The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 249: An Accident in the General’s Mansion 3

Chapter 249: An Accident in the General’s Mansion 3
"Your elder brother's place is indeed a problem. Now, your elder brother's personal soldiers are confronting the king's imperial forest army, which is not easy to deal with." Yu Chikyung said with a slight frown.

He didn't deploy too many manpower in Shuiganjing, and usually only a few cronies looked at the affairs of Shuiganjing. Now, if he wanted to rescue Mu Jin on the battlefield, he really couldn't find him for a while. Out of so many people.

"Would you like to go and do something big?" Mu Nuo said suddenly.

Hearing this, Yu Chikyo was surprised: "You don't think you're going to use your own strength to deal with the king's imperial army, do you?"

"Of course this is impossible. Could it be that Mu Jin's personal soldiers are being used as vases? What's more, don't you still have people?" Mu Nuo said confidently.

"It's a good idea." Yu Chikyung readily agreed.

A smile was drawn at the corner of Mu Nuo's mouth. Since he agreed, then he will wait for a big fight.

Mu Jin, the old matriarch, and even An Shi and Mu Ling were brought to the manor.

After setting it up properly, Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyong went to the border to kill.

With Yu Chikyung around, the speed of going to the border has greatly increased.

When we arrived at the border, it happened to be late at night, so it provided great convenience for Mu Nuo's actions.

However, the late night at the border is still "extraordinarily lively", and the colorful lights keep flashing.

The soldiers on both sides seemed to be tireless, and they did not stop their attacks for a moment.

Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung looked at each other, and did what they said.

The mysterious power in Yu Chikyung's body is like the dark power in her body, which will not manifest until a certain time or a certain place.

As long as that day passes, nothing will happen to Yu Chikyung when he uses his spiritual power.

"Let's see who kills more." Mu Nuo said with a confident smile.

The calm attitude, as if the discussion was not about killing people, but about picking cabbage, almost made the Imperial Forest Army on the side half dead with anger.

"Okay." Yuchi Kyung readily agreed.

Bright red and green rays of light bloomed on the battlefield in an instant.

Just about to give Yu Chikyung and Mu Nuo a look at the Yulin Army, before he stabbed the sword in his hand at the two people who came out of nowhere, he disappeared from this world.

Yi Qing and Yi Feng, who followed Yu Chijing and Mu Nuo, were not to be outdone, they used their spiritual power one after another, and with one move, several lives were lost.

After all, they are the master's cronies, and their status in Wei Yuntian can almost be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people, so they can't lose to a little girl, right?

Although, this little girl will be their queen.

Surrounded in the middle, Mu Jin was surprised when he saw a few strong lights suddenly rising not far away. The aura was very powerful, stronger than anyone he had ever seen.

Not even the presidents of Beidi College could possess such a powerful aura.

But, is this high-level person an enemy or a friend?

"General, that's the one who helped us!" Suddenly, an extremely happy voice sounded from the side.

Hearing this, Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she came to help them, she pulled up the little strength left in her body, and said loudly: "Boys, in order to go home, go!"

Now that someone has come to help them, they are no longer fighting alone, they still have the hope of returning home, they can't give up, they must not give up, they must fight on.

Absolutely not, for no reason, to bear the reputation of a traitor!

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(End of this chapter)

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