The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 230 If You Don't Marry, What Will I Do? 4

Chapter 230 If You Don't Marry, What Will I Do? 4
Yu Chikyung choked suddenly, so what if he doesn't marry?
"If you don't marry, what will I do?" Yu Chikyung said suddenly.

Hearing Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Nuo's hand, which was about to take the porridge out of the food box, froze in midair.

What does Yu Chikyung mean by this?Whether she wants to get married or not has a half-money relationship with Yu Chikyung?
"Drink the porridge." Mu Nuo put the porridge in front of Yu Chikyung.

"My hands are weak, so I can't lift it up." Yu Chikyung said with a matter-of-fact expression.

Mu Nuo: "..."

This guy is pushing his limits, right?

Mu Nuo put the bowl in his hand on the bedside table next to the bed, then got up and walked towards Baxian Terrace, took out the delicate pastry inside, and made it for himself to enjoy. As for Yu Chikyung, he didn't like to eat it.

Looking at Mu Nuo's indifferent back, Yu Chikyung felt his heart was hurt.

Has this heartless person forgotten why she fled the manor herself?

Isn't it just to think about the relationship between the two of them. If they figure it out and like each other, shouldn't they get married?How could she get herself out of this matter so cleanly.

Could it be said that deep down in her heart, she still doesn't have his weight?
How many layers of ice were frozen on her heart? Why was she still unable to warm this piece of ice after covering it for so long?
Mu Nuo turned his head to look, and saw that Yu Chikyung had already fallen asleep with his head covered, and the porridge on the bedside table had been left there for a while, with a little heat slowly rising. Seeing this, Mu Nuo couldn't help frowning.

This person, in order to prevent the huge cold in his body from corroding his internal organs, has consumed a huge amount of energy, and his body is very weak. He should eat something no matter what he looks for, so as to help his body recover.

It's really a child's temper, if you don't eat it, you won't eat it.

When he was fine, he lost his temper.

She really wasn't serving people's lives.

Mu Nuo walked slowly to Yu Chikyung's side, wanting to check on Yuchikyung's situation.

However, just as she reached out her hand, Yu Chikyung raised her hand and gently blocked her hand back.

Looking at Yu Chikyung's situation, Mu Nuo immediately felt very bewildered.

However, Mu Nuo is also a master who is used to being served, and has a very withdrawn temperament. It is impossible to rely on Mu Nuo to coax others.

The whole night, the two of them were deadlocked like this.

On the second day, Yu Chikyung left the General's Mansion early, without even speaking a word to Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo looked at Yu Chikyung's leaving figure, and his heart suddenly became dull. What's the matter with this person, he lost his temper for no reason.

When I went to have breakfast with Mu Yiqing and the old lady, except for An and her son, there was no one from the second room at the dinner table.

Mu Nuo didn't think too much about it, but these people should be embarrassed to appear at this dinner table again, or maybe they can't appear at this dinner table.

She is still very measured in what she does, and won't hurt Mu Feng too seriously. However, it is impossible to recover within a month or two. As for An's waist, it was not at first. What, but if Anshi didn't pay attention to the position and strength of her accurate calculation, as well as the remaining power on the vine, what fell would be a matter of a lifetime.

"Why didn't the people from the second room come?" the old matriarch asked in a deep voice to the servants beside him.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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