The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 372 The Heart Is Bleeding 1

Chapter 372 The Heart Is Bleeding 1
This is also one of the reasons why Ge Tianzong has always been unwilling to bow his head to the Jingshui God Realm.

After seeing him today, he realized that it was he who had underestimated the strength of Jingshui God Realm. This petite person in front of him could kill all his personal servants without any effort.

This strength cannot be described as strong at all, it is clearly so strong that it is abnormal!

Mu Nuo turned around slowly, slowly raised his eyes to look at Sect Master Ge Tianzong, and asked unhurriedly: "Sect Master Ge Tianzong, may we talk now?"

As soon as the words fell, the suzerain Ge Tianzong slumped on the chair all of a sudden.

talk?How else can we talk?
With his current appearance, it is estimated that all the masters of Ge Tianzong will be called here, and they may not necessarily be the two perverted opponents in front of him. How else can he fight?Not to mention, it is impossible to summon all the masters of Ge Tianzong at once.

As for talking?discuss?

To put it bluntly, it's a talk and a discussion, but with the current situation, no matter what the other party says, he can only agree, and there is no room for rejection at all.

The suzerain of Ge Tianzong tried to stand up slowly with a mournful face. He was sitting on the tip of a needle, and the two perverts below were still standing. He...he didn't dare to sit any longer, for fear that he would accidentally annoy these two perverts!
However, because of the great fright in his heart, the Sect Master Ge Tianzong just stood up, his legs softened, and then he collapsed on the high seat again.

"Sect Master, you can continue to sit, we don't care about this bit of etiquette." Yi Feng smiled lightly and said heartily.

The suzerain of Ge Tianzong is in a high position, able to look down on Yifeng and Mu Nuo from a high position, but now, the suzerain of Ge Tianzong feels very sadly, although in terms of geographical location, he is at a high place, but apart from the geographical location, he is more like It is crawling at the feet of these two perverts.

Under Mu Nuo's signal, Yi Feng took out all the contracts that had been prepared, and sent the contracts directly to Sect Master Ge Tianzong with spiritual power, with that brilliant smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth, he said: "Sect Master Ge Tianzong, this It is a treaty drawn up by me in Jingshui Divine Realm. Please have a look at it. If the suzerain thinks there is nothing wrong with it, then you only need to sign the suzerain's name and stamp it with your seal, and finally send someone to hand it over to the people in Jingshui Divine Realm. Then , and everything is in order.”

It sounds easy, but it's like cutting the heart of Ge Tianzong's suzerain and taking his heart and soul.

Looking at the stack of contracts in his hand, a contract represents a city. Although these cities did not abolish a lot of his troops, they also spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources for this. And the Jingshui God Realm will take back all the cities that were so hard to occupy.

His heart is bleeding.

Yi Feng looked at Sect Master Ge Tianzong's face of dead parents, and said to Sect Master Ge Tianzong angrily: "Sect Master, you don't have to be so sad, you let people who don't know think that we are bullying the little by the big , you might as well take a closer look at the treaty on the contract before talking."

Hearing Yi Feng's words, the Sect Master Ge Tianzong almost jumped up and directly scolded Yi Feng for being shameless.

Could it be that they are bullying him, Ge Tianzong, by virtue of their perverted strength?
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(End of this chapter)

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