Chapter 241 Call me! 3
Yi Qing noticed Mu Wei's actions, and before Mu Wei got close to him, the aura on his body stretched out, and immediately blasted Mu Wei a few feet away.

As soon as Mu Feng saw his father being treated like this, the anger in his heart immediately rose.

Seeing this, Mu Nuo waved his hand lightly, and immediately bound Mu Feng tightly in place with vines.

Under Mu Nuo's signal, Yi Qing just slapped Wei Shi a few times, but, just these few slaps already made Wei Shi almost faint.

"Father, look at your granddaughter, you have no dignity at all!" Mu Wei saw that his beloved woman was treated like this, and immediately complained to Mu Yiqing.

However, Mu Wei forgot at this time, last night, he sent someone to assassinate the person he was asking for help.

Listening to Mu Wei's words and looking at Mu Wei's posture, Mu Yiqing closed his eyes in pain.

"Go away! Go away!"

"Father!" Hearing Mu Yiqing's words, Mu Wei called out in disbelief. So far he has not realized how wrong he was, and still thinks wishfully that since Mu Yiqing and the old lady were not injured, If he is not dead, then everything can still be the same as before, and what happened last night can be reversed without mentioning it.

"Drive all four of them out of the General's Mansion, and declare to the outside world that I and this rebellious son are separated from father-son relationship! From now on, Mu Wei has nothing to do with the General's Mansion! Tomorrow, I will explain everything to the lord , I beg the lord, to strip you of all your military ranks." Mu Yiqing said sadly.

After all, it was his own son. With Mu Wei's actions, even if he was beheaded, it was a matter of course, and there was nothing wrong with it.

It's just that it's impossible for Mu Wei to live a good life like a high-class family in this life.

"Elder-in-law, mother-in-law." An Shi, who had been serving by the old matriarch's side, suddenly came to the center of the hall and knelt down.

"You... What are you trying to do? Don't tell me, you still want to intercede for them?" The old matriarch looked at An's actions and asked in confusion.

With what Mu Wei did, Mu Yiqing's handling of it in this way is already thinking about the family relationship.

An shi kowtowed to the two elders, and said to Mu Yiqing: "My daughter-in-law doesn't dare to expect to be exonerated from her husband's guilt. My daughter-in-law only hopes that she can follow her husband."

Whether it was Mu Yiqing and his wife, or Mu Wei and the others, they couldn't understand An Shi's actions all of a sudden.

After that, Mu Wei made it clear that it was impossible to enjoy any more glory, and he was doomed to be poor for the rest of his life, and Mu Yiqing also wanted to drive the four of them out of the general's mansion, and did not implicate An Shi and her children. The two elders can continue to stay in the General's Mansion and continue to live the lives of masters.

An Shi also understood everyone's doubts, so he continued: "Before my daughter-in-law got married, my mother told my daughter-in-law to marry a chicken as a chicken and a dog as a dog. The husband is the daughter-in-law's heaven. Since the daughter-in-law has already married Mu Wei , then, she will be Mu Wei's wife for the rest of her life, no matter how his future life will be, as Mu Wei's wife, she should continue to serve him."

"Bing'er..." Mu Wei stared blankly at the determined An Shi, saying that she was not moved would be a lie.

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(End of this chapter)

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