glanced at her: Oh.

When she turned around, the corners of Mo Bai's mouth were slightly pursed, it was not the time to wake up now.He didn't even have time to feel the touch on his lips before she left.

Afraid that he would be dried out by the charcoal fire, Xixi brought a basin of water.When she came in, Mo Bai also opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her.

"You're awake."


Xixi put the water aside and went to look at his wound.She was relieved that the bandaged gauze was no longer soaked by blood.

Mo Bai raised his hand to stroke her hair, and asked, "Why did you come back so late?"

"I chatted with Brother Xie for a while."

Mo Bai's eyes fell on the back of her hand, and the red marks on her hand fell into his eyes, and his eyebrows raised when he saw it: "Talking hurts the mouth most, but why does the hand hurt?"

Xixi generously stretched out his hand to show him: "It was scratched on the way here, I don't need to do anything here, don't misunderstand Brother Xie."

When Mo Bai came, he was seriously injured and was unconscious, so he couldn't tell whether she was telling the truth or not.But there is really no possibility of getting hurt here, so he believed her and said: "When my injury is healed and Yu Wenyi's matter is resolved, we will go back to Mocheng."

"Yeah." Xixi closed his eyes and rested for a while, then said, "Peng Xiu's matter needs to be resolved."

Speaking of Peng Xiu, Mo Bai said: "Peng Xiu seems to be very reluctant for you to bring up the matter of Shen Tuding."

"Probably because I loved you so much back then, and now I hate you so much." Although this explanation is reasonable, Xixi always feels that something is not right, "Since Peng Xiu cares so much about this matter, why not Later, Shen Tuding wanted to meet each other many times, but she didn't see her and didn't give him any chance... Didn't you tell me that she was famous for her ingenuity in the world? Didn't she think that the matter of becoming a big pearl happened halfway? An accident made Shentu Ding not come to the appointment on time? And judging from the performance of Senior Shentu in the future, doesn't Peng Xiu really think that the other party didn't receive the note?"

"This matter, only Peng Xiu knows why."

"Well, it's not in a hurry. If we don't look for her, she will come to the door sooner or later. It's that Yu Wenyi's motive for chasing and killing you is strange, and he took such a risk to come to Dayang. I'm afraid he won't even lose face of his brother. Give."

Mo Bai is not worried about this: "Not giving Xie Yuan face is not the point, the point is whether Xie Yuan can stop him."

Xixi smiled and said: "Seeing you are so relaxed, I am relieved, Brother Xie will definitely be able to stop him."

Mo Bai closed his eyes and whispered: "I can't be sure, but it's useless to be anxious, it's better to relax and heal your wounds."

This is his usual style, and Xixi feels that his temper is still ruthless.She lifted the blanket up over his hands.Leaning beside him, she closed her eyes and rested.

Being in the valley is not as dangerous as outside, Xixi does not live with Mo Bai, Mo Bai only sees her a few times a day, always feels that she is busy, but doesn't know what she is busy with.Xixi repeatedly ordered him not to go out, and after waiting for five days, his injury improved and he could go to the field, so he went out to find someone.

The terrain of the valley is quite good, surrounded by high mountains and flat in the middle.The bamboo huts are neatly arranged on the flat ground. After walking around, I found out that it is a Bagua formation. If you are not proficient in Zhouyi, you can't even get out of this small place.

Coming out of the "village", there is a small forest in front of me. There is no wind today, but it seems that there is wind blowing in the forest, and the leaves are falling.

A touch of light green in the forest is particularly conspicuous in the autumn forest.The green shadow stood on top of the dead leaves, holding a long sword in his hand, slashing in the same direction one after another, the movements were repeated all the time, his expression was meticulous, and he didn't look playful at all.

Mo Bai was stunned for a long time, the daze in his eyes gradually became angry, and after a while, he stared calmly again.

Xixi practiced very attentively and didn't notice Mobai.When she stopped to take a breath and looked out of the woods, there was no one there.

Mo Bai was already on his way back to the hut, and he was repeating Xixi's sword practice in his mind, so absorbed that he didn't even notice that Xie Yuan appeared beside him.It wasn't until he coughed that he came back to his senses: "You are the one who wants to teach her how to practice the sword?"

Xie Yuan immediately said: "Wrong, it's not that I want to teach her, it's clear that she pestered me to learn, if you wrong me again, I will change my name to 'Ju Yuan'."

