The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 337 Lianwei Qingshan 2

Chapter 337 Lianwei Qingshan 2
After carefully comparing the map of the Jade Immortal Sect, Jun'an discovered that the three cities that Yu Chikyong took were the most prosperous and core three cities of the Jade Immortal Sect other than the Zongcheng.

"Your Majesty, you won't just leave after you got the city, right?" Yi'an tried to ask.

It would be easy to replace the city lord, but if Xiang wanted to keep the city in his hands forever, it would not be as simple as killing a city lord.

Yu Chikyung glanced at Jun An indifferently, and Jun An immediately fell silent.

You don't even need to think about such a mindless thing, how could Yu Chikyung be so stupid.

Yi'an immediately shifted the topic to Mu Nuo, everyone has already shown their achievements, now it's up to Mu Nuo.

"One." A faint smile appeared on Mu Nuo's face.

Hearing Mu Nuo's words, Yi An's face was even more surprised. To be honest, among so many people, inexplicably, he just felt that Mu Nuo's grades should be the best.

However, this one may not be justified.

"A Lianwei green mountain." Under Jun'an's extreme surprise, Mu Nuo said slowly.

As Mu Nuo's voice fell, the scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Yi An silently glanced at the land deeds of shops on the table or the contracts of various cities, and then slowly raised his head to take a look.

Lianwei Qingshan is the greatest wealth of Jade Immortal Sect. The reason why Jade Immortal Sect was able to stand on its own and gradually become one of the three sects in the chaotic world was because of this Lianwei Qingshan.

Lianwei Qingshan is also the biggest trump card of the Jade Immortal Sect. This mountain range stretches for several miles and spans all the territory of the Jade Immortal Sect. There are many rare ores hidden in it. What's more, on this mountain range, various kinds of Various rare herbs.

Ninety-ninety percent of the herbal medicines that the major medicine stores in Jingshui Shenyu purchased from Yuxianzong came from this Lianwei Green Mountain.

As long as Lian Wei Qingshan can be obtained, what do these shops need?The root of their herbal ore has been held in their hands. The life and death of these shops, isn't that a matter of their words?
"Your queen is amazing, and my subordinates admire you." Yi An suddenly stood up, cupped his hands at Mu Nuo and said.

For Yi'an's praise, Mu Nuo directly accepted it.

This seems to be just a day's work, but before that, how long everyone has prepared for the results at hand is another matter.

As for how to get Lian Wei Qingshan into his hands, Mu Nuo didn't choose to say it.

This time, he was able to get Lian Wei Qingshan so smoothly, and the help of the dark force was not small.

Mu Nuo didn't forget that just an hour ago, she almost killed Lian Weiqingshan.

The thrill of that scene was even more dangerous than facing those monsters of the dark department in the dark space.

Relying on his speed, Mu Nuo searched around Lianwei Qingshan for several days. In the early morning of this morning, he finally managed to find the core of Lianwei Qingshan.

Mu Nuo seemed to be born to be the nemesis of formations, as long as the formations were a little weaker by two points, in Mu Nuo's eyes, it was like a fake, and the weird strength could directly tear the formations into pieces.

With a pair of bright and clear eyes, you can easily see the formation in front of you with a simple sweep.

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(End of this chapter)

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