The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 252 Yu Chikyung's Past 2

Chapter 252 Yu Chikyung's Past 2
Hearing Mu Nuo's defense of him, the corners of Yuchikyung's mouth couldn't help but draw an arc.

"It seems that I missed a lot of things." Mu Jin said in a muffled voice.

"Jin'er, get up, Mr. Yuchi is right, even if this happened, there will be a next time, you don't have to blame yourself too much." Mu Yiqing said as he helped Mu Jin up.

"Thinking about it, everyone is already tired tonight, why don't you rest first, what's the matter, how about talking about it tomorrow?" Seeing the deep tiredness on the faces of Mu Yiqing and the old lady, Mu Nuo suggested.

Faced with Mu Nuo's proposal, Mu Yiqing and the old lady had never had any objections, and they agreed almost immediately.

After sending the Mu family members back to their rooms and settling down, Yuchi Kyung and Mu Nuo returned to the room.

"Next, what are your plans?" Yu Chikyung asked Mu Nuo, the person who should be saved has already been saved, and with Mu Nuo's temperament, he would never let anyone who dared to frame the General's Mansion be easily let go.

"He is not benevolent and I am not righteous. I will not let the General's House suffer this dumb loss for nothing." A cold light flashed in Mu Nuo's eyes.

Yu Chikyung guessed: "The general has been loyal to the royal family all his life, so he may not necessarily agree with your actions."

Hearing this, Mu Nuo suddenly fell silent, but she forgot about Mu Yiqing's temperament.

"You can't come in the open, and you can come in the dark. However, even if the facts are clarified to everyone, it may be difficult for the General's Mansion to continue to stand in the capital." Yuchi said quietly.

Mu Nuo slowly turned his head to look at Yu Chikyung: "Have you already made any plans?"

Yu Chikyung's lips could not help but slightly raised, and said: "Mu Mu is the one who knows me, I have indeed thought of a way out for the Mu family."


"Come back to Weiyuntian with me. In Weiyuntian, I will definitely be able to protect you well." Yu Chikyung said to Mu Nuo.

He has already thought about it, Wei Yuntian's affairs are endless, and if Wei Yuntian's affairs are all handled properly, it may not be possible until the year of the monkey, and frequent travel between Weiyuntian and Shuigan is definitely not a long-term solution.

Since the General's Mansion could no longer stay in the Shuigan Realm, he simply went to Wei Yuntian. He did not believe that under his protection, there were still people who dared to plot against him.

"I'm afraid you already had this idea a long time ago." Mu Nuo looked at Yu Chikyung with a scrutiny.

Yu Chikyung curled his lips, as if he had tacitly agreed to Mu Nuo's statement.

"They may not agree to this grandpa, I'll talk to them first tomorrow." Mu Nuo thought for a while and said to Yu Chikyung.

"If your grandpa doesn't agree to go to Weiyuntian, then don't you plan to leave?" Yu Chikyung suddenly felt anxious and asked Mu Nuo.

Hearing this, Mu Nuo looked straight at Yu Chikyung, and said to Yu Chikyung: "If it were the past, I would say 'yes'."

Hearing Mu Nuo's words, a touch of anticipation and joy surged into Yu Chikyung's heart immediately.

"Then what do you mean, even if your grandpa doesn't agree to go to Wei Yuntian, you will choose to go with me?" In the dim light, Yu Chikyung's eyes full of anticipation were extraordinarily bright.

"Yes." Mu Nuo admitted decisively.

Now that they have shown their hearts to each other, in Mu Nuo's view, there is no need to be so coy and reserved?She never seemed to have such a thing.

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(End of this chapter)

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