The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 352 The Hidden Sect 1

Chapter 352 The Hidden Sect 1
Except for the ministers who took refuge in the queen mother's camp who hung their hearts high, even the ministers who chose to stand in Yifeng's camp couldn't help but hang their hearts.

They never imagined that Yi Feng's acceptance of bribes was just a pit set by the king for them. In the end, for the sake of that little profit, he jumped down into the hole dug by the king. Now, if he jumped down, he couldn't get up. I'm afraid that when the king will bury them directly.

An edict from Yuchikyung made all the ministers, who had been in panic all day long, completely raise their worried hearts to their throats.

All the ministers who had bribed or violated the laws and regulations of the court, as well as the ministers who chose to stand in the queen mother's camp, were all directly put into prison.

Due to Yu Chijing's strong strength, and the power held by the ministers who are still safe and sound in the court, no one just said anything, and they all stayed in the prison obediently, and they didn't use their interpersonal relationships. , Those who asked people to speak for them in Yuchikyung were all afraid.

In this big change of blood, Yu Chikyung was not worried about any problems in the operation of the imperial court at all. He had already anticipated this situation and made arrangements for manpower early.

It's just that it's really infuriating to see that so many people dare to take advantage of his absence to do some corrupt and illegal things.

Officials closed in batches, and various investigations were proceeding in an orderly and rapid manner.

In the process of investigating officials, the restoration of economic management in various places is going on at the same time.

Even though many officials fell overnight and were arrested, it did not have much impact on the daily life of the common people, and the common people whose lives had been restored to stability, loved Yu Chikyung a little more.

This is their king, as long as their king makes a move, then nothing can stop their king.

There was peace and harmony in the room, but the atmosphere in the conference hall had never been high, and had always been in a depression that was almost hard to breathe.

Yu Chikyung looked at a piece of data in his hand, his face was so dark that ink dripped out.

"I underestimated you." Yu Chikyung gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

He has always known that the imperial court has always had secret operations from various forces, and he did not start with these secret operations before. That is because, sometimes, if the secret operations are used properly, they can also be their help.

However, the number was far beyond his imagination.

Such a big change of blood this time is definitely not only to severely grasp the ethos of the court, but also to catch the blood-sucking insects hidden in it.

"Your Majesty, according to the investigation, most of the secret works are from a mysterious force, and the rest are from the three sects. Among them, the Jade Immortal Sect sent the most secret works." Yi'an replied to Yu Chiyu Said.

After hearing this, Yu Chikyo raised his head slowly, looked at Jun'an with cold eyes and asked, "Is there no clue about this force until now?"

He has always felt that there are a pair of big hands manipulating behind these recent incidents, but they have no idea who is manipulating them, whether it is from the Jade Immortal Sect or from the secret of the court, It is impossible to get the specific information of the force behind it.

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(End of this chapter)

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