Chapter 319 You Damn You 4
It's just that the male and female roles of "Heroes Save the Beauty" are reversed.

"You go and prepare some food first. After Yu Chikyung wakes up, he needs to replenish his body." Mu Nuo looked at Yuchikyung whose cheeks were already thin, and told Jun'an with a touch of distress in his heart. Said.

"What does the empress mean, the king can wake up?" Yi An asked happily.

Hearing the words, Mu Nuo immediately turned his head and glared at Jun'an, his tone couldn't help but be a little bit heavier, and said to Jun'an: "Of course Yu Chikyo can wake up, if he dares not to wake me up, he will be guaranteed to go to hell." Next, I will also arrest him!"

Hearing Mu Nuoji's words, Yi'an couldn't help but raise a big smile, and said again and again: "This subordinate is going to prepare food for the king."

Before Yi'an left, Mu Nuo ordered again: "Also, within half an hour, no one is allowed to come in to me."

"Yes." After Yi'an replied respectfully, he immediately went to issue Mu Nuo's order.

In the quiet tent again, Mu Nuo looked at the scars all over his body, his face was really haggard, and he explained Yuchikyung's exhaustion, and his heart was pulled together.

After feeding Yu Chikyung a few temporarily prepared pills, Mu Nuo set up an enchantment around the camp, and then called out the power of darkness and the power of wood that had been completely fused together.

Now, the biggest influence on Yu Chikyung's body is the impure dark power stored in Yuchikyung's body, as long as all the dark power in his body is pumped out, and then use the power of wood to help Yuchikyung take good care of himself , relying on Yu Chikyung's own strength, next, he will be able to heal himself.

Dark green spiritual light lingers around Yu Chikyung, and with the infiltration of dark green spiritual power, wisps of faint black light gradually escape from Yuchikyung's body.

These are exactly the dark breaths used to erode Yu Chikyung's health.

After completely expelling the dark breath from Yu Chikyung's body, Mu Nuo converted the spiritual power into the power of wood, and then helped Yuchikyung slowly recover his body functions that had been eroded by the dark force.

There is no more time, no less time, exactly half an hour.

After taking back the spiritual power, Mu Nuo took back the barriers around the tent as well.

"Your Majesty, the porridge is ready." According to the time mentioned earlier, Yi An stood at the door of the tent and said to Mu Nuo.

"Bring it in." Mu Nuo said lightly.

According to the order, Yi An brought in the prepared porridge and pastries.

For the food, Yi Anan has prepared double portions.

After seeing Yu Chikyung's ruddy complexion, Jun An's face suddenly had a look of joy, and after putting down the food, Jun An asked in a trembling voice: "Dare to ask the queen, is the king's current situation over?" Are you cured?"

"It can't be said that he was healed, his body has never been healed." Mu Nuo said lightly, with a touch of helplessness in his tone, and even an indescribable distress.

Since the first time I saw Yu Chikyung, the strange power in his body has been affecting his health, and until now, he has not been able to help him dissolve the strange power, or transform it It is a force that is beneficial to Yu Chikyung.

When Yi An heard the words, the joy on his face suddenly weakened a bit.

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(End of this chapter)

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