Mo Bai didn't smile, and remained silent.

Xie Yuan smiled: "Miss Yun pestered me, saying that she didn't want to be a burden anymore, she wanted to fight side by side with you, and asked me to teach her martial arts. But, she has no foundation, so she can only learn from the simplest. Swinging a sword every day Five hundred blows is the basic skill. Such a weak girl is no worse than an ordinary man. It is your good fortune to meet her."

Mo Bai said: "Don't let her know that I know she is learning swords."

Xie Yuan asked curiously, "Why didn't you let her know? It's so hard to cover up."

Mo Bai didn't explain, but he knew that it was better not to know than to know.She would rather hide it than want him to blame himself.

Another three days later, Xixi still leaves early and returns late, Mo Bai also pretends not to know.This day Xixi brought him some medicine to change, and seeing that the wound was almost healed, she was both happy and jealous: "No wonder Brother Xie said that you don't need to worry about your health. I think I was injured back then, but it took a full month to take care of it."

Seeing her aggrieved look, Mo Bai comforted her, "Then I'll pretend it took a month to recover."

Xixi chuckled: "Okay."

There was also a cheerful voice outside the house: "Oh, it seems that I came at a bad time."

Said it was not the right time, but someone pushed the door open and walked in.Xie Yuan frowned and said: "My younger brother is here, and he is shouting for beating and killing outside, asking me to hand you over. When I left, he hated me so much, accused me of being ungrateful, abandoning my family, and said that I would never see you again for the rest of my life." Me. But now he came to the door in person, it seems that you really have a lot of grudges with him. "

Xixi said, "Brother Xie wants us to confront each other face to face, so that we can clarify any grudges we have?"


"But what if he has to kill Mobai?"

"I'll stop it."

With the assurance of his words, Xixi decided to go to see Yu Wenyi, rather than continue to be hunted after leaving the valley, it is better to ask clearly.What if it was just a misunderstanding?
When Mo Bai went out, Xixi hid a dagger in her sleeve again, if Yu Wenyi made a move, she would have a defense.

But Yu Wenyi obviously has no hands-on ability. When Xixi saw him, he felt that his complexion was worse than before, even worse than Mobai's complexion. He is a sick boy.Seeing that, Xie Yuan frowned: "Why is your illness still not cured? Didn't you take the medicine I sent someone?"

Yu Wenyi sneered: "How do I know if the herbal medicine sent by a stranger is poisonous?"

Xie Yuan's face was angry: "Is the matter of my own life used for anger?!"

When he was fierce, even Yu Wenyi, who was arrogant and arrogant, shut his mouth, and didn't talk back, but just muttered "don't worry about it", in case he would ask more fiercely, he turned to stare at Mo Bai, seeing that he was still injured. Well, the eyes were cold and mocking.

Xie Xi saw that Peng Xiu and Lin Mo were standing behind him, presumably Xie Yuan blocked the rest of Yulou from the valley, but these two alone are not easy to deal with.

Yu Wenyi stared straight at Mo Bai, saw that his eyes were indifferent, and pressed himself even more, finally he couldn't keep staring, and said ruthlessly: "Even if he is protecting you, I will not let you go."

Mo Bai asked calmly: "When did I offend you by asking you to go all the way to Dayang and gather experts to chase me down?"

"You stole away my most beloved woman."

As soon as Mo Bai's eyes closed, they immediately fell on Xixi's face.Xixi blinked, with a solemn expression: "Yu Wenyi, don't talk nonsense, when did I have anything to do with you? Before you appeared, I didn't even know who you were."

Yu Wenyi stared at him and said, "I'm not talking about you. Mo Bai, you took away my beloved woman and ended up marrying another woman. Do you think I hate you? She likes you so much that she is willing to die for you." , but you marry someone else!"

Xixi immediately raised her brows, looking back at the way Mobai looked at her just now, hmph, still looking at this girl, dare to look at this girl like this, obviously you are entangled with some girl.

Mo Bai stared at Yu Wenyi like a blade with stern eyes: "I never knew there was such a girl."

Yu Wenyi almost jumped up, and his handsome white and thin face suddenly became angry: "She said that Mocheng is a place she will never leave for the rest of her life, and you are also the person she will protect all her life. If you die, she will die." , she will protect you even if she dies. You obviously acquiesced that she did this, but you actually said that you didn't know, how could you bear her up!"

