Chapter 261 Reckoning 2
", please... may I ask which venerable you are, I don't know... I don't know that you are here at the palace, but... what's the matter?" The king asked with a trembling voice.

"I'm Mu Nuo." Mu Nuo said coldly.

Hearing Mu Nuo's words, the vicissitudes of the king's face immediately turned pale.

Mu Nuo, Mu Nuo, how could he forget who it is, isn't it Mu Yiqing's granddaughter?
No, she is just a lost child of the General's Mansion, how could she have such high strength.

However, the pain from the ears made the king not dare to underestimate Mu Nuo's strength.

"It''s you..." the king said tremblingly.

As he said that, the king struggled to stand up, he could take down the General's Mansion in one go, and he didn't believe that he couldn't deal with this little girl.

However, with Mu Nuo's faint look in his eyes, the strength that the king had finally gathered disappeared in an instant, and he slumped on the throne again, and the pain in his ears became more and more clear.

" was the conspiracy of the General's Mansion...rebellion first...Gu...Gu is just..." The lord tried to regain his temper and speak, but after seeing Mu Nuo's cold eyes, the rest of the lord's words fell short. He couldn't even speak a word, and his head was so low that he didn't dare to look up at Mu Nuo's eyes.

"Where's the evidence?" Mu Nuo asked coldly.

"Proof... evidence, there is... some..." Before he finished speaking, the king himself was too guilty to say anything else.

Mu Nuo looked at the king coldly: "Are you sure that's evidence?"

The icy cold words and the icy aura emanating from the whole body are all breaking through the fragile psychological defense of the king.

"That... That's the evidence presented by the Prime Minister's Mansion, Gu...Gu is not good at listening, not to mention, this evidence..."

"Go on, I'm listening."

Mu Nuo's unhurried words, cold and murderous eyes, in the end, successfully destroyed the psychological defense of the king.

All the strength of the king's body was taken away at once, and he stumbled to the desk, his legs softened, and he knelt down in front of Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung.

"Yes... it's because I don't have enough tolerance, it's... it's because I'm worried that the prestige of the General's Mansion will be too great, it will threaten my throne, and I will overwhelm the Lord with great achievements. That's why I want to take down the General's Mansion. It's me. Greedy heart.

But... But now everyone in the General's Mansion is safe and sound, safe and sound, I... I promise, in the future, I will respect the General as my ancestor, and I will never dare to attack the General's Mansion again. I...I swear, as long long as I kill the Great General's Mansion again, I...I will die without a place to die. "

The king spoke repeatedly, speaking very fast, as if he was afraid that if he spoke slowly for a moment, he would lose the opportunity to speak from now on.

The self-proclaimed title, which symbolizes the lord of the country, was also replaced by the ordinary word "I" unconsciously.

After listening to what the lord said, Mu Nuo didn't reply immediately, but still looked at the lord with a cold face, and didn't quite believe what the lord said.

"Blood oath." Yu Chikyung said suddenly.

It's just a casual oath, it's nothing, even if you break it, nothing will happen, swearing is like eating Chinese cabbage.

However, in this world, there is a kind of oath, an oath made with heart and soul, and that is to invite God as a witness. Once you violate the oath, you will be severely punished by God, no matter who you are.


Happy National Day to everyone (* ̄3 ̄)╭

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(End of this chapter)

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