The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 362 Get out of Hanyu City 3

Chapter 362 Get out of Hanyu City 3
When Mu Nuo and Yi Feng came to the city lord's mansion, the city lord of Hanyu came out of the study with a pale face because of the powerful spiritual power just now, and wanted to take a good look at what happened, but As soon as he came outside the study, he saw two big Buddhas, Mu Nuo and Yi Feng.

", who are you?" The city lord of Hanyu looked at the two and asked with a trembling voice.

At this time, Mu Nuo didn't hide his aura well, or in other words, he just wanted to let the city lord of Hanyu City feel the aura of Mu Nuo, and he understood that just now the powerful spiritual power enveloped him. It came from the fragile little girl in front of me.

"City Lord, you're welcome, just sit down and treat this place as your own home." Yi Feng took a step forward and brought the City Lord, who was still in great surprise, back into the study.

However, when the lord of Hanyu City returned to the study, Mu Nuo had entered the study at some point and sat on the main seat.

" can you sit in that seat, this is my seat!" The city lord of Hanyu City pointed at Mu Nuo when he saw that Mu Nuo was sitting directly in his seat.

As soon as the words of the city lord of Hanlu city finished, Yi Feng pushed the city lord of Hanlu city into a guest seat beside him, and said: "This seat looks quite comfortable, you can just sit here now."

The strength in the words does not allow the city lord of Hanyu City to say a word.

Afterwards, before the city owner of Hanyu City could react, Yi Feng sat down on another chair, and said to the city owner of Hanou City with a bit of force: "Your Excellency, there is actually no big deal for us to come today. There is only one small thing, as long as you agree, then we will immediately disappear from your sight."

The city lord of Hanyu City, who had almost lost all thinking ability, subconsciously followed Yi Feng's words and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Take your people and get out of Hanyu City." Yi Feng still had a smile on his face, but his words were full of impoliteness.

Hearing Yi Feng's words, the city lord of Hanyu City was so angry that his beard would blow off: "You...what are you talking about? You actually want the city lord to get out of Hanlou City? Really... really presumptuous!"

What kind of thing is this, two people came suddenly and asked him to get out of Hanyu City?He is a veritable lord of the Hancheng City!He is not only the city lord of Hanyu City, but also has a backer behind him!

"You... do you know who is behind me?" the city lord of Hanyu asked tremblingly.

Yi Feng had a look of disdain upon hearing this, "Isn't it Ge Tianzong."

Hearing Yi Feng's words and looking at Yi Feng's indifferent face, the city lord of Hanyu couldn't help but feel a little more surprised. What is the origin of this person in front of him? How come he is not afraid at all when he hears the name of Ge Tianzong ?
Could it be that he is from the other two sects, or...

He is from Mirror Water God Realm? !
Such a conjecture appeared in his mind, and the city lord of Hanyu immediately panicked.

If this is really someone from Jingshui God Realm, then he... Even if Ge Tianzong is standing behind him, it won't help.

No, how could the other party be someone from Mirror Water God Realm?What an important city is Hanlu City, even if Jingshui God Realm wants to take back Hanlu City, it will definitely not just send two people here at will, and it will not only send two people who are not famous at all. people come.

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(End of this chapter)

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