Xixi was about to snort, love debt, this is, this side is dependent on her life and death, and there is a girl who sacrifices her life to protect her.Hmm... But why is there always a red shadow swimming around in my mind?Mo Bai frowned again and again, and it took a long time before he spoke under Yu Wenyi's angry gaze: "The person you are talking about...couldn't be...Bai Yan?"

Yu Wenyi sneered, looking at his eyes still full of contempt for "you heartless scumbag", nodded: "It's her."

Mobai caressed his forehead.

Who is going to knead this stunned green into a ball and throw it into a braised sauce?

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed to have changed, Xie Yuan asked without making a sound, "Who is Bai Yan?"

The blue veins on Xixi's forehead are twitching: "The chief guard of Mo City, the Bai family, is the dead warrior who has guarded the Mo family for generations."

Xie Yuan quietly understood the reason for the change in the atmosphere here: "Brother...Since he is a dead man for generations, it is correct to say those words, and there is no ambiguity. I think you have misunderstood."

Yu Wenyi shook his head angrily: "Impossible, she said that she didn't stay by my side because she wanted to go back to Mo Bai."

"She's the guard."

"How could a guard say that she was born a Mo family and died a Mo family ghost?"

Mo Bai felt a little headache, these words sounded right to him, it was normal, but if he met a bottle of vinegar, something serious would happen.He said: "The white guard escorted the things back to Mo City, and it will take a few days to receive the news of the summons. You wait for her to come, and then ask clearly."

"You want to take the opportunity to escape?"

Xi Xi smiled and interjected: "If Mr. Yuwen has no confidence in his troops besieging the valley, he can do it now."

Yu Wenyi glanced at her: "Don't use aggressive tactics, I won't take this kind of trick."

"Then you go ahead and fight. If Mo Bai is really the one Girl Baocai likes, then you kill him secretly, and if Girl Baocai finds out, you will definitely hate you to death. You like her, and you won't even let her temper go wrong." have no idea."

Yu Wenyi paused, and said bitterly: "Mo Bai, you'd better not think about running away, otherwise the archers outside the valley will definitely shoot you into meatloaf."

Mo Bai didn't think about going out of the valley at all, he was stupid to go out when his injuries were not healed and there were no reinforcements.

Yu Wenyi said that he was ready to leave, and he didn't intend to say a word to Xie Yuan.

"Senior Peng." Xixi called to stop Peng Xiu, "This junior wants to take a chance to speak."

Peng Xiu looked at her with vigilance in his eyes: "little girl, even if this matter is really a misunderstanding, it has not been resolved. Now you and I have different positions. Before this matter is resolved, it is better not to have any contact in private. .”

What she said made sense, Xixi didn't stop her anymore.

When Xie Yuan sent Yu Wenyi away, he laughed when he saw Mo Bai, and he almost couldn't laugh out loud: "The girl named Bai Yan is really just your bodyguard?"

Mo Bai looked at the man who was afraid of chaos in the world, and said, "Go out."

Xie Yuan didn't want to leave, he sat on the side and took some tea and said leisurely, "Your siblings aren't nervous at all?"

Xixi shook her head: "If that person is a cabbage girl, that's impossible."

"Why can you be so swearing?"

"Because she already has someone she likes."

Xie Yuan sighed: "At first I thought it was a misunderstanding, and my brother would be able to get his wish in the future, but I didn't expect another Cheng Yaojin to come out."

He sighed faintly, making this autumn a bit cool.



Bai Yan gave others a blank look: "You follow me when I sneeze."

Doctor Song touched his nose and sighed, "My friend."

"Big enemy."

Bai Yan raised his whip and drove the horse, and Miracle Doctor Song was sitting next to her, watching her drive: "Slow down, didn't the city lord say that everything in the cellar is treasure, do you want to send it back to Mo City intact?"

"I've been driving very slowly and steadily."

They had just rushed to Yun's house with their people, moved things out of the cellar, and made their faces dusty, and now there was still dust on Bai Yan's face and clothes.She was impatient, and didn't care about the damage to her image, so she drove back to Mo City.

Now that she was free, Doctor Song saw a black spot on her cheek, and said, "There is ashes on her face."

Bai Yan raised her hand and wiped it on her face, but it turned out that the left side of her face was black, and she wiped the right side, and now both sides are black.Doctor Song leaned over to have a look, smiled suddenly, and raised his sleeve to wipe her.

