Chapter 200 Cooperation 2
Since she left from the Dark Realm, she hasn't checked her strength again. Since the last time the Dark Realm passed, she knows that there is still a lot of room for improvement in her strength, and this strength is not even a big deal. , since it is nothing, naturally there is nothing worth showing off.

Song Lianyun: "..."

When Mu Nuo had just returned to the palace where they temporarily stayed in the palace, someone from the palace immediately reported back to Mu Nuo: "Miss, here is your letter."

"Who?" Mu Nuo asked quietly, she didn't seem to know many people in this world, so how could someone write to her?
"If you go back to the girl, it's the young master of the Su family."

"Okay, I see." Mu Nuo replied lightly, and then opened the letter in his hand.

The content of the letter was very brief, it was just an invitation to go to the Xian Tea Restaurant to discuss things that hadn't been discussed last time.

Song Lianyun was very puzzled when she heard what the palace man said, when did Mu Nuo get involved with the young master of the Su family?
Yes, it seems that Nangong Ning was asking Mu Nuo about Su Mo when he was in the Royal Garden just now.

Could it be that something happened between these two people?Or, at some point, Mu Nuo accidentally offended the young master of the Su family, and then the princess who admired the young master of the Su family came to find fault with Mu Nuo?

For a while, Song Lianyun's mind was filled with many bloody plots.

Seeing the ever-changing expression on Song Lianyun's face, Mu Nuo had a look of helplessness on his face, and explained to Song Lianyun: "The young master of the Su family is Song Tian's friend."

Hearing Mu Nuo's words, Song Lianyun was even more surprised.

If Mu Nuo was involved with the Su family, she could still comfort herself by saying that maybe the Su family fell in love with Mu Nuo's ability, but Song Tian...

As soon as Song Tian was mentioned, Song Lianyun only had one thought in her mind, Song Tian got into trouble and got into trouble, no, on the first day of the entrance examination, Song Tian directly fought with the young master of the Su family? ?
Seeing the unbelievable expression on Song Lianyun's face, Mu Nuo shook his head helplessly again. The reason why the relationship between Song Tian and Song Lianyun has always been bad is that there is hatred between them.

Another reason is that although Song Lianyun wanted to treat Song Tian well, when she looked at Song Tian, ​​she always treated Song Tian with evil first.

In this way, how can the relationship between the siblings be eased?
"You just go together." Mu Nuo said quietly to Song Lianyun.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to senior brother." After hesitating for a while, Song Lianyun finally agreed.

When he came to Xianming Restaurant, Su Mo had obviously been waiting for a while.

When Su Mo saw Mu Nuo, the formulaic smile on his face couldn't help but a little more sincerity, but when he saw Song Lianyun beside Mu Nuo, the sincerity in the smile was a little less.

"Excuse me, is this..." In order to avoid causing peach blossoms as much as possible, Su Mo thought that he would treat strange women as coldly and politely as possible.

"This is Song Tian's sister." Mu Nuo introduced quietly.

Hearing Mu Nuo's introduction, Su Mo's estrangement towards Song Lianyun immediately decreased by two points.

He also really likes Song Tian, ​​a bright and cheerful kid. With Song Tian, ​​although Su Xuan still keeps fighting, the frequency of getting into trouble has plummeted.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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