The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 278 Preparing for Engagement 3

Chapter 278 Preparing for Engagement 3
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, and the ministers will leave." As soon as Yi An finished speaking, he and Yi Feng saluted Yu Chikyong, and then quickly left the meeting hall.

Far away, you can vaguely hear Yi Feng asking Yi An: "Come on, come on, tell me quickly, what did you find..."

Looking at the two people who just left him behind like this, Yi Qing immediately had a black line on his face. After feeling Yu Chikyung's gaze, Yiqing bit the bullet and said to Yu Chikyung: "Since your lord, the queen has returned Palace, this subordinate will go to rearrange the defenses in the palace."

After finishing speaking, Yi Qing quickly disappeared from the two of them.

"Why did you drive them away?" Mu Nuo asked Yu Chikyung curiously.

Yu Chikyung sighed softly, and said in a helpless muffled voice: "You don't know much about the three of them. These three people have three big mouths. If they hear the whispers between the two of us, they may not be sure. , You will be able to hear the same, no, words after embellishment and embellishment from the mouths of the palace people in the palace."

When Mu Nuo heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched. As Yu Chikyung's confidantes, these three people were the core figures of Jingshui Shenyu, and each of them held extremely important positions.

No matter how you look at it, these three people don't seem to have the ability to gossip.

Afterwards, Yu Chikyung suddenly asked Mu Nuo: "Are you tired now, do you want to take a rest?"

"I'm not Jiao Didi's eldest lady." Mu Nuo said with a trace of helplessness across his face.

"Then I'll take you to meet someone first."

Mu Nuo was puzzled: "Is this person important?"

Yu Chikyung thought about it carefully, and finally said: " can also say that."

Seeing the complex expression on Yu Chikyung's face, Mu Nuo suddenly became interested in the person Yuchikyung was talking about, and tried to ask, "Is this person your friend?"

"Probably." Yu Chikyung pondered for a moment before saying to Mu Nuo.

Hearing what Yu Chikyung said, Mu Nuo was almost sure that the person Yuchikyung said must be a very good friend with Yuchikyung.

With Yu Chikyung's temperament, the better the relationship is, the more trust he has in the other party. Then, when Yu Chikyung mentions the other party, the expression on his face will be more relaxed, and he will show a look of disgust from time to time.

Just like Yu Chikyung and his three confidants.

There is no reason, Mu Nuo didn't think about the queen mother at all about the important person that Yuchikyung said.

However, just as Yu Chijing took Mu Nuo to leave the door of the meeting hall, Yi Feng, who had already left, suddenly appeared in front of Yu Chijing again, and told Yu Chijing, "Your Majesty, this subordinate knows that at this time I shouldn’t have disturbed you, but the news just came, I don’t know where the news was leaked to the queen mother, now the queen mother knows that you brought the queen back from Shuiganjing, and the queen mother is now in full swing.”

While speaking, Yi Feng could already feel the icy aura coming from Yu Chikyung's body.

"What does she have to do with me?" Yu Chikyung's face was filled with impatience, and he didn't want to pay any attention to the news about the Queen Mother.

Why?That's the Queen Mother of Jingshui God Realm, your old lady, Your Majesty, it has a lot to do with it!

Yi Feng took a few deep breaths, and said to Yu Chiyu: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for talking too much. With the Queen Mother's temperament, if you keep ignoring the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother will probably continue to make trouble like this. If it gets bigger, It’s not good after all, this matter, the subordinates think, it’s better to solve it first.”

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(End of this chapter)

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