Chapter 273 What Are You 2
What's the matter with this woman, why is she not afraid of the queen mother at all, isn't she worried that the queen mother will not agree to let her become the queen of Jingshui God Realm?The only one who can satisfy the Queen Mother is her, Yu Qianxuan. Naturally, she is also the best candidate for the Queen Mother.

"Wait a minute, are you older than Yu Chikyung?" Mu Nuo asked suddenly.

Yuchikyung listened to Mu Nuo's words and understood Mu Nuo's meaning. His originally tense face was a little more smiling, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he nodded and said to Mu Nuo: "She is indeed three years older than me. age."

When the Empress Dowager was still in the Jade Immortal Sect, didn't she mean that she hadn't married yet, hadn't married into the Mirror Water God Realm yet?At that time, Yu Qianzhen was already born, but the Queen Mother was not yet married, which meant that Yu Chijing had not yet come to this world. In this way, isn't Yu Qianzhen's age just about to be older than Yuchijing? ?
"Hey, it turns out that Yuxianzong is older than our king."

"Isn't that just an old girl?"

"Haha, it seems that the queen has really hit the mark. She is really worried that she won't be able to get married."

"That's right, they are so old and have such a bad temper. Who would like such an old and ugly woman."

Listening to the discussions of the ministers in the conference hall, Yu Qianqian's face was full of anger.

For a woman, the most taboo thing is to be told that she is old and ugly. This is the biggest lethal weapon.

As for her, she is just a little bit older, but she is still young and beautiful. Not just those men.

As long as she is willing, she can wave at will, are you afraid that she will get married?

"Yes, I am three years older than the king, but so what? We are all cultivators. With our cultivation, it is not a problem to live for hundreds or even thousands of years. It's been a long time, but three years, what is it?" Yu Qianzhen said immediately, this time, Dafang admitted the fact that she was older than Yu Chikyung, because there was really no way to refute it.

It's just that Yu Qianzhen is also smart, and then said: "Naturally, if you are just an ordinary person, you will naturally regard the short three years as so important. After all, the lifespan of an ordinary person is only a mere few decades. , in the blink of an eye."

While belittling Mu Nuo, Yu Qianqian's words raised her status even more.

Yi Feng who was standing at the front almost couldn't help laughing when he heard Yu Qianjin's words.

How naive and ignorant it must be to be able to say such a thing, Mu Nuo's attack power is even stronger than Yi Qing's, his cultivation?I'm afraid ten Yuqian are not as good as one Mu Nuo.

Yi Feng casually glanced at all the officials, and found that the people from Jingshui God Realm were more intelligent.

Before entering the main hall, everyone could feel the aura that Mu Nuo exuded, and it was definitely not something that a cat or a dog could release.

Facing Yu Qianqin's words, Mu Nuo didn't reply, as if he had no intention of explaining.

However, the slender hand was slowly raised, and then, a green light suddenly lingered around Mu Nuo's palm.

Then the green light burst out suddenly, wrapping Yu Qianjin in it.

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(End of this chapter)

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