The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 247: An Accident in the General’s Mansion 1

Chapter 247: An Accident in the General’s Mansion 1
The more this was the case, the calmer Mu Nuo became.

With the astonishment of just now, Mu Nuo and Xuanhuang cooperated with each other, and restrained the storm faster than before.

The lightning and thunder gradually weakened, and the surface of the sea that was about to churn gradually became blurred.

But this time, Mu Nuo was quite sure that his consciousness was still awake.

The sea surface gradually blurred, but the situation in the book pavilion gradually became clear.

This is the end.

After completely leaving the realm of darkness, Mu Nuo immediately collapsed on the ground.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a narrow escape.

For the first time, Mu Nuo didn't want to move, and just lay on the floor in the bookstore.

The last time he came out of the dark realm, he was dying, but he was more physically exhausted. This time, although the spiritual power in his body was still there, he felt extremely mentally exhausted.

Mu Nuo suddenly discovered a problem, entered the bookstore twice, and it seemed that no one else entered the bookstore except her, which made people feel very strange.

Lying on the ground for a while longer, after recovering a little energy, Mu Nuo stood up slowly, performed a simple cleaning technique on himself, and then slowly left the bookstore.

There are at least tens of thousands of books in the bookstore. With her current mental strength, it is simply not enough to sweep all the books in the book on such a large scale.

He had to leave the bookstore first and recharge his energy before he could come here to browse again. However, when Mu Nuo just left the bookstore, he saw Ouyang Qingmu waiting for Mu Nuo to appear in front of the door of the bookstore.

"Xiao Nuo, something happened to the general's mansion." Without saying anything, Ouyang Qingmu said to Mu Nuo concisely.

When Mu Nuo heard the words, his expression changed immediately, and then, without further ado, he left Beidi College immediately.

However, before he got close to the general's mansion, he was taken aside by an external force.

It was none other than Yu Chikyung.

"Follow me first, and I'll talk to you later." Yu Chikyung said to Mu Nuo very quickly.

Mu Nuo didn't suspect anything else, and Yu Chijing didn't tell Mu Nuo what happened these days until Yu Chijing's manor in the suburbs of Beijing.

The young master of the General's Mansion, Mu Yiqing's most valued grandson, and also Mu Nuo's elder brother, Mu Jin, had won a battle at the border three days ago, and the person who greeted Mu Jin should be promoted, but someone Informed the lord of the country, exposing Mu Jin's self-respect to the soldiers, and often uttered nonsense at the border, saying that Beiyun Kingdom would have ceased to exist without their Mu family. As long as their Mu family thinks, no one can be the leader of the country. .

Even, the whistleblower has already got the evidence, there is a private letter between Mu Jin and the general of the neighboring country, which says, this time, if Mu Jin is pretended to win this battle, the king will definitely pay more attention to Mu Jin, and the military power in his hand It will only get bigger, and when the time comes, Mu Jin will take this part of the soldiers and seek refuge in neighboring countries, cooperating internally and externally, and erasing Beiyun Kingdom from the territory of Shuigan.

As long as the matter is completed, Mu Jin will be given the right to [-] soldiers and horses, and will be given the title of Prince.

When the lord saw this informant letter, he immediately ordered the arrest of the general's mansion, and ordered people to go to the border to arrest Mu Jin, and Mu Nuo's arrest warrants were posted all over the streets.

All the top and bottom of the General's Mansion have now been imprisoned in the sky prison, while Mu Jin is at the border, bringing his own soldiers, and is still confronting the presence of the king.

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(End of this chapter)

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