The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 295 Recognizing the Lord 4

Chapter 295 Recognizing the Lord 4
Both of them revealed a powerful and mellow aura from ancient times.

If he could follow this human woman as his beast, it would be of great benefit to him.

He asked himself that his IQ was not low, and he was a smart beast, so he naturally knew that it would be better to follow a powerful master than spend his whole life in Mo Lin.

"Okay." Mu Nuo readily agreed, the average person can only contract a monster, that's because the mental power of the average person is not strong enough, but how strong her mental power has become, she herself can't tell, anyway , enough for her to contract monsters as she pleases.

Because the Phantom Tiger has already absorbed a lot of dark power released by Mu Nuoyi, therefore, the process of contracting is very easy.

Just a drop of Mu Nuo's blood is enough to make the Phantom Tiger one of her pets.

"How long did it take me to advance?" Mu Nuo asked Xuanhuang. She fell into a coma many times before and after she woke up. How long has passed.

"More than half a year has passed." Xuanhuang said truthfully.

When Mu Nuo heard this, his face darkened immediately, and he was about to leave the cave immediately.

She disappeared suddenly for more than half a year, could Yu Chikyung have been looking for her like crazy?
"Master, do you still need Jing Lingcao?" Xuanhuang asked Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo was stunned for a moment, but soon made a decision: "Go back to the palace first."

She wants to report to Yu Chikyung first.

"Huanyuan." Mu Nuo called softly.

Huanyuan, the new name of the phantom winged tiger.

The Phantom Tiger immediately squatted down and asked Mu Nuo to go up. Before setting off, the Phantom Tiger asked Mu Nuo suspiciously: "Master, don't humans dislike the existence of dark forces? If we go out like this , will it frighten people?"

"Are you stupid? When you go to the edge of Mo Lin, wouldn't you just hide?" Dahong immediately said contemptuously, "Master is not like you..."

However, before Da Hong could finish speaking, she stopped.

Now Mu Nuo's body no longer has the slightest breath of wood power, and it is full of dark power.

Shehua and Xuanhuang also had dignified faces.

Although Yi Mu Nuo's current strength is far higher than Wei Yuntian's, but if Mu Nuo appears in the human world with full of dark power, it may cause the entire human world to confront.

With Mu Nuo's strength alone, even with their strength, he still can't match up with the entire human world.

Mu Nuo, who was originally eager to return home, became quiet after sitting on Huan Yuan's back.

According to her understanding, whether it's people from Shuiganjing or Weiyuntian, people who practice the power of darkness will treat them like rats crossing the street.

If she appeared in front of Yu Chikyung, she believed that Yuchikyung would not mind, but Yuchikyung is not only Yuchikyung, he is also Tianjing, the king of Jingshui God Realm!

"Master, do you still want to go to the human world?" Huan Yuan tried to ask Mu Nuo.

Although Mo Lin is a part of Wei Yuntian, all the monsters in Mo Lin believe that Mo Lin does not belong to the human world, because there is no place where the dark power is so strong in the human world.

Mu Nuo pondered for a moment, then asked Xuanhuang: "Based on my current situation, can you temporarily hide the aura on my body?"

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(End of this chapter)

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