Chapter 263 Reckoning 4
Listening to Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Nuoruo pondered, and then said slowly: "I still want to believe in myself."

After Mu Nuo finished speaking, Yu Chikyung looked at Mu Nuo curiously.

Mu Nuo took out a small bottle of medicine from his bosom, apparently well prepared.

Without explaining, without saying much, Mu Nuo directly stuffed the elixir into the king's mouth with spiritual power.

The elixir melts in the mouth, and its effect is very obvious.

After the elixir was imported, a huge pain appeared on the face of the king, and the whole person hugged into a ball, rolling on the ground non-stop.

"This is the antidote." After watching the king struggling painfully on the ground for a while, Mu Nuo took out an antidote and threw it in front of the king.

After the lord heard the word "antidote", the pain in his body made the lord no time to think about the authenticity of the antidote. He picked up the antidote on the ground and immediately stuffed it into the innermost part.

The antidote given by Mu Nuo was not fake. After taking the antidote, the pain that had just tortured the king to death disappeared instantly.

"This is the antidote, but it's not a complete antidote." Mu Nuo said suddenly.

"You... what do you mean?" Looking at Mu Nuo, the king asked with fear on his face.

"If..." Mu Nuo spit out two words slowly, and then, a green light appeared on his hand, and the king, who finally recovered from the torture, fell into this painful torture again in an instant.

This time, Mu Nuo didn't intend to torture the king, the green light in his hand quickly disappeared, and with the disappearance of the green light, the pain on the king's body also disappeared.

Feeling the disappearance of the pain in the body, the lord of the country breathed a sigh of relief again, panting heavily, and using the four words "survival after catastrophe" is not an exaggeration at all.

"If you dare to take advantage of the loopholes, you will understand what will happen." Mu Nuo said slowly, with a slight chill in his indifferent eyes.

"I definitely won't, I won't." The king immediately shook his head and said, with deep fear on his face and in the depths of his eyes, and then he said repeatedly: "I'm going to let someone make a good one." The imperial decree declares the innocence of the General's Mansion."

The speed of the speech is so fast that it is almost doubtful that the king will be speechless in the next moment.

Hearing what the lord said, Mu Nuo felt very satisfied and nodded slightly.

Seeing Mu Nuo nodding, the lord almost scrambled towards the desk, not daring to be negligent in the slightest. However, when the lord got up and turned around to draft the imperial decree, he found that the horrifying figure in the hall The two breaths of suffocation suddenly disappeared.

The lord turned his head slowly, there were no two figures of Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung in the hall.

The lord looked at the empty and empty hall, and then recalled his embarrassment and cowardice just now, his face was full of bitterness, and he couldn't help cursing inwardly, is there a lord who is as useless as himself?

No matter how angry he was, even though Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung had already left, the king did not dare to fool him, endured the pain and exhaustion of body and mind, and drafted an imperial decree.

The two who left the palace had a very clear goal and went straight to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Looking at the plaque on the Prime Minister's Mansion, Mu Nuo knew that Yu Chikyung was going to bring her to meet her parents.

"Are you nervous?" Yuchi asked Mu Nuo when he came to the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Not nervous." Mu Nuo glanced at Yu Chikyung and replied calmly.

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(End of this chapter)

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