Bai Yan grabbed his sleeve and rubbed his face, making his sleeve dirty.Song Miracle Doctor Xinyue: "I'm the only one who doesn't dislike you."

"You dare not."

"Why don't I dare?"

"You are afraid that I will beat you."

"..." This seems to be true.Miracle doctor Song wanted to speak, but suddenly his nose itched, and he sneezed again, and at the same time, the sound of sneezing came from beside him.

Bai Yan couldn't help but trembled, could it be a collision with evil?

As soon as the idea came up, a carrier pigeon landed on the horse's head, cooing.

"It's a carrier pigeon from Mocheng." Bai Yan stopped the carriage, grabbed the carrier pigeon, took the small bamboo tube on its feet, and poured out a note.

"The city owner is in trouble, come to Fangcheng quickly."

Immediately, Bai Yan's eyes were full of uneasiness, and the smile disappeared from her charming face, she jumped out of the car and called out.Nine of the guards lurking in the dark disappeared in a blink of an eye. Her expression was fierce, and her voice was like an order from a general: "The city owner is in trouble. You escort the things back to the city, and the rest follow me to Fangcheng."

After the words fell, a group of people disappeared on the flat ground in a blink of an eye.

When the old seven and the eighth wanted to ask the helpless doctor Song where he was going, they found that the people in the car had disappeared.

The two looked at each other, when did he leave?Where did you go?

No one saw it, and no one knew it.

The Mocheng people who were closer to Fangcheng had already reached the valley, and Xie Yuan led them in so as not to fight with the Yulou people who were guarding outside the valley.

This is where he retires, and he doesn't want to be messed up.

He was walking back when he saw Xixi coming over with a jar of wine and a food box, and when he got close, he stopped and said, "Brother Xie."

Xie Yuan asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Talk to your brother."

Xie Yuan smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that he will trouble you?"

Xixi rolled her eyes: "That's why I came out at this hour."

Xie Yuan suddenly realized that she was looking for him as a bodyguard, and said, "Let's go."

Xixi followed Xie Yuan and went out of the valley together.After arriving at the exit of the valley, Xixi said, "Sure enough, there are a lot of people ambushing around here."

Xie Yuan was surprised and said: "Can you feel it?" Logically speaking, it was impossible, after all, they hid it well, and she didn't know martial arts, so her hearing was naturally not as good as that of a martial arts practitioner.

"No, it's just that your brother is sitting not far away. He didn't react at all when we made such a big commotion, and he didn't even look at it. It means that if someone really wants to escape, someone will help him take it down, but He is the only one in front of him, so those people must be hiding in the dark."

Although she doesn't know martial arts, she can make up for this intelligence, and this courage is something that others cannot envy.The longer Xie Yuan spends with her, the more he understands why Mo Bai's glacier was melted into a warm current by her.

When the people walked to the side, Yu Wenyi looked down from a high place, and when he saw them, he sneered and didn't bother to ask questions.

Xixi held up the wine and dishes, and said with a smile, "Young Master Yuwen, let me inquire about something with you."

"I don't listen, you can go away."

Xixi's smiling face froze, this bastard... If it wasn't for Mo Bai, she would have taken off her shoes and thrown him away.She coughed as if she didn't hear, rolled her eyes, and said, "Oh... I'm just curious. Miss Baocai and I are friends, but I've never heard her mention you. Come here, I always feel that you recognize the wrong person."

Yu Wenyi immediately jumped up, his heart ached when he got angry, he coughed a few times before recovering, and said with disbelief: "She never mentioned me?"

Seeing his sad and joyful face makes him happy, but his face is full of regret: "That's not it."

Yu Wenyi sat down again, and after a long time said: "She has no conscience." He rested his left hand on his right wrist, and the winding scars on it seemed to be felt through his clothes, "I was passing by the mountain road, and I met her who was injured and fell to the ground. I saved her, but she gave me a knife after waking up, and almost cut off my hand. I hated her, thinking that if I was really disabled, I would keep her as a slave for the rest of my life. Unexpectedly She felt guilty and took the initiative to stay."

"Oh... have you been in love with her for a long time?"


He answered candidly, without hiding anything, Xixi finally found an advantage in him.

"Later my hand recovered, and she wanted to leave too. I told her that I liked her, but she refused." At this point, his face was pale and his hands trembled, "I don't want her to go, she said she must go back , because Mo City has someone she wants to protect for the rest of her life."

