The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 300 Black Crystal Dimension 1

Chapter 300 Black Crystal Dimension 1
"Huanyuan, have you found anything?" Mu Nuo asked Huanyuan.

She also sensed Dahong's feeling, and she also felt that something was wrong.

The sudden sense of power and majesty just now almost made her think that they had reached the center, but after taking a step forward, they returned to the previous feeling.

"No." Huanyuan shook his head lightly and said, he has been staying in Zhongwei for so many years, even though his strength has allowed him to enter the inner circle, he still likes to stay in Zhongwei. Cultivation is sleep and food, and that is only when the other party enters his domain, he will reluctantly move his steps and leave the cave.

Therefore, he doesn't know much about the inner circle than Mu Nuo and the others.

"Could this be a formation?" Mu Nuo suddenly guessed.

If it is a formation, it can be guessed, it may be that the Guardian Beast specially set up a formation to protect the Jinglingcao to deeply hide the place where the Jinglingcao is.

"It seems to have some truth." After Dahong finished speaking, she immediately left Shehua's embrace, and took root directly on the ground, using the connection between herself and the land to investigate the situation on this side.

Not long after, Da Hong excitedly said to Mu Nuo: "Master, there is something here."

This thing greatly hinders the growth of his roots, and it cannot be pierced easily.

The sharpness of the thorns on his flower branches is incomparable to ordinary thorns. The sharpness is even worse than that of a sword with shaved hair like mud.

Following Dahong's voice, Mu Nuo slowly squatted down, slowly reaching for the mysterious thing that Dahong had mentioned.

It looked like a crystal clear crystal ball.

Mu Nuo slowly put his hand on the crystal ball, and saw that the closer he was to the crystal ball, the harder it was for his hand to get close. The power lingering around the crystal ball was too powerful.

When Mu Nuo tried hard, trying to reopen the energy lingering around the crystal ball through the dark force, but found that this time, after the surrounding energy touched the dark force in her hand, it was all given to her hand. A way out, no further obstruction.

Even, not only was there no obstruction, but when he was about to touch the crystal ball, a gray-black light suddenly flashed around the crystal ball, and the light suddenly exploded, covering Mu Nuo in it.

After the light disappeared, there was no half-figure of Mu Nuo in the Mo Lin.

When Mu Nuo opened his eyes again, he saw that he was in a space shrouded in darkness.

Strange to say, there is obviously no light in this space, but for Mu Nuo, it does not affect her vision at all, and she can still see the surrounding situation clearly.

In the space, the surrounding area is empty.

Entering the space this time made Mu Nuo feel that there was a certain similarity with the last time she entered the space of Wood God, but, unlike the last time, all her pets could follow her in last time. Once, Dahong and Xiaobai were left outside, only Shehua and Xuanhuang were sucked in by this force.

This feeling made Mu Nuo feel very strange. Although it was also pitch black without any white light, Mu Nuo still subconsciously believed that the weirdness was in the front.

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(End of this chapter)

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