Chapter 101 Competition 2
Su Xuan's appearance is very good, with red lips and white teeth, if Su Xuan is dressed up as a girl, even all the women will feel ashamed.

"Well, you brat, how dare you call me a sissy?! Look at me not stabbing thousands of holes in your body!" Su Xuan immediately became angry when he heard Song Tian's words.

After all, Su Xuan raised his sword and showed no mercy to Song Tian.

Although Song Tian seemed very impulsive, but at this moment, he also knew how to put away all his foolishness, and greeted Su Xuan's attack with a serious face.

Seeing the fight between the two people in the arena, Mu Nuo had an idea, used the power of wood to transform a branch, and threw the branch towards Song Tian. The secret voice transmitted to Song Tian and said: "Let's defeat it with swordsmanship."

Song Tian took the branch thrown by Mu Nuo, and his heart was ignited with fighting spirit.

As a natural person, if you use swordsmanship to defeat a person who is proud of swordsmanship, how exciting would it be? !
"Do you want to beat me with a branch?" Su Xuan looked at the branch in Song Tian's hand and couldn't help laughing, but the moves in his hand didn't slow down at all.

"Don't waste the natural power in your body." Mu Nuo said again to Song Tian Miyin.

When Song Tian heard this, his expression changed, and he tried to guide the power of thunder in his body into the branches.

Song Lianyun saw Song Tian's actions at a glance, and was shocked immediately, but she did not forget to lower her voice: "Is Song Tian crazy? Pouring the power of thunder into the branches, isn't this courting death?"

"Calm down." Without saying much, Mu Nuo just gave Song Lianyun the word calmly.

She naturally knows that the branches can conduct electricity, but if used properly, pouring lightning into the branches will turn the branches into the sharpest swords.

Among the branches, the lightning flows very fast, which can also make Song Tian's thunder power more concentrated, making it emit even greater power.

The sword's edge is no longer a cold iron, but a thunderbolt with greater lethality.

In this way, Song Tian's attack power is obviously many times stronger than that of just now, and Song Tian is also more handy in waving the branches in his hand.

Looking at Song Tian, ​​who was getting more and more courageous in the battle, Su Xuan's delicate little face was surprised, but not only did he not show any fear, on the contrary, because Song Tian's strength was getting closer and closer to his strength, he seemed very different. uplifting.

"Okay, I like someone as powerful as you." Su Xuan laughed loudly, but the moves in his hands became more and more fierce.

"My young master sees you very well." Song Tian couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

On a tree not far away, there are two people standing.

These two people are none other than Qiao Xuxing, the elder of the Swordsmanship Pavilion, and Cang Wu, the president of the Martial Arts Branch.

"That kid's moves are weird. Although it's messy and has no routine, it's really surprising to be able to use a branch so well." Qiao Xuxing said thoughtfully as he saw how difficult it was to send it off.

"He is introducing the power of thunder into the branches." Cangwu said with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

"He has such talent?" Qiao Xuxing asked in surprise.

Introducing spiritual power into a weapon requires a person with both spiritual and martial arts, and a very talented person can comprehend it. However, in his opinion, this kid is only a natural person with a first-level two-star. It's messy, presumably he must have never been taught martial arts.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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