Xixi asked, "Mobai?"

Yu Wenyi gritted his teeth: "Yes, that's him."

Xixi silently felt sorry for Mo Bai who was innocently lying on the gun, and asked, "What happened next?"

"I still won't let her go, I'm going to fight Mo Bai to the death. That's what she said to me."

Xixi asked, "Which sentence?"

Yu Wenyi almost ground his teeth: "If he dies, I will die, and I will protect him from death. I was born a Mo family, and I will die a Mo family ghost."

Xixi asked again: "When did this happen?" As far as she knew, Bai Yan hadn't been out in the past few months, and Yu Wenyi hated Mo Bai so much, he wouldn't wait until now to make a move.

"five years ago."

After a happy meal, even Xie Yuan was surprised: "Five years ago? Then why did you come to Mo Bai now?"

Yu Wenyi finally fixed his gaze on Xixi: "Because of her."

Xixi was inexplicable: "Why did I lie down?"

"Because Mo Bai wants to marry you!" Yu Wenyi was excited, coughing and coughing again, and it took him a while to catch his breath, "Bai Yan has someone she likes, I respect her and don't stop her. But my first two Yue suddenly heard that Mo Bai had a fiancée, but his fiancée was not Bai Yan. She liked Mo Bai so much, but he actually married another woman, how sad that Bai Yan was."

Xixi felt a little uncomfortable: "So you ran all the way to Dayang and spent a lot of money to hire experts to kill what you think is a heartless person?"

Yu Wenyi raised his chin slightly, appearing to be superior: "Yes."

Xixi felt that Mobai's head was covered with goose feathers and heavy snow, June Feishuang, this is it!The cabbage girl in his mouth is completely another version of the weak girl storybook heroine. Where is the carefree girl she knows who always likes to make people into shredded cabbage? Mo Bai is right, this Yu Wenyi, it should be braised in soy sauce!

Xixi was too lazy to continue discussing with him, anyway, before Bai Yan explained it personally, in Yu Wenyi's eyes, Mo Bai was just a heartless man with capital letters and close-ups, and there was nothing valuable to discuss.She glanced at the food and drink in her hand, and felt that it should not be wasted, so she happily picked it up and walked back.

Mobai wakes up and doesn't find Xixi in the room, so he goes to the grove, but she is not there, walking back, when he sees her walking lightly with wine in one hand and food box in the other.

Xixi saw him from afar, and immediately ran over, "Mobai Mobai." She almost threw herself on him.

Mo Bai stretched out his hand to support her, then took her food and drink, and asked, "Where have you been?"

"I'm going to see that stunned young man."

"What do you see him doing?"

"Inquire about him and Bai Yan."

"Did you find out then?"

"A little bit, go, go back and tell you, we are drinking and eating vegetables. Oh, no, you can't drink, then you can watch me drink."


Xie Yuan followed the two of them, listening to their conversations that seemed to be commonplace, if he didn't know Mo Bai, he would never have thought that he was the city lord Mo Bai.He suddenly remembered that when he and Yun Xixi walked all the way just now, he didn't help her carry her things, but Mo Bai...

Because he just treats Yun Xixi as an ordinary girl, but a gentleman should have the courtesy.It turned out that in his bones, there was still the indelible indifference of the Yuwen family.

He smiled self-deprecatingly. He was a gentleman on the surface, but the indifference that penetrated into the bone marrow could not be erased.

Afraid that Mobai's wound would hurt again, Xixi took the heavy food box back, walked to the gazebo, saw the beautiful scenery, and laid out the food there.

After eating half full, Xixi and Mo Bai talked about Yu Wenyi and Bai Yan.After Mo Bai finished listening, he spit out two words: "Idiot."

Xixi was indignant: "It is indeed a fool. Although it is good for someone to be so infatuated with Miss Cabbage, it would be too impulsive to implicate others without asking clearly. But in this way, as long as Bai Weiwei explained clearly, then never mind."

Mo Bai said: "Next time, don't do such a dangerous thing alone. Who knows if Yu Wenyi will try to arrest you again to threaten me. After all, the Yuwen family is not a kind person."

"That's why I asked Brother Xie to go with me." Xixi saw that he was picking vegetables to eat again, and put a few slices of vegetables and meat into his bowl, "My mother said that picky eaters don't grow taller, how did you grow taller?" So high."

