The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 255 Yu Chikyung's Past 5

Chapter 255 Yu Chikyung's Past 5
Not long ago, the Empress Dowager directly sent someone to assassinate Yu Chikyung. Yuchikyung had no heirs. As long as Yuchikyung died, the huge Jingshui God Realm would fall into her hands.

After hearing Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Nuo immediately fell silent.

Due to a coincidence, he was supposed to be Wei Yuntian's aloof crown prince from birth, but he came to Shuigan Realm and became the son of a country's courtiers for ten years.

This can be said to be unfortunate for Yu Chikyung.

However, it was obvious that Yu Chikyung liked the time spent with the prime minister in the past ten years, he liked it very much, and respected this father who had no blood relationship.

It is Yu Chikyung's luck to have a father who treats him so well.

"Since the prime minister knows that the woman he has always loved is in Wei Yuntian, why doesn't he go to find her? Since the former emperor has passed away, the two of them are still young." Mu Nuo asked doubtfully.

"Because father doesn't want to disturb my mother's life, and mother also doesn't want father to appear again. For father, the happiest days are, in the eyes of mother, a disgraceful existence." Said with a touch of disdain.

In his opinion, the queen mother does not deserve such wholehearted love from the prime minister.

"In the future, there will be me." Mu Nuo suddenly said while holding Yu Chikyung's hand.

Yuchikyung listened to Mu Nuo's words and looked at the expression in Mu Nuo's eyes, and was moved in his heart.

The expression in Mu Nuo's eyes showed no sympathy or pity, but more of a promise, a promise that she would never give up, that she would not be the second queen mother.

The next day, Mu Wei and the other four were waiting for the king's reward, but in the end, it was Yi Feng who was hiding a knife in his smile, and Yi Qing who had a cold and stern look on his face.

When they saw these two people, Mu Wei and the other four showed great fear on their faces.

Last time, it was these two people who threw them back to the General's Mansion like garbage.

And that time, Mu Yiqing cared about his family and let them go. This time, if they fall into Mu Yiqing's hands again, he might have no way out.

Mu Xin'er and Mu Feng stood up to resist, but, in front of Yi Qing and Yi Feng, the strength of these two people was not as good as that of a child playing house.

But after a few or two efforts, the four people's noses and faces were swollen, and they all fainted to death.

When he woke up again, he did not appear in the bright and spacious hall of the General's Mansion, but in a cold and damp dungeon.

In front of Mu Wei and the other four, it was not Mu Yiqing and the others, but Mu Nuo and Yu Chijing who were several times more terrifying than Yiqing and Yifeng.

"Where are my parents?" Mu Wei couldn't help but yelled loudly when he didn't see the person he expected. If it fell into the hands of Mu Yiqing and the old lady, they might still remember that trace of blood and forgive themselves. However, if it falls into the hands of these two people in front of them, even if they don't die, they will take off a layer of skin.

Especially Wei Shi, Wei Shi did not forget that the last time Mu Nuo gave her an order lightly and calmly, she had already been beaten by Yi Qing until her face was swollen like a pig's head, even after a month, her face I didn't see any swelling, and just touching it a little, or even pulling the corners of the mouth slightly, would feel extremely painful.

"Grandpa and grandma don't want to see you. Your life and death now fall into my hands." Mu Nuo said in a cold voice.


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(End of this chapter)

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