The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 290 The Strange Molin 3

Chapter 290 The Strange Molin 3
With the phantom tiger's prudence, and the phantom tiger's natural enemy, the phantom tiger will not easily use this move.

Therefore, if the Phantom Tiger is to use this move, the Phantom Tiger must be severely injured first.

With one move, Mu Nuo directly used [-]% of his strength.

The power of wood, full of vitality, suppressed the phantom tiger's strength to a great extent.

Yi Qing showed no mercy towards the Phantom Winged Tiger, as soon as he made a move, it was a deadly move.

Dark-type monsters have extremely strong attack power and are easily violent. After the dark-type monsters go berserk, their attack power can be doubled at the highest level.

Mu Nuo calculated the strength accurately, calculated Yiqing plus her strength, if they use these two moves, it is probably enough to send the phantom winged tiger to the west.

this is not OK.

At the last moment, Mu Nuo held back a little bit of strength, and after the two forces hit the phantom tiger, the phantom tiger was dying, but still had breath, and hadn't died yet.

Seeing that the Phantom Winged Tiger couldn't die like this, Yi Qing couldn't help being surprised. With Mu Nuo's strong wood power, the damage to the Phantom Winged Tiger would be doubled, and Mu Nuo's strength was not weak in the first place. Even so, the Phantom Tiger couldn't be killed.

That move just now almost emptied the spiritual power of Yi Qing's body, and only in exchange for the serious injury of the Phantom Winged Tiger, now, in Molin again, the lost spiritual power in Yi Qing's body is difficult to recover.

Taking advantage of this moment, the Phantom Tiger activated its last move to save its life.

Seeing the Phantom Tiger's intentions, Mu Nuo naturally did not stop him, but quickly took out a bottle full of elixir that quickly restores spiritual power, and threw the elixir away to Yi Qing.

She couldn't let Yu Qing die here just because she was promoted and didn't want Yi Qing to see it.

Just as Yi Qing took the bottle of pill thrown by Mu Nuo, he felt a bright light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, after the strong light passed, Yi Qing disappeared from the spot.

At the moment when Yiqing disappeared, Mu Nuo was protected by the barrier set by Xuanhuang, not affected by the phantom winged tiger's monster power, and still stayed in place well.

The twelfth-level phantom winged tiger already had intelligence. When he saw that Mu Nuo was not affected by his demonic power, he was very surprised. At the same time, he couldn't help feeling a sense of fear in his heart.

The human being in front of me is not affected by his demon power, so the strength of this person...

However, his remaining strength is only enough to support him back to his cave. If the human being in front of him wants to kill him, he has no strength to fight back at all.

While the Phantom Tiger was thinking about how to escape, he suddenly noticed a powerful aura around him.

The source of the breath happened to be the human body in front of him, and there was a faint purple light flashing beside the human being. Afterwards, a round of human silhouette gradually became clear. Xuanhuang's awe.

That is the reverence for the strong, from the heart.

This breath is much stronger than the king monsters in the inner circle.

Xuanhuang said coldly: "We will not kill you, but we will borrow your cave."

After hearing Xuanhuang's words, the Phantom Tiger let out a low growl, then slowly stood up and walked towards its own cave.

Mu Nuo's promotion this time is fierce, it's not an ordinary promotion, and no one can say how long the promotion will take. If he advances directly on the spot, the danger will be many times greater. Mu Nuo needs a relatively quiet and safe environment.

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(End of this chapter)

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