The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 309: Crazy 1 Ordinary 2

Chapter 309
"I'll go and tell the national teacher, you should settle down the courtiers." Yi An said decisively.

Yi Feng nodded, this is the best way now.

Mu Nuo, who was in the inner circle of Mo Lin, couldn't count how many times he had been forcibly awakened from a coma.

Mu Nuo looked at the phantom floating in mid-air, and felt ashamed to cut him off.

Ever since he left the black crystal space, ever since he decided to merge the two spaces into one, Mu Nuo has been tortured to death.

The pain now is not lost at all to when the dark power advanced.

However, what made Mu Nuo even more broken was that after she was tortured to death so many times, An actually said that this was just the first step, and it was just an appetizer. When it is time, it is really fatal.

However, no matter how painful the process is, she still has to persevere. If she cannot fuse the dark power and wood power in her body, she will eventually die in the conflict between these two natural forces in her body. middle.

Moreover, if the two forces of nature cannot be fused for a day, then she will always be shrouded by the force of darkness, and she will never be able to stand by Yu Chikyung's side openly.

While Mu Nuo was suffering from the fusion of two conflicting spiritual powers, Dahong and Xiaobai also gradually completed their transformation under Shehua's spur and supervision.

In the center of the inner circle, as long as the dark aura still exists, no other monsters would dare to approach the center.

It's just that no monsters dare to approach, but it doesn't mean no one dares to approach.

From the outside, kill the monsters all the way, pass the middle circle, and come to the outside of the inner circle, just in time to find Yi Qing who is deeply scarred, but still tirelessly killing the monsters, who wants to break into the depths of the inner circle to find .

All of this only took Yu Chikyung five days. The blood on the clothes was constantly stained with fresh blood, layer by layer, and there was almost no time to dry.

The mysterious power that was finally suppressed by Tian Ye also started to make noise again because of the constant consumption of spiritual power in Yu Chikyong's body.

Looking at Yu Chikyung who suddenly appeared in Molin, although Yiqing was surprised, it was reasonable, and after reporting Molin's current situation to Yuchikyung, he followed Yuchikyung to go deeper into the inner circle place away.

Soon, Yiqing discovered something was wrong. Although Yu Chikyung's strength was still as strong as before, the consumption of Yuchikyung's spiritual power was much faster than before. Moreover, the use of Yuchikyung's spiritual power , is obviously suppressed partly, so even if you want to use your full strength, you need to spend more energy.

Yu Chikyung didn't seem to notice it, the spiritual power in his body was overdrawn, so he immediately grabbed a pill to restore spiritual power and stuffed it into his mouth, and then immediately continued to march towards the center of the inner circle.

Yi Qing understood why the blood stains on Yu Chikyung's clothes could not be dried all the time. Yuchikyung's eyes were very firm, he looked for a direction, and rushed forward. Kill and clear the road, and then don't take half a break, as if you don't know how tired you are, and continue to move forward in the same direction.

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(End of this chapter)

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