Mo Bai looked at her: "Are you picky eaters?"

He said happily, "Of course not."

Mo Bai raised his eyebrows: "Well, it seems that only picky eaters can grow taller."

It was only then that Xixi realized that he was joking about being a short person, she was not as tall as him, but he was a man and she was a girl, okay, he was born tall, if she could match him, it would be scary to death.After much deliberation, she was unhappy being teased in vain, she opened her mouth to bite him, but when he hid, she threw herself into his arms, and bumped her head against something hard, which made her head hurt.She quickly retreated, rubbing her head angrily: "Next time, don't hide hidden weapons."

"It's not a hidden weapon." Mo Bai remembered now, and took a long and narrow box from his arms to her, "I asked Xie Yuan to find it, see if it fits your hand."

"Hands together?" Xixi tilted his head and asked, "Jade finger?"

Mo Bai shook his head.

Xixi's eyes brightened even more: "A gold bracelet?"

The corners of Mo Bai's mouth were tightly pursed, she was really a money-greedy pawnshop shopkeeper.

"It's not a finger ring or a bracelet, what is that?" Xixi muttered and opened the box, only to find a short dagger lying inside.She paused, took off the scabbard, the dagger was shining coldly, and she knew it was a sharp weapon at a glance.The handshake of the dagger is very simple, there are no gems and jade for decoration, but it is very stable in the hand, and there is also a support at the back. Once you hold it, it is difficult to slip off.Light and practical, it can be seen that it took a lot of thought.She blinked slightly, "Why are you giving this to me?"

Mo Bai said solemnly: "Self-defense."

"Are you not afraid that I will cut yourself?"

Mo Bai said: "You are not stupid."

Seeing his calm expression, Xixi suddenly thought of something, her heart skipped a beat, and she carefully asked, "You know about my going to the grove?"

Mo Bai frowned: "What grove?"

Hitting his head on a rock... Xixi sat up straight and said seriously, "It's nothing."

Mo Bai asked: "What grove?"

Xixi stood up and said loudly, "Nothing!"

After she finished speaking, she grabbed the dagger and ran away with the food box, thankful as she ran, but luckily he didn't notice it, and almost gave her away.She didn't want him to know that she was practicing martial arts at all, that would make him feel very sad, lest he feel that he learned martial arts to defend himself because he couldn't protect her.

She didn't think about self-defense, she just wanted not to be a burden to him the next time she encountered a strong enemy.

The light green shadow has disappeared before his eyes, and Mo Bai has not yet withdrawn his gaze. In the valley where autumn is not yet strong, that touch of green is like a group of green flames, warming this early autumn and clearing his heart.

The autumn rain fell again, and the sky that had been bright for a few days changed its face again.

Xie Yuan came to Mo Bai early in the morning with the chessboard in his arms, wanting to play chess with him.

He thought that Xixi had secretly gone to practice sword again, and Mo Bai had nothing to do but recuperate, so he set up a chessboard with him.As soon as the chessboard was set, Xie Yuan smiled warmly and said, "Just playing chess is boring, why don't you bet on something."

Mobai Tizi's hand stopped, and he raised his eyes, without looking at him, his eyes fell on the chessboard: "If you want to welcome Yu Wenyi to come and live, just go and pick him up, there is no need to beat around the bush like this."

Xie Yuan didn't expect him to guess his purpose so quickly, he couldn't help but smile wryly: "How do you know my purpose?"

Mo Bai didn't answer in detail, but looked at the rain curtain rolling down from the eaves outside, and said in a flat tone, "It's raining."

——It's raining, Yu Wenyi's sick young man lives in a tent outside, maybe he can't stand the cold autumn rain.He understood that although Xie Yuan severed ties with Yuwen's family, blood is thicker than water, and he was always Yuwenyi's elder brother.It is really normal for an elder brother to care about his younger brother.

Xie Yuan smiled lightly: "Aren't you afraid that he will plot against you after he comes in?"

Mobai said: "He likes Baiyan very much, so he won't. Xixi said that if he kills me without knowing the truth, then Baiyan will only hate him. He will fight for Baiyan across the country. If he doesn't want me to explain, he won't be willing to set up a tent there. So he won't touch me until the white guards come. For the backbone of the royal family."

Xie Yuan didn't expect him to be so open-minded: "After all, he was the one who wanted your life, but you can be so relieved."

"Because their target is me, I have encountered many intentional and unintentional pursuits since I was a child, and I am used to it."

