The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 215 Covering the Quilt and Chatting 1

Chapter 215 Covering the Quilt and Chatting 1
Could it be that in her subconscious, she really fell in love with Yu Chikyung?

Seeing that Mu Nuo's expression seemed to be a little loose and confused, Yu Chikyo continued to brainwash Mu Nuo and said, "Mu Mu, think about it, if the person lying next to you is not, but other men, you will tolerate it." Is it? No, even, will you suffer them to come into your room?"

Hearing Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Nuo fell into deep thought again, will he tolerate it?She couldn't tell herself.

"I'll find a chance to try." The words almost blurted out.

Hearing Mu Nuo's blurted words, Yu Chikyung's expression changed immediately, find a chance to try?Who else do you want to try?Apart from him, no one else can lie next to Mu Nuo, absolutely not!

"No, you can't find someone else to try, even if you find someone to try, you have only one candidate, and that is me!" Yu Chikyong looked straight into Mu Nuo's eyes, and almost asked for every word. Roar out.

"I don't try with other people. How do I know that I just don't resist|resist to you? If I don't resist to other people, it means that I don't necessarily like you." Mu Nuo said frankly .

If according to what Yu Chikyung said, if you don't dislike lying next to her, then you like it. This reason sounds really unconvincing. Of course, you have to find other people to verify it and see if you really like Yuchikyung. Lying next to you is not disgusting.

No, hasn't Yu Chikyung been kicked onto the bed by her?When did he run up again?

"Who allowed you to come up?" Mu Nuo immediately asked back.

After finishing speaking, before Yu Chikyung could react, there was another dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

The servant girl's worried inquiry sounded again outside the door: "Miss, did something happen to you inside?"

This little ancestor must not let anything happen to him.

"It's okay." Mu Nuoyang replied again, and then waved his hand casually, and an almost invisible light green enchantment immediately surrounded Fang Jiang, preventing the voice in the room from spreading.

Yuchi Kyung, who was kicked to the ground again, regretted not at the beginning, not because he regretted returning to Mu Nuo's bed without permission, but because he regretted why he had given such an extra example.

Not only did Mu Nuo have the idea of ​​finding someone else to try, but he kicked him back to the ground again.

Regret, regret at the beginning.

"Mu Mu, even though it's early summer, the ground is still very cold, which is not good for your health. What's more, I still have a severe cold disease on my body, so I must not stand the slightest cold." After finishing speaking, Yuchi Kyung coughed twice pretending to be weak.

When Mu Nuo saw Yu Chikyung's "weakness", the corner of his mouth twitched again.

How thick-skinned is this man, to learn how a little girl's home decoration is weak?
What made her even more annoyed was that she would actually follow Yu Chikyung's tricks.

"Then you come up." Mu Nuo said in a muffled voice.

Yu Chikyung was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly climbed onto Mu Nuo's bed again at an extremely fast speed.

And the moment Yu Chikyung climbed onto the bed, Mu Nuo got up and was about to walk towards the soft bed in the room.

Naturally, he could see Mu Nuo's intention at a glance.

Didn't he take such painstaking efforts to sleep with Mu Nuo?At this time, how could he let Mu Nuo go to sleep on the soft bed alone.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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