The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 293 Recognizing the Lord 2

Chapter 293 Recognizing the Lord 2
Someone came to Mu Nuo's side, mobilized the dark power in his body, and helped Mu Nuo slowly channel the rampant dark power in his body.

It didn't take too long for someone to help Mu Nuo to counsel, but only half an hour.

Under the guidance of the visitor, Mu Nuo slowly opened his eyes, and the visitor said to Mu Nuo in a deep voice: "This subordinate can only wake you up, how to pass this level, you can only rely on your own strength." ability."

After finishing speaking, the visitor left Mu Nuo and came to the outside of the cave again.

"The dark power in Master's body was inspired by you." Xuanhuang looked at the person and said firmly.

The person who came smiled and said, "If it wasn't for this, Your Majesty might not be able to wake up at this time."

"You know that master will come to Molin, you know that master will advance in Molin." Xuanhuang continued.

"As expected of your lord, everything is exactly as your lord said." The visitor said with an indifferent smile on his face.

"You know, the master's soul has not been fused with this body for a long time. Today, if there is any small accident, the master may..." Before Xuanhuang could say anything, someone interrupted Xuanhuang. Huang's words, said to Xuanhuang:
"My lord, for so many years, I have been paying attention to the situation of the lord. I know her current situation better than anyone else. The current situation of the lord seems to be prosperous, and the power of wood is promoted very quickly, but , Your Majesty, don’t forget that as a lord, the power of pure wood is too strong, once it stays in the main body of the lord for too long, it will do all kinds of harm to the lord.”

"If the master can't make it through today..."

"Honorable Lord never disappoints people, and I will definitely not let His Holiness have any trouble." The visitor said with a touch of determination on his face.

"It's better as you said." Xuanhuang said coldly.

"I guarantee it with my life!" The visitor said firmly.

Mu Nuo didn't know how many times he passed out from the pain, or how many times he forced himself to wake up, and it kept going back and forth like this, and the time of passing out was shorter and shorter each time.

It wasn't until Mu Nuo transferred all the wood power in his body into the green crystal space, until the flesh and blood on his body was almost reshaped by the powerful dark force, that this promotion was considered complete.

At the moment when it was over, Mu Nuo let out a deep breath, finally ending this inhuman torture.

Or maybe it should be said that suffering is rewarding. Although I have been tortured to death these days, but now, I feel that there is endless power in my body, which I have never felt before.

When Mu Nuo walked to the outside of the cave, the four spirit beasts who had been guarding the entrance of the cave showed excitement on their faces.

Over the past few days, they have been worried all the time, for fear that Mu Nuo will not be able to hold on anytime soon.

As for the mysterious person who came earlier, he said a few days ago that Mu Nuo was about to complete his promotion and he was no longer needed here, so he left. Since that person left, they have been staring at Mu Nuo's position day and night, Waiting for Mu Nuo's promotion to complete.

"Congratulations, Master." Although Xuanhuang's face was still indifferent, those who were familiar with Xuanhuang still saw the surprise on Xuanhuang's face.

Although this hurdle is dangerous, as long as the master passes this hurdle, then the master will be a big step closer to returning!

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(End of this chapter)

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