306 - She is dead 3
Proposals were put forward one by one and rejected one by one.

In this way, the ministers have been brainstorming from just dark to bright sky, but they still haven't thought of a reasonable plan that can get Yu Chikyung's approval.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Yi Qing." Yi An said softly to Yu Chi Kyung.

Hearing the words, Yu Chikyung's eyes flashed with light, and he stood up suddenly, looked at the ministers below, and said in a cold voice: "I will give you another day, if you can't think of a way, just Prepare me for battle at any time!"

Drop this sentence, drop a group of stunned officials.

One of the ministers grabbed Yi Feng who was about to leave, and tried to ask Yi Feng: "My lord, what did you mean just now, is it true that you plan to send troops to the Jade Immortal Sect?"

Yi Feng glanced at the minister indifferently, then scanned the expressions on the faces of all the ministers, and saw that all the ministers' eyes were on him at this moment, waiting for his answer.

"Your Majesty, when did you make a joke?" Yi Feng said lightly, turned around and left.

When the ministers heard this, the surprise on their faces suddenly became more serious. Afterwards, they all continued to brainstorm. Fortunately, everyone present, even civil servants, are not low in cultivation. Otherwise, if the brainstorming continues like this, it is estimated that Before he could come up with an idea, he was about to die suddenly.

Yu Chijing, who had just left the meeting hall, couldn't wait to ask Yi'an: "What news did you hear from Yiqing?"

Yi'an paused, and under the gaze of Yuchikyung's almost murderous gaze, Yi'an quickly and concisely said to Yuchikyung: "Your Majesty, Yiqing said that in the past half a month, the dark place in the Mo Lin The power is getting stronger and stronger."

"What do you want to say?" Yu Chikyung stared fiercely at Jun'an and asked.

Jun An swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said to Yu Chikyo bravely: "Madam cultivates the power of wood, with Madam's cultivation base, and with the current concentration of Mo Lin's dark power, the chance of Madam surviving is probably... ...insignificant..."

"You're talking nonsense!" After Yu Chikyung heard this, his footsteps that were heading towards the imperial study immediately changed direction.

That was clearly leaving the palace, clearly heading towards Mo Lin!

However, just after Yu Chikyung walked a few steps, a white figure rushed over and punched Yuchikyung in the face. How could Yuchikyung, who was so weak, be able to withstand the punch under Tianye's anger, suddenly Then fell aside.

Then, without waiting for Yu Chikyung to get up, Tian Ye stretched out his big hand, directly grabbed Yuchikyung's collar, and grabbed Yuchikyung up. The action was so rough that there was no tenderness at all.

"National Teacher!" Jun'an was naturally happy when he saw Tianye appearing, but he didn't expect that Tianye would give Yuchikyung a heavy punch as soon as he came, and it seemed that he didn't intend to stop, so he immediately hurried After calling out, that posture was as if he wanted to fight Tian Ye at any time.

Tianye grabbed Yu Chikyung by the collar, and shouted at Yuchikyung: "Instead of letting you go to Molin to die for nothing, I might as well just finish you here, so that at least you can guarantee that you won't die in another country! "

This is very serious.

"National teacher!" Yi An shouted again, and even mentioned the mode of preparing for battle, as if he would fight Tianye at any time.

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(End of this chapter)

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