The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 282 The Queen Mother 3

Chapter 282 The Queen Mother 3
Is there such a mother?For the sake of my own prosperity and wealth, I can cruelly abandon my five-year-old child!
Is there such a mother?In order to satisfy his superior vanity, he treats his child as a tool, day and night, and doesn't care about his child's health and feelings at all. He only thinks about how to let his son help him fight for the greatest rights and interests!

Is there such a mother?In order to satisfy his ambition, he dispatched killers many times to kill his child who was pregnant in October!
In the end, it turned into that if my son had a bad life, I would feel relieved!

Is there such a mother? !

"Do you dare? I am your biological mother. If you dare to kill me, you will be a mother-killer, and you will be punished by God!" The queen mother gritted her teeth and said, her eyes were full of determination, Yu Chikyo would not dare to do anything to herself!
"You have assassinated me so many times, I think that I have paid off all the debts of your ten-month pregnancy, and you still owe me a lot of lives." Yu Chijing said in a cold voice.

The Empress Dowager looked at Yu Chikyung with disbelief, she could naturally discern the truth in what Yuchikyung said, and Yuchikyung wasn't threatening her!It's true what he said.

However, after the empress dowager finally started to feel a little fear, Yu Chikyung said to the empress dowager again: "But don't worry, I will keep your life forever, unless father agrees not to let you stay in this world anymore. "

Later, Yu Chikyung added: "If you are not allowed to die, it does not mean that you can continue to interfere in my affairs. For the rest of your life, this is your final destination. You can no longer interfere in my affairs. Me and Mu It's not your turn to intervene in Mu's marriage."

Seeing the serious expression on Yu Chikyung's face, the Queen Mother panicked.

If she were to stay here for the rest of her life, unable to see anyone and interfere with anything outside, then what was the meaning of her life? !

She has worked so hard to plan for so many years, and finally her son successfully ascended to the throne and is the overlord of Wei Yuntian, but she is not blessed to enjoy this honor?

"From now on, please take care of yourself." Yu Chikyung said coldly, after saying this, Yuchikyung loosened the restraints on the Queen Mother, and then, holding Mu Nuo's hand, he left the Queen Mother's bedroom.

"No! You can't do this to me!" The queen mother yelled at Yu Chikyung's leaving back, but no matter how the queen mother yelled, Yuchikyung didn't seem to hear it.

From then on, Yu Chikyung regarded it as raising one more idler in the huge palace.

After leaving the Empress Dowager's bedroom, Mu Nuo didn't bring up this matter again, nor did he say any words of comfort, but asked Yu Chikyung in a soft voice: "Now, are you going to take me to find your good friend?" ?"

"Yeah." Together with Yu Chikyung, with a smile on his face, he nodded to Mu Nuo and said.

Mentioning this friend, it seemed that the unhappiness in the empress dowager's palace just now had passed away, and Yu Chikyung's face suddenly raised a hint of vigilance with a bit of a joke, and said to Mu Nuo: "Mu Mu, Let me tell you in advance, that person is not a gentleman like me, so if you see him later, no matter how he hooks up with you, you must keep a certain distance from him, and you must not Bewitched by him, let alone be taken advantage of by him."

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(End of this chapter)

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