Chapter 316 You Damn You 1
"Your Majesty, we just ordered people to invite the imperial physician quietly, not many people know that Your Majesty is injured." Yi An said with a frown.

He can understand that Yu Chikyung refuses to invite the imperial physician, the reason is to prevent the news of Yuchikyung's injury from spreading, so that the morale of the army will not be disturbed, and the people of Yuxianzong will not be proud, making them think that they are treacherous schemes Has succeeded.

However, given Yu Chikyung's current situation, the imperial physician could not ask for it blatantly, but he had to. If there was any further delay, Yuchikyung's life might be lost.

"I said no need." Yu Chikyung said without much explanation.

"Yes." Although Jun'an was full of doubts, in the end, he could only follow Yu Chikyong's wishes, and withdrew the staff who went to invite the imperial physician.

"Is there any news from the palace?" Yu Chikyung asked Jun'an with a pale face.

Hearing this, Jun'an's heart sank, in the end, he still truthfully replied to Yu Chikyung: "No."

When Yu Chikyung heard what Jun'an said, the cold expression on his face did not change, but the clenched five fingers tightened even more tightly, and he said to Jun'an: "You guys go out first."

"Your Majesty?" Jun'an called out worriedly, and with Yu Chikyung's current situation, it seemed that he might fall down at any time.

"Get out." Yuchi Kyung shouted coldly.

In the end, Jun'an and the others could only agree, retreat outside the camp, guard Yu Chikyung's tent carefully, and not allow the opponent's people to take advantage of the slightest chance.

Yu Chikyung in the camp tried to force out the strange, highly corrosive power from his body.

It's not because of his ability to not invite the imperial physician, but because he knows his own physical condition, even if he invites the imperial physician, it will not help, and he will scare the snake.

After many attempts, it ended with Yu Chikyung spurting a mouthful of blood and passing out.

"Mu...Mu..." Yu Chikyung murmured before losing his final consciousness.

In Jade Immortal Sect...

"Senior, didn't you say that this time you will definitely be able to make Yuchi Kyung's soul fly away? Why does Jingshui Shenyu seem to have nothing wrong?" The head of the Yuxian Sect looked at the masked man in Tsing Yi, and said with dissatisfaction on his face .

He put in so much effort, and dispatched so many experts to assist him. In the end, not only was no one able to come back alive, even the Jingshui Shenyu had nothing to do with it!

This is really too bad, and too exasperating.

"Are you questioning my ability?" The masked man in green clothes asked slowly, although the speed of his speech was slow, the words were full of majesty.

The head of the Jade Immortal Sect bowed his hands to the masked man in blue, and said, "I don't mean that, I'm just worried about whether there are some kind of masters hiding in Jingshui God Realm to help."

"Besides us, there is no other expert who can help Jingshui Shenyu. If Jingshui Shenyu has an expert to help, does he need to come to the battlefield in person?" The masked man in Tsing Yi said with a hint of disdain. , the eyes that looked at the suzerain of Yuxianzong seemed to be looking at an idiot without IQ.

Such contemptuous eyes are naturally very angry to the proud and arrogant suzerain of Yuxianzong, but when thinking of the other party's strength, when thinking that Yuxianzong still has to rely on the other party's strength, even if there is no doubt in his heart Too much suffocation, in the end, I can only swallow it all in my stomach.

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(End of this chapter)

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