The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 297 Sending a letter to report safety 2

Chapter 297 Sending a letter to report safety 2
When Qin Mude was puzzled, Mu Nuo's voice came from mid-air, and its divergence was more like ethereal and nothingness.

"Shopkeeper Qin, due to some special circumstances, it's inconvenient for me to show my face right now, so I'd like to ask Shopkeeper Qin to come over and find a way to give that quick spar to the king of Jingshui God Realm." The words were very light. Cloudy.

"Miss Mu, what kind of danger are you in?" Qin Mude looked around worriedly, but he didn't know which direction to look, it was pitch black all around.

"I'm not in any danger, it's just that there are some special circumstances. I need to stay in Mo Lin for a while. I also ask Shopkeeper Qin to help me deliver the spar to the king." Mu Nuo said quietly.

Because Mo Lin's dark power is too abundant, as long as Mu Nuo does not appear in front of everyone, the strong dark aura lingering around Mu Nuo will not be noticed.

Qin Mude saw that Mu Nuo had no intention of explaining, and did not continue to ask, so he replied: "Please rest assured, girl, I will definitely deliver this spar to the king."

Hearing this, Mu Nuo was very satisfied, and then said: "This phantom winged tiger can safely send shopkeeper Qin away from Mo Lin."

"Thank you Miss Mu, but we are ashamed of our trust in Miss Mu. The place where the jingling grass grows is too dangerous, and it is difficult for our people to get close. After all, we failed to help Miss Mu get the jingling grass." Qin Mude took Said with a touch of apology.

"I'm really sorry for allowing Shopkeeper Qin to kill so many of his subordinates. I don't have anything to compensate for now. I only have some pills, which can be regarded as a gift of gratitude. When I leave Molin, I will definitely give you something better." " After finishing speaking, the small bottles containing rare medicines came from all directions.

Afterwards, Mu Nuo said another sentence: "Jing Lingcao, I will go to pick it myself, and shopkeeper Qin doesn't need to sacrifice his manpower for me."

"Miss Mu, this elixir is too precious...Miss Mu?" Qin Mude called several times into the air, but did not get any response from Mu Nuo.

Thinking about it, Mu Nuo should have already left here, Qin Mude sighed lightly, boldly, and said to the tall Huanyuan beside him: "Please take a seat."

Except for Mu Nuo, this is the first time that Huanyuan saw that there are human beings who are so kind to him. He slightly lowered his head, slowly approached Qin Mude, rubbed against Qin Mude's head twice, and then raised his head again. Get up, then squat down, indicating that Qin Mude and others can sit on his back.

It was the first time that everyone was treated like this by the dark monsters in Molin, and they were flattered for a while.

Under the leadership of Qin Mude, a group of people tremblingly came to Huanyuan's back, and then gently grabbed one of the hairs on Huanyuan's back, and before they could react, they suddenly felt that they were going to fly It's normal.

Although the Phantom Tiger is running on land, if you look carefully, you can clearly see that Huanyuan's limbs do not actually touch the ground, but are running in the air. The speed is so fast, but only a moment By the time they had a cup of tea, everyone had already arrived at the edge of Mo Lin.

When Huanyuan stopped, everyone's faces were pale.

Huanyuan's speed is too fast, they can't bear it.

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(End of this chapter)

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