The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 220 Killing My Sister 2

Chapter 220 Killing My Sister 2
Wei Shi's face immediately turned green when she heard the words. What she hated the most was that someone mentioned that she was just a concubine in front of her, and even more hated that someone would mention her not noble background.

Anger always blazes from the depths of his heart, but on the surface, Wei Shi didn't dare to show Mu Nuo any face, but just sat back in his seat silently, lowered his head sadly, with a sad expression on his face. Wronged.

The beauty is weeping, which is very lovable.

Mu Wei, who was at the side, saw this scene of Wei Shi, his heart was almost broken, and he comforted Wei Shi several times softly, then raised his head, and was about to reprimand Mu Nuo a few words, the old lady said calmly Glancing at Mu Wei, he asked softly, "Why, what do you want to say to Nuonuo? Could it be that what Nuonuo said was wrong?"

When Mu Wei heard what the old matriarch said, he immediately swallowed back the words that had come to his lips.

"Mother, my son didn't mean that. My son just wanted to tell Nuonuo that the family should be kind and friendly, and shouldn't deliberately target anyone. Don't be petty." Mu Wei said in a deep voice.

The old lady is backed by the old man, and the old man still holds the power of the general's mansion, so he dare not offend easily.

There is nothing wrong with these words on the surface, but it always makes people feel that there are thousands of thorns hidden in them, and it is very uncomfortable to listen to.

"General Anyuan may as well speak up if you have something to say, and you have to go round and round when you say a word. I feel tired for you." Mu Nuo said to Mu Wei unceremoniously.

"You bastard, how dare you say that my father is not?!" Wei's youngest son, Mu Feng, the fifth young master of the General's Mansion, immediately scolded Mu Nuo when he heard Mu Nuo's words Dao, even a faint red light flashed on his hand.

It is the power of fire.

Mu Feng wanted to attack Mu Nuo, and the posture was not simple, he wanted to kill Mu Nuo!
Mu Feng's attack was something that no one present had thought of, but Erfang Mu Wei and Wei Shi were happy to play dumb about it.

There is only one son Mu Jin left in the eldest house, as long as Mu Jin is removed, after Mu Yiqing and the old matriarch return to the west, the Great General's Mansion will be their second room.

However, now a Miss Di appeared out of thin air.

With the attitude of the two old immortals towards Mu Nuo, maybe they will hand over everything in the General's Mansion to her in the future!
Mu Nuo's death has nothing but benefits for them.

It's just that they overestimated their son's strength and underestimated Mu Nuo's ability.

When Mu Feng just raised his hand, wanting to deal a fatal blow to Mu Nuo, Mu Nuo raised his hand lightly, and several vines appeared on his hand, and they went straight to Mu Feng, but within a short breath At that time, Mu Feng, who was still arrogant, was already firmly tied up in a blink of an eye.

However, Mu Feng, who was restrained by Mu Nuo, hadn't raised any fear yet, and continued to curse at Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo turned his wrist slightly, and a vine on Mu Feng's body immediately went straight to the beam on the roof, automatically tied a knot, and hung Mu Feng in mid-air.

At the same time, there was a vine in mid-air, as if someone grabbed this vine and used it as a whip, and pulled it straight towards Mu Feng's body again and again.

It's strange to say that although Mu Feng's body is firmly bound by vines, the vines in mid-air can pass through everything and hit Mu Feng's skin. If the seemingly weak vines hit the human body, With one whip, blood can already be seen.

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(End of this chapter)

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