The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 381 Collecting 37 Cities 2

Chapter 381 Collecting 37 Cities 2
No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like Ge Tianzong's patriarch's behavior.

Wouldn't it be more difficult than killing the Sect Master Ge Tianzong to make the Sect Master Ge Tianzong, who was like a miser, return all the cities he had finally seized to the Jingshui God Realm?

"The relationship between Ge Tianzong and Jingshui Shenyu seems to be much better recently." The man replied.

After hearing the man's reply, the blue-robed venerable fell into deep thought.

Is Ge Tianzong on good terms with Jingshui Shenyu?What are you kidding?
There is only one possibility for the suzerain Ge Tianzong to return so many cities to Jingshui God Realm willingly, and that is that Jingshui God Realm gave Ge Tianzong something of higher value than those cities, otherwise, Ge Tianzong would never give it away easily. Hand over the city.

However, this is not justified. With Yu Chikyung's temperament, if Ge Tianzong does not cooperate, the first measure Yu Chikyung will take is definitely to gather a large army, just like attacking Yuxianzong, and directly beat Ge Tianzong to the ground, instead of humiliating. , to give Ge Tianzong a lot of compensation.

This is not the style of Mirror Water God Realm.

However, if it is neither, why would Ge Tianzong listen to Jingshui Shenyu?

"My lord, father, I have already inquired about the reason for Ge Tianzong's sudden abnormality." A high-pitched voice came from the door.

The person who came was Han Bingling, the son of the current city lord of Hanfeng City.

"Say it quickly." The city lord of Hanfeng City said hastily.

Han Bingling hurriedly bowed to the City Lord of Hanfeng City and the Venerable Blue Robe, and then reported one by one: "According to the investigation of the spies, one of the two people who went to Ge Tianzong this time is the confidant of the king of the Jingshui God Realm. , Yi Feng, and the queen who only appeared in the Jingshui God Realm some time ago.

It was the two of them who went to Hanyu City first, and then cleaned up all the people in the Mansion of the Lord of Hanyu City, forcing the Lord of Hanyu City to take them to the suzerain of Ge Tianzong, and then promised many things to the suzerain of Ge Tianzong. The good thing is that the suzerain Ge Tianzong agreed to return all the cities to the Jingshui God Realm. "

Hearing Han Bingling's words, the City Lord of Hanfeng City couldn't help but look surprised: "You said, there were only those two people in the whole process, didn't there be any other helpers?"

"No, it's really only the two of them." Han Bingling shook his head and said.

Han Bingling's words made the City Lord of Hanfeng City fall into deep thought.

How strong does Yi Feng have to be to be able to take a weak woman with such confidence to go to so many cities alone?

Isn't this Yi Feng worried that if something goes wrong, they will let the queen of Jingshui God Realm die somewhere else?

In the eyes of the city lord of Hanfeng City, although Mu Nuogui is the queen, she must be a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. Yi Feng bringing such a delicate woman will only make himself more vulnerable. hands and feet.

"What do you mean, those ten cities were also written by these two people?" the blue-robed venerable asked with a frown.

"However, this is different from the method used when facing Ge Tianzong." Although Han Bingling also felt that it was Yi Feng and Mu Nuo who had collected the ten cities without any effort.

However, at the same time, he also felt very puzzled. Yi Feng and Mu Nuo directly picked the city of Hanyu at that time, in order to alarm the suzerain of Ge Tianzong. Then, the other cities don't need to spend any more effort.

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(End of this chapter)

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