"Although this habit is not good, there is nothing you can do about it. Thank you for my younger brother." Xie Yuan left after thanking him, walked quickly to the door, and said, "If they hurt Xixi this time, then they are already hurt by now." They've all turned into corpses."

Mo Bai didn't deny it.

This expression of no denial made Xie Yuan more sure that the one sitting there was indeed Mo Bai, the lord of Mo City.He is broad-minded towards those who hurt him, but he is unforgivable for hurting those he likes.

Xie Yuan went out to invite Yu Wenyi, but he didn't invite Yu Wenyi for a long time.Xixi heard the news and went out to watch the fun, seeing Yu Wenyi shaking like a sieve on the mud floor, he felt very comfortable: "Hey, Yu Wenyi, you know your own small body, don't wait for the white guard You fell ill before you came here. And look at your face, it’s so thin that you’ve lost any flesh. After two more days of tossing, I guess you’ll have to turn into a bamboo pole. You said, the white guard saw a bamboo pole dangling in front of him, Don't you even want to look straight at me?"

Every sentence pierced Yu Wenyi's heart, and he subconsciously raised his hand to touch his face, seems that he has indeed lost weight again.Bai Yan also said before that he was too thin, he should eat well and gain two catties of flesh.

Xixi pulled Xie Yuan over again: "Look, your brother looks so similar to you, but he is much rounder and handsome than you."

Mellow... Xie Yuan squinted at her, he is obviously the kind of person who looks thin when he wears clothes and takes off his clothes, okay?

Yu Wenyi secretly glanced at his elder brother, frowned and thought for a while, then gritted his teeth, forget it, don't be vindictive, face is important.

After thinking about it, he just stepped in.

Xie Yuan blinked, and finished persuading in a few words?Then why did he spend the whole morning persuading this cow... He sighed and thanked, and smiled happily: "I am also returning your favor, thank you for taking the risk of tearing up the brotherhood and letting us live here , if it wasn’t for you, this difficulty might not be overcome.”

After Xixi finished speaking, she smiled again, and went into the valley with an umbrella.

Xie Yuan looked at it for a while, then retracted his gaze, Mo Bai was a blessing from several lifetimes of cultivation.He was about to go back, but he heard the sound of horseshoes, and someone was coming this way.He stopped and looked around, and saw a group of people riding horses, moving quickly to this side, and they were in front of them in a blink of an eye.The headed woman in red was covered in rainwater and her hair was dripping, but her plain face still looked charming because of her delicate features. She was an amazing girl.Those eyes were sharp at this moment, and they looked at him with a crisp voice: "Is this Master Xie?"


"My name is Baiyan..."

Before she finished speaking, Xie Yuan suddenly realized: "So you are Bai Yan."

Bai Yan said unexpectedly: "You recognize me?"

Xie Yuan smiled and said, "I don't know, but I know you, City Lord Mo and my younger brother, are waiting for you."

Bai Yan said: "I received a letter from Fei Ge, saying that our city lord is in trouble, and summoned us to Fangcheng. I followed all the way here, how is our city lord now?"

She actually directly filtered out the words "my younger brother" and only focused on Mobai's information. Xie Yuan felt that such a loyal guard was really rare.And falling in love with this kind of loyal guard is really too cruel. After silently feeling sorry for his younger brother a hundred times, he said: "He is very good, I will lead you in."


Bai Yan got off the horse, threw the reins to the people behind her, looked around the outside as she entered, and asked the guards to stay behind, and she went in with Xie Yuan.

Xie Yuan was quite curious: "You come here alone, are you not afraid that I will deceive you, abduct you in and arrest you?"

"You're not that kind of person."

"You and I met for the first time, how do you know I'm not that kind of person?"

Bai Yan hesitated for a moment before saying: "I heard your brother mentioned you."

Xie Yuan did not expect that his younger brother who hated him would mention him in front of a girl. This only shows that he really likes Bai Yan.That's right, if you don't like it, why would you provoke Mo Bai just to vent her anger for her.

"What did he say about me?"

Bai Yan hesitated for a while, seemed a bit embarrassed, but still said: "An ungrateful, wolf-hearted, dog-lung, rebellious idiot who ran away from home and changed his name to Xie Yuan regardless of the family's interests..."

Xie Yuan chuckled, she didn't have to speak so carefully!
(End of this chapter)

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