The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 339 Lianwei Qingshan 4

Chapter 339 Lianwei Qingshan 4
After obtaining Lianwei Qingshan, the four of them, relying on Lianwei Qingshan, increased the speed of taking down those key forces of the Jade Immortal Sect many times.

Under the arrangement of Yi'an and Yiqing, a large amount of resources were shipped out from the Jade Immortal Sect and handed over to the major forces in the Jingshui God Realm. What Yu Chikyung meant was to secretly help some people who were implicated in this incident.

The surface of the Jingshui God Realm can be chaotic, that's for the real murderer behind the scenes to see, but inside, it can't be messed up at all. If it's just for a small Jade Immortal Sect, the Jingshui God Realm will fall into chaos , that is the thing that is not worth the candle.

"How is the search for Yuxian Zongzong City going?" Yu Chikyung asked Jun'an at dusk of another day.

"Through the questioning of the people who had just fled from the palace of Yuxianzongzong, all the things that Yuxianzong did to Jingshui God Realm were all supported by a force behind it. The major merchants of Yuxianzong dared to compete with Jingshui The breaking of the contract by Shenyu's business firm is also the confidence given to them by this force." Yi'an told Yu Chikyung one by one about the situation he had investigated.

"Did the forces behind that find any clues?" Yu Chikyung asked again.

There is strength behind the Jade Immortal Sect, which Yu Chikyung had already guessed early on. Now, what he wants to know is what is this force?
Being able to control the Jade Immortal Sect, one of the three sects, like a pawn, the strength of this faction should not be underestimated.

"There is not much information about this force, but according to the people of Jade Immortal Sect, this force seems to be very familiar with Wei Yuntian. Whether it is the Three Sects or the Jingshui God Realm, some of them only exist in the classics. The fact that that force is very clear." Yi An said again.

Hearing Jun'an's words, Yu Chikyung immediately fell into deep thought. If he knew the three sects and Jingshui Shenyu very well, he would not be surprised at all. I have made enough preparations, but if I know the past very well, and can use these old things to make a big article, there is something intriguing.

"What's the current situation of Jade Immortal Sect?" Yu Chikyong asked Jun'an again.

"The Jade Immortal Sect has already taken down any capable forces." When mentioning this matter, Yi An couldn't help but feel a little more excited in his words.

God knows, it took less than seven days from the time they started to act to the current situation, and the most important thing was to successfully get Lian Wei Qingshan into his hands.

"In that case, it's time to go back." Yu Chikyung said with a slight coldness in his voice.

In the days when they were not in the Jingshui God Realm, the Jade Immortal Sect and the forces behind it brought about the mess, they should also take care of it and clean it up.

"Your subordinate, go get ready right away." Jun An bowed to Yu Chikyung, and then said.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to leave so soon." Just as Yi An finished speaking, Mu Nuo, who had just returned from the outside, said.

Both Yu Chikyung and Jun An looked at Mu Nuo with puzzled faces, waiting for Mu Nuo's next words.

"We underestimated Lian Wei Qingshan." Mu Nuo said in a deep voice.

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(End of this chapter)

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