Chapter 207 Never Tolerate 1
From the beginning to the end, Mu Nuo's face was indifferent, without a trace of panic. Although his voice was slow and his tone was light, it could not be ignored by anyone.

Looking at Mu Nuo's indifferent expression, and then looking at the people standing behind Mu Nuo, they are all from the Beiyun Kingdom, and even the important people in the Shuigan Realm. With them as guarantees and protection, even if there is no definite evidence, almost It has made everyone believe that Mu Nuo is not the murderer and the fact that he was wronged.

After all, in Mu Nuo's capacity, there is no need for this, let alone a motive.

After listening to Mu Nuo's words, the king originally wanted to ask Mu Nuo if there was any witness to prove whether all this happened was true, but when he saw the person behind Mu Nuo, he immediately dismissed this idea and asked Said: "I don't know if Miss Mu has had any grudges with anyone recently?"

The meaning of these words is obviously that he has believed that Mu Nuo was wronged by others, and what he has to do now is to find out the person who wronged Mu Nuo.

"Grudges? I'm afraid Elder Qiao from the Archery Pavilion of the Martial Arts Branch hates me to the core." Mu Nuo said with a faint smile on his lips.

As for Bei Anqing?For those who have already been dealt with, she will naturally not say it foolishly.

When the king heard this, he was taken aback immediately when he heard this person.

If it was someone from Beidi College, it would be very difficult for him to interfere.

"Aside from that, do you have any grudges with other people?" The king tried to ask.

"It's probably the only one who had a direct conflict. As for the other people who plotted secretly and looked at me in secret, I just don't know." Mu Nuo said calmly, speaking with a touch of confidence.

The meaning of this is obviously to say, or maybe someone is jealous of her, so they came up with such a way to frame her.

"This..." The king immediately became even more embarrassed.

Not to mention Mu Nuo's identity, just Mu Nuo's appearance is enough to make people jealous, but if he wants to frame Mu Nuo just because he is jealous of her, then this person's jealousy is too strong.

Although the incident this time did not cause any harm to the royal family, it can be understood that Mu Nuo's original intention was not to just kill the dead palace man.

Instead, he wanted to find a way to enter the hall and kill a certain noble person in the hall, but just happened to be noticed by the palace people, so he thought about killing the palace people first, but he never expected that the palace people would shout loudly. shouted out.

In this way, even if the assassination is not successful, killing people in the palace can already be regarded as provoking the royal authority, which is enough for Mu Nuo to lose his life.

"My lord, don't worry, I have a way to find out who ordered this palace man to frame Xiao Nuo." Dongfang Qianling suddenly raised his voice.

"I don't know what the dean can do?" the king asked urgently.

Anyway, he has nothing to do, and the information provided by Mu Nuo is not very useful. If he really wants to investigate, he probably won't find anything.

"I remember that palace people in the palace are not allowed to carry sharp weapons like daggers without permission."


"There is a technique in the academy, which can be judged based on the aura on the utensils. Who has touched the utensils. Naturally, it is impossible for the palace people to buy it on their own initiative. Then, the source of the dagger is very likely to come from The real culprit who framed Xiao Nuo." Dongfang Qianling said